Friday, May 8, 2015

United States security is affected by current attempts to destabilize Poland. I.C. Pogonowski

May 14, 2001
Madam Condaleza Rice
Special Assistant to the President Blacksburg, for National Security
The White House
Washington D.C.
Fax (202) 456 2883

United States security is affected by current attempts to destabilize Poland.
Dear Madam:
During the coming June visit by President Bush to Poland a demonstration is planned to bring world attention to the matter of restitution the Jewish properties in Poland.
Of course, any person should have equal rights to recover personally his or her inheritance in Poland. However, in the war ravaged Poland, where more Christians were killed than Jews, there is no justification for foreign legal bodies like the World Jewish Congress to inherit the properties of Polish nationals of Jewish background, who do not have living heirs.
Already on April 19, 1996 the Reuters Agency reported that the real estate tycoon Rabbi Israel Singer, General Secretary of the World Jewish Congress stated that "More than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We never going o allow this. (...) They're gonna hear us until Poland freezes over again". If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be "publicly attacked and humiliated" in the international forum.
By now, a number of class-action suits against Poland was filed in American courts which have no jurisdiction over Poland. After Germany and Switzerland now Poland is the current target for a shakedown.
It could become a serious threat to Poland's stability if these lawsuits were backed by the United States Government especially if the World Jewish Congress or any other Jewish organization could force the succession rights to all Jewish properties not reclaimed by individual Jews survivors and heirs.
This would result in a control over the largest single conglomeration of Polish assets by a foreign body and would lead to a political and economic de-stabilization of Poland.
Moreover, this could well also open up endless German claims for property lost in Poland as a result of the international postwar settlements ordered by the Allies. The very threat of a gigantic shakedown complicates Poland's chances of admission to the European Union and Poland's value as a member of NATO.
I include information about the current hate Poland campaign which resulted in an apology- mania. In it people who did not commit a crime of sixty years ago apologize to people who never were at the crime site.
I am a disabled survivor of sixty four months of Nazi prisons and concentration camps. I hope that this letter will be useful in the preparation of the visit to Poland by President Bush.
I.C. Pogonowski, author, among others, of "Poland, An Illustrated History", Hippocrene Books Inc.,NewYork,2000, "Jews in Poland",and "Poland:A Historical Atlas."
POBox 10037, Blacksburg, VA 24062, Tel.: (540) 951-2343, Fax: (540) 951-1329

As Norman Davies said in his response to Abraham Brumberg and Tony Judt, well known anti-Polish liars and besmirchers:
"...And accusations are not the end of it. For after the accusations come American organisations demanding apologies, American lawyers demanding compensation and American politicians demanding unconditional support for the State of Israel."
Here, I would like to take an opportunity to thank Prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, Prof. Jerzy Robert Nowak, Prof. Tomasz Strzembosz, Mr. Edward Moskal, Senator Antoni Macierewicz and many other distinguish Polish historians, writers, politicians and ordinary Poles, who sacrifice their time, effort and very often are subjected to various pressures for their unwavering fight against powers that want to destroy Poland and throw her on her knees.
Krzysztof Janiewicz
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, , 0000-00-00

A Conference at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
By T. Ron Jasinski-Herbert



A Conference at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

By T. Ron Jasinski-Herbert
Washington, D.C.--A conference at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., on April 30, 2001, produced predictable, if not entirely satisfactory, results, seeking a form of reconciliation between the Polish and Jewish communities at all costs. As with similar such events, the conference title, "Confronting the Holocaust in Poland," at least mildly suggested the outcome. The "confrontation," weak as it may have been, emanated from the allegations contained in the book "Sasiedzi" ["Neighbors"] by Jan T. Gross.
 The audience was composed of many more Jews than Poles, at a ratio estimated to be at least ten to one. Each speaker was recognized with at least polite applause, but the loudest rewards were bestowed upon anyone who clearly posited Polish perfidy in the Jedwabne incident.
The general tenor of the discussion was that it would be cathartic for Poland to admit its wrongdoing and beg forgiveness, thereby somehow cleansing itself of national guilt for wrongs against the Jews.
The Discussion PanelModerator for the event was Stanley A. Blejwas (far left), Professor of History at central Connecticut State University, who quit the Polish American Congress after it voted (unanimously except for his abstention) to retention of the cross near the Auschwitz concentration camp. Participants in the panel, in the order of their presentations, were (l. to r.) Antony Polonsky, the Albert Abramson Chair of Holocaust Studies at Brandeis University; Jan T. Gross, "Sasiedzi" author and Professor of Politics and European Studies at New York University; Piotr Wrobel, Konstanty Reynert Chair of Polish Studies at Trinity College, University of Toronto, Canada; Alexander B. Rossino, a scholar with the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum; Pawel Machcewicz, Director of the Research and Education Office, Institute of National Remembrance, Warsaw, Poland; and Andrzej Paczkowski, Professor at the Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, and Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.
Prof. Blejwas began the "conference" with the parable from the bible about the Good Samaritan and its admonition to "love thy neighbor," an obvious, though strained, attempt to make a connection with Gross' book. It is unlikely the Gross had the parable in mind when he titled his writing.
 Antony Polonsky may have been the only true scholar on the panel, utilizing facts instead of prejudice. He has participated in numerous other discussions regarding Polish-Jewish relations, including a more divided gathering last year at the Yeshiva in New York, and always attempts to present a documented, unbiased opinion. In this case, he not only dared to challenge the view that Poles are anti-Semitic, but agreed with Norman Davies that the Polish view of Jews not differ significantly from that other Europeans. Moreover, he saw the position of Jews in prewar Poland as that of other citizens, whose poverty was due to being part of an underdeveloped country. Then, as they came to see themselves as a separate ethnic group, their situation deteriorated by reason of the depression, the impact of the rise of German Nazism and the nationalistic division with the Polish government. Nevertheless, they were not subject to specific or legal discrimination, even while such actions were being taken in neighboring states.
 Polonsky, Gross and WrobelIn contrast to Polonsky, Jan T. Gross, author of "Neighbors," is comfortable using prejudice instead of facts. In a distortion typical of his book, he stated that Jedwabne was the story of one half a town murdering the other half, implying that the town's whole Polish population was involved in the deed. Not to be undone by the actuality, he then averred that the Holocaust is still absent from the curriculum of Polish schools, so Poles remain ignorant of Jewish suffering during World War II. This writer did not attend school in Poland, so he cannot attest to the classroom experience, but he has seen and purchased many books in Poland, even during the communist occupation, about the Holocaust and Polish Jewry, indicating that there was no dearth of knowledge about those events. He then made a pointed slam directed specifically at the President of the Polish American Congress, saying that "it is anti-Semites, not Jews, who give Poland a bad name." Naturally, that "dig" brought gleeful applause from the audience.
Describing himself as the "troublemaker in the crowd," Piotr Wrobel expressed dissatisfaction with the methodology employed by Gross, whereby witness testimony substitutes for documentary evidence. He reminded the panel that the testimony of Shmul Wasserstejn, upon which Gross heavily relied, was considered as relatively unimportant by the Jewish Institute in Poland in its 1966 text regarding the Jedwabne incident. Unfortunately, Prof. Wrobel was not as vociferous a "troublemaker" as might have turned the discussion more decidedly toward factuality.
Mr. Rossino, a younger man interested in truth who was obviously lost among this grouping, attempted to demonstrate the overbearing influence of the SS, and even the German Army, in the Jedwabne area at the time of the murders. The Germans, he explained, believed the Bolsheviks to be aided by Jews and were anxious to incite ethnic tensions. Instigating pogroms was an SS responsibility and information was collected in areas where anti-Semitism might be infused due to the Jewish involvement in the communist occupation. Rossino concluded that "It was the SS which struck the match and lit the fuse," but this clear indication of German underpinnings for the Jedwabne incident was ignored by both the other panelists and the audience. Not surprisingly, although he had presented more factually substantiated information in a shorter time than anyone else on the stage, the speaker received only a smattering of applause.
Rossino and MachcewiczPawel Machcewicz of the Institute of National Remembrance said the discussion of Jedwabne was "the most important public debate in Poland in 1989." As Wrobel, he found fault with the methodology, saying one should be critical of eyewitness sources. Perhaps the least favorably disposed toward Gross of the panelists, he stated that the author ignored the role of the Germans and failed to appreciate the impact of Jewish collaboration with the Reds, citing revenge as a part of the interplay. He concluding by saying that the book was a start toward discovering the truth and would undoubtedly require amendment. Nevertheless, he fell short of withholding judgment until his own Institute's investigation had been completed.
The final speaker was Andrzej Paczkowski, who delivered a rather esoteric description of the various views held by Polish analysts. His primary point was that the communist regime was destructive to a realization of the true past, thereby leaving the door open to acceptance of the Gross perspective of Poles as victimizers.
Polish Ambassador GrudzinskiPre-chosen "commentators" were then called from the audience to deliver their observations, which can be summarized here in relatively few words. Professor Engels suggested that the degree of planning evident in the Jedwabne incident indicated to him that there was substantial German involvement. Mr. Abe Brumberg was most clearly distinguished by labeling everything with which he disagreed as "idiotic," a scholarly approach, indeed. The final observer's remarks came from a Timothy Snyder, whose credentials were not given, but who was a Polish American. He praised the coverage of Jedwabne in Polish papers as far beyond anything seen in American papers and revealed that Poles were well informed about the issue.
Discussions at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum do not generally allow for questions from the floor in matters involving Polish-Jewish relations, the powers that be apparently fearing what the public may say or ask. Written questions were collected and sorted by Professor Blejwas, those few chosen for use being so bland as to be unworthy of exposition here. Nevertheless, the question period gave Machcewicz the chance to say that the Institute of Remembrance was looking into more alleged Polish anti-Semitic activities, Polonsky the opportunity to speculate on a different Jewish life in Poland had the May 3rd Constitution survived, and Gross the pleasure of denying that the death penalty for assisting Jews was no excuse for Polish failures.
Finally, Polonsky came to the fore again by refusing the suggestion that the death camps were placed in Poland because of some pre-disposition toward anti-Semitism on the part of the Poles. Instead, he explained, the camps were constructed on Polish soil because that is where the greatest number of Jews were to be found and because Auschwitz was the hub of the German rail system. In a fitting, though somewhat amazing finale, Polonsky stated that what happened in Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine and Belarus was more sinister and on a far larger scale than anything that happened at Jedwabne. The scholar among the group had placed the issue in a more proper perspective.
T. Ron Jasinski-Herbert, Polonia Today, 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaComments on John Tomas Gross's Ghastly Decade 1939-1948 by Prof. C.I. Pogonowski

Who is Prof. Ivo Cyprian Pogonowski?
I will only quote from The Sarmatian Review: "Pogonowski is a truly remarkable American of Polish background, a genuine role model who combines Benedictine devotion to work, fidelity to the best ideals of Polish history, and an ability to achieve some success in American public life. A recipient of a recent Polish American Prize, Pogonowski is one of those "bright points of light" which every ethnic community has to have to remain viable and to justify its existence in a broader spectrum of American society.
He is the author of" Poland: A Historical Atlas" [1987] and "Jews in Poland: A Documentary History" [1993]. His forthcoming Polish-English and English-Polish Dictionary enlarges and updates all Polish-English dictionaries in existence. The biggest Unabridged Polish - English Dictionary that he is an author contains 200 000 words on 3936 pages. It is called "a monument of the Polish language in America".
During the WWII he was a prisoner in such concentration camps as Auschwitz and Oranienburg-Sachsenhausen. He survived the terrible "death march", when SS open fire to the Polish prisoners.
He wrote critique on the John Tomas Gross’s book "Ghastly Decade 1939-1948" that analyses how and why Mr. Gross writes his books, and what tactics he is using to achieve the outcome that he desires.
Below is excerpt from this work.
Comments on John Tomas Gross's "Ghastly Decade 1939-1948"
Matters related to compensation for Poles and Jews for damages suffered under Nazi and Soviet occupation.
Reuters Agency reported from Buenos Aires, Argentina on Fri, 19 April 1996 (14:50:17 PDT) on The World Jewish Congress.
Israel Singer, General Secretary of the World Jewish Congress stated that "More than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We are never going to allow this. (...) They're gonna hear from us until Poland freezes over again. If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be "publicly attacked and humiliated" in the international forum.
Today some Jews are estimating the value of Jewish assets lost in Poland and vicinity in the billions of dollars. Descendants of the Holocaust victims obviously could not hope to extract billions of dollars from descendants of the Polish gentile victims of war. Aware of these difficulties, some Jews have promoted a myth about Polish complicity in the Holocaust. Obviously it would be easier to extract money from descendants of the guilty rather than descendants of innocent Co-victims.
Jan Tomasz Gross wrote three essays in the spirit of this kind of myth. They were published in Kraków in 1998 by Universitas under the title of "Upiorna Dekada, 1939-1948. (Ghastly Decade 1939-1948)." On 118 small-size pages the author accuses the Polish Nation of complicity in the genocide of the Jews. This propaganda effort is surprising when coming from a writer of serious works.
A symbolic buzzard eating dead flesh is shown on the cover the Ghastly Decade 1939-1948. It resembles communist propaganda posters, especially the famous "spit-soiled dwarf of reaction of 1945." The decade "1939-1948" does not represent any distinct period in the Polish history. It does, however, include the Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany and the exodus of Jews from Eastern and Central Europe, which resulted from pogroms staged by the Soviets in the area of all the satellite states. Stalin exploited the Zionist movement in order to abolish the British Mandate in Palestine. In the process, he created a window of opportunity, to use the words of Paul Johnson, for establishing the State of Israel. The Polish Nation had no complicity in these events.
Gross falsifies quotations in order to make his points. On page 56, he changes the meaning of a sentence in the diary of Dr. Zygmunt Klukowski (Dziennik z lat okupacji Zamojszczyzny - A diary of the years of occupation of Zamojszczyzna). Gross insinuates that in October 1942, Poles murdered some 2300 Jews while the Germans deported for execution 934 other victims. The deception is achieved by the omission of quotation marks; this changed the meaning of a crucial statement in the original diary, in which reference was made to locally stationed German gendarmes.
Self-defence and national identity under the occupation.
The ethnic Poles considered German and Soviet invaders as equally dangerous, while many Jews searched for security on Soviet side. The Poles were naturally preoccupied with saving their nation, which was exposed to massive executions starting two years before the Holocaust. From the beginning of the war, the Germans were committing mass murders on the Polish civilian population, especially throughout western Poland newly annexed by Germany. They brought with them lists of victims prepared long before the invasion of Poland. The Soviet NKVD prepared a list of 21,857 people of the Polish leadership community, all of whom were executed during the Spring of 1940. Mass execution of the Jews in German gas chambers was begun two years later.
Gross does not recognise the fact that helping Jews was a part of the resistance against the Nazis. Illogically he cites the fact that more Poles were engaged in the armed resistance, than in saving of the Jews as a proof of Polish anti-Semitism.
In order to understand the desperate struggle of the Poles in the face of the greatest catastrophe in Polish history and the general disinterest of the ethnic Jews in the fate of the Polish state, one can quote statements by the Nobel Prize laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991) in New York's Forverts of Sept. 17, 1944. Writing under the pen-name Iccok Warszawski, under the title "Jews and Poles Lived Together For 800 Years But Were Not Integrated" he stated: "Rarely did a Jew think it necessary to learn Polish, rarely was a Jew interested in Polish history or politics. (...) Even in the last few years it was still a rare occurrence that a Jew would speak Polish well. Out of three million Jews living in Poland, two and half million were not able to write a simple letter in Polish and they spoke [Polish] very poorly. There were hundreds of thousands of Jews in Poland to whom Polish was as unfamiliar as Turkish." In the same paper, he wrote on March 20. 1964: "My mouth could not get accustomed to the soft consonants of [Polish] language. My forefathers have lived for centuries in Poland but in reality I was a foreigner, with separate language, ideas and religion. I sensed the oddness of this situation and often considered moving to Palestine." (The above quotations are from Chone Shmeruk's Isaac Bashevis Singer and Bruno Schultz published in the Polish Review Vol. XXXVI, 1991, p.161-167.) Bashevis Singer suggests that Jews in Poland were a self-segregated separate ethnic or national group.
Death penalty for helping Jews was unique to Poland.
The essence of the policies of the Nazi government at all times was the implementation of the doctrine of the Lebensraum, or "German" living space. The aim of the Berlin government was to seize Slavic lands and replace the Slavic population with what they considered "racial Germans." Thus, Poland was to be colonised by Germans and the Polish nation eradicated. For this reason, the Nazi-Germans used every opportunity to kill Poles. One of the examples of this policy was the death penalty and immediate execution of entire Polish families and neighbourhoods for helping Jews. At the same time, for example, in Denmark, which the Germans did not intend to colonise, no one was executed for helping any of the few Jews whom lived there.
Gross disregards these facts, and on the page 41, he gives the following illogical title to a chapter: On the fact that the prevailing Polish anti-Semitism also was the reason why the Poles who helped Jews were brutally and totally murdered by the Germans. Then on page 60, Gross writes: "how was it that the people who sheltered Jews during the war, did not like to admit it after the war. (...) It was believed that anyone helping Jews got rich" and therefore could be robbed or repressed for "breaking the local code of behaviour." Gross does not mention the fact that it often was difficult to admit to one's neighbour that by sheltering a Jew one was risking one's neighbour’s life without his knowledge -- it was easier not to tell one's neighbour about the "time bomb" next door and therefore not to celebrate the fact that it did not explode.
One could consider how much more Polish gentiles could have done to avert the tragic fate of the Jews in a situation where Polish gentiles could not prevent the killing of millions of Polish Christians, and when the Polish Nation itself faced genocide. It is difficult to find a Polish gentile family which did not experience the loss of close relatives under the German and Soviet occupation. In central Poland, which the Germans turned into killing fields, called by them the General Protectorate, there were eleven million Polish gentiles and two million Polish Jews. The cultural barrier described by Bashevis Singer separated them. Thus, for each Polish family there was one Jew that desperately needed help. The presence of the prewar German minority and of "racial Germans," recruited locally by the Nazis, further complicated the struggle for survival of both Polish gentiles and the Jews.
Also important was the Soviet policy to nominate Jews to very visible posts in the Communist terror apparatus in order to shift the blame for Soviet crimes to the Jews. This perfidious Soviet policy did not facilitate a postwar admission that one risked one's and others' lives while sheltering the very people whom later became Soviet executioners in Poland. Widespread Jewish complicity in the Soviet terror apparatus installed in Poland speaks volumes about their lack of concern for the existence of a sovereign Polish nation.
Arab oil versus the pogrom in Kielce.
Stalin signed in Yalta a pledge to hold free elections in Poland. The Soviets broke this pledge and used various propaganda means to draw the Allies' attention away from this fact. They exploited the horrible Jewish tragedy, about which the world was beginning to learn the gruesome details. The Soviets used the accusation of Polish anti-Semitism to justify their protracted occupation of Poland, while at the same time the NKVD staged pogroms in all satellite states, in particular in Poland.
19th century ritual murder accusations of the Black Hundred and the Tsarist Okhrana were recycled by the Soviets. Of the many pogroms in 1945 and 1946 only the Kielce pogrom of July 4, 1945 was exploited worldwide by the Soviet propaganda. The pogroms in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, and eastern Galicia as well as the Kielce pogrom was conducted under close control of the NKVD in order to generate an exodus of Jews who otherwise would not emigrate.
The American Ambassador to Poland was convinced the date of the 4th of July was chosen for an efficient dissemination of news among the American Jewry on the anniversary of the American Independence, a day free of work (Arthus Bliss-Lane, I Saw Poland Betrayed, New York, 1948). A month later a bloody pogrom was staged in Bratislava, Slovakia, where participants of a veterans' convention were ordered to march to Jewish quarters where they committed crimes similar to those in Kielce. Needless to say, Gross treats the Kielce events as a genuine proof of Polish anti-Semitism.
On the fiftieth anniversary of the Kielce pogrom, the post-communists exerted much effort trying to whitewash the NKVD and UB which engineered and controlled the pogrom, while blaming it on Polish mob. It bears repeating, however, that innocent people were tortured and executed within a week after the pogrom, after a show trial which lasted a few days. The strength of the post-communist grip on Poland makes the correction of these mendacities difficult.
I have personally discussed the Kielce events with Israeli Judge Mrs. Sara Dotan. She was assigned to supervise in 1996 in Tel-Aviv the deposition of Israeli survivors of Kielce pogrom for a report prepared by post-communist investigators Zbigniew Mielecki and others. Judge Dotan stated that she was severely shocked to learn from the witnesses that the Kielce murders were committed by soldiers and Catholic priests.
I have tried to explain to her that apparently the witnesses mistook the military shirts equipped with white neck bands for the Roman collars (which were not worn by Polish priests in 1946). Apparently some of the uniformed men from the Soviet terror apparatus in Poland (such as soldiers from the Blocking Companies of the Second Infantry Division stationed in Kielce, soldiers from the Internal Corps as well as the uniformed riot police) were assigned to stage the pogrom. Apparently, they were given civilian coats and pants to feign a role of a Polish mob. By wearing the regular military shirts they appeared to the Israeli witnesses as having had the Roman collars now popular among the clergy visiting the Holy Land.
The tragic events known as the Pogrom of Kielce of 1946 were demonstrably a part of Soviet postwar global strategy. The Soviets ruthlessly exploited Jews for Soviet political purposes.
In New York on July 7, 1946 the Society For The Promotion Of Poland's Independence issued a Declaration On the Kielce Crime. The declaration was signed by prominent historians Henryk Askenazy, Oskar Halecki and others. It stated:
(...)The Warsaw regime receiving its orders from Moscow and acting strictly in obedience to them has (...) [pursued] policies planned methodically and aimed at compelling the Jews to leave Poland and to embarrass the British Government in matters pertaining to the Palestine problem, and, furthermore, to aggravate the political crisis in the Near East, to envenom Judeo-Arab antagonisms. It is indeed for that purpose that the Warsaw regime endeavors to squeeze in the remnants of Poland's Jewish population which has succeeded in escaping Hitler's massacre, into American and British zones of occupation of Germany."
Soviet attempts to destabilize the oil-rich Near East also included the opening of the Iron Curtain to allow hundreds of thousands of Jews, many of whom went to Palestine, to join the struggle for the independence of Israel. The emigrating Jews were armed with Czech weapons given to them by the Soviets. Bernard Lewis (Semites and Anti-Semites. New York: W.W. Norton 1986) states that the Soviet Bloc was the only source of weapons used by the Jews during the decisive struggles in Palestine. In the Spring of 1947 Andrei Gromyko was the first to propose in the UN the establishing of the State of Israel. Decisive moves by the USSR in the UN on the recognition of the State of Israel were a part of the strategy to make Islamic owners of the Near East oil fields dependent on Soviet weapons and political support. Soviet aim was to blockade the supply of Arab oil to the United States and its allies as well as to generate fanatical hatred of the Muslim world against the West.
Crime during catastrophic events
One can endlessly cite criminal acts and moral failures inside the Ghetto walls and outside of them. The courts of the Polish Home Army (AK) associated with the Polish Government-in-Exile in London condemned to death and executed traitors and criminals. All over the world cataclysms offer an opportunity for people to act on their worst instincts.
In the United States, it is a standard procedure to call on the National Guard to protect the population against widespread looting and crime during catastrophic events. No one in America considers such crimes to be a national disgrace. Anti-Polish propaganda practiced by Gross and others like him demands that the Polish Nation accepts the behaviour of individual criminals to be sins of all Poles.
The Holocaust Museums
Gross quotes Józef Lipinski, the famous professor of economics, who wrote Two homelands ("Dwie Ojczyzny") "anti-Polonism is as bad as anti-Semitism or as anti-Ukrainism," and then goes on to criticize Poland for not copying American museums of the Holocaust. These museums practice anti-Polonism and spread the myth about Polish complicity in the Holocaust. Large exhibits of the 1946 Pogrom of Kielce are shown as the Polish phase of the genocide of the Jews.
There is nothing in the Holocaust Museums on the German megalomaniac interpretation of the theory of evolution which says that life is a mortal struggle for the survival of the fittest. The Germanic race was supposed to be the fittest, as opposed to Semitic and Slavic races. Marx strengthened the confusion when he came up with his theory of history according to which the law of the jungle was justified in the political struggle between nations or social classes.
The Holocaust Museums do not show how Marx and Darwin provided fertile ground for the development of anti-Semitism which percolated in German society throughout the second half of the nineteenth century, as German racism and the ideals of German superiority gained ground. At the same time Wagner's operas were strengthening German megalomania, Nietzsche's dream of supermanhood pleased the Germans. While Bismarck's regime toned down anti-Semitism, it directed its hatred towards Polish Catholics. Bismarck marked the Poles for destruction in order to assure Germany's rule over Prussian territory (Werner Richter, Bismarck, New York: Putnam Press, 1964. p. 101). While Bismarck's anti-Catholic campaign was being conducted in parts of Poland occupied by Germany, mixed Christian-Jewish marriages were occurring quite often among the Germans. The children of those marriages were thaught to say that they were totally and unconditionally German. But anti-Semitism kept growing, sustained among other reasons by a resentful realization that Jews played a prominent role in German society.
Forcing of Jews to be executioners both in ghettos and death camps.
The Holocaust Museums should show how the racist sentiments were at the root of the opinion that German defeat in 1918 was due to Jews and how anti-Semitism became the rallying force for politicians and demagogues in the Weimar Republic.
In this atmosphere, the descendants of mixed Jewish-German marriages leaned over backward to prove that their loyalties lay with Germany rather than with Jewry. Therefore when Hitler came to power, many members of such families volunteered for the job of solving the Jewish question. Among such people were von Heydrich, Globocnik, Eichman, Knochenn, Dannecker and many others. These people represented a "pathological Jewish self-hatred," to use the words of a Jewish historian Gerald Reitlinger (SS-Alibi of a Nation 1922-1945, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1951 & 1981). In particular, Reitlinger points out that when SS General Reinhard von Heydrich became responsible for the program of extermination of the Jews, he arranged it so that the Jews themselves were forced to be executioners of Jews both in ghettos and death camps.
As a result an average Jewish policeman in the Warsaw Ghetto dispatched over 2,200 persons to the gas chambers of Treblinka. At the Umschlagplatz in Warsaw, where Jews were loaded into trains going to Treblinka, Jewish policemen offered food in the railway carriages to entice hungry inhabitants of the ghetto to enter. The most horrible dimension of the Jewish tragedy in World War II was that German planners made the Jews themselves execute the Jewish genocide. The abominable activities of the extortionists (szmalcowniki), or gentiles who collaborated with the Nazis as "racial Germans" (the volksdeutsche) or other collaborators, were of marginal importance in the genocide of Polish Jews. The real destruction was done with active participation of Jewish Councils and Jewish Police. This aspect of the Jewish tragedy has been carefully hidden in the US Holocaust Museum, which instead prominently features such "Polish" elements as the Kielce pogrom.
Reconciliation versus tradition
Traditional Jewish hatred of the Poles developed during the partitions of Poland. It was much more common than Jewish hatred of the Germans. This was mentioned by the Polish writer Zofia Kossak-Szczucka during the Holocaust, when she was appealing to Polish gentiles to sacrifice for the cause of saving Jews within the Zegota program financed by the Polish Government-in-Exile in London.
Today Jewish hatred of the Poles manifests itself in the use of generalisations when dealing with accusations. Jewish students are often taught that the Holocaust would not have taken place if the Poles did not want it. While teaching about the Holocaust, an animal farm rendition of the genocide of the Jews is used ("Maus" by Art Spiegelman) showing Jews as mice, Germans as cats, and Poles as swine. Some of the colleges in America include this animal farm as obligatory reading. If ever this cartoon rendition of the Holocaust is translated into Polish and published in Poland, it will offend many that remember how the Nazis referred to the Poles as swine.
In the conclusion of his Ghastly Decade Gross equates Polish anti-Semitism with Hitlerism in Germany, Stalinism in Russia, and legally- sanctioned slavery and racism in the United States. This is highly unfair. Anti-Semitism never was legally sanctioned in free Poland. When Poland was a Soviet satellite the Warsaw regime carried out Moscow's orders whether in Kielce, or in 1968, or at any other time during the entire history of Peoples' Poland.
Gross writes: "The Poles - because of the Holocaust - must study the history of the persecution of the Jews in Poland. Otherwise they will not be able to live in harmony with their own identity." The insinuations included in this statement are in contrast with what Simon Wiesenthal wrote in "Krystyna, a Tragedy of Polish Resistance": "In Polish history, the relations between Poles and Jews never were simple." On his eightieth birthday Wiesenthal said: "I know what kind of role Jewish communists played in Poland after the war. And just as I, as a Jew, do not want to shoulder responsibility for the Jewish communists, I cannot blame 36 million Poles for those thousands of [wartime] extortionists (szmalcownicy) [who were common criminals]."
The separatist Polish Jews described by Bashevis Singer are no more. Today Jews in Poland are a part of the Polish Nation, and they follow the conciliatory advice of Simon Wiesenthal.
During the Second World War Poland was devastated and plundered by the Germans and the Soviets. Jewish possessions in Warsaw were devastated, together with the possessions of all the inhabitants of the Polish capital. After the war the capital was rebuilt from ruins with great effort and sacrifice of the Polish people. So it was in other Polish towns. The Germans and the Soviets systematically robbed the Polish population. All claims for restitution for damages incurred in the years 1939-1989 should be settled without regard to creed or ethnic origin.
Unfortunately, Gross, despite his scientific credentials, is practicing propaganda in the spirit of the statements made by the Secretary General of the Jewish World Congress quoted at the beginning of this text. Gross' propaganda helps those who make demands for ransom to be paid by the Polish Government to compensate for crimes perpetrated in Poland by the Nazis, the Soviets, and by common criminals.
Excerpt from the critique written by
Prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
prof. I.C.Pogonowski, POLISH PANORAMA, 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaResponse to Sarasota Herald Tribune
Prof. I. C. Pogonowski

  Neighbors by I. T. Gross
Sarasota Herald Tribune, Assoc. Press, p.9, March 13, 2001.

Some years ago Professor Jan Tomasz Gross wrote a well-documented book entitled Revolution from abroad: The Soviet Conquest of Poland’s Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia. In this work, published by Princeton University Press, Gross gave substantial evidence of the complicity of some Polish Jews in the murder of thousands of Polish Catholics by the Soviet forces who occupied much of Poland in September of 1939 during the joint Soviet-Nazi invasion of that country. This extensively footnoted book was received with stony silence by the journals, which might have been expected to review it, from the professional quarterly Slavic Review to the New York Times. Indeed, professor Gross was essentially put in a state of hostile isolation by many persons in the literary and professional Slavic community.
Apparently Professor Gross has now worked his passage back into "politically correct society" with his recent Neighbors, also published by Princeton University Press. Relying principally on recollections of a Polish-Jewish Communist official (Szmul Wasersztajn aka "Calka"), Gross has produced a thin argument to the effect that In 1941 Polish civilians from the village of Jedwabne drove 1600 Jews into a barn and burned them to death. The geometrical improbability of the spectacle aside (the farmer who owned the barn owned only four acres), one wonders how such a scantily researched book can receive the instant cachets of the same journals which had simply ignored Revolution from Abroad
There seems to be a pattern of alleging murders of Jews in areas of Poland, which shifted from Soviet to German control in- June of 1941. The widespread collaboration of some Jews in fingering priests, schoolteachers, Landowners, physicians, sat other professionals (spoken of by Gross in his earlier works) certainly led to retribution against the guilty dining Soviet withdrawals. This does not translate into genocidal pogroms, which were staged by the Germans. That the Polish Underground Army did retaliate against collaborators either with the Nazis or the Soviets is not denied. That innocent perished with the guilty in such retaliations is commonplace in wartime conditions, but for anyone to mistake such retaliations as anti-Semitic rage whenever the collaborators were Jews is simply absurd.
Furthermore, nobody denies that there were evil individuals in the Polish population who did murder Jews during the War. But they carried out their crimes understanding that they were explicitly forbidden by the Polish Underground government and carried the death sentence from that government.
In Israel, within a short walk of the Yad Vashem memorial to Jewish victims of the Holocaust, is the site of Deir Yassin, where the Stem Gang/Irgun activists of Yitsak Shaniir and Menachem Begin (later Prime Ministers of Israel) slaughtered all the men, women and children in the unfortunate Arab village on April 9, 1948. This is an example of an organized atrocity against civilians committed by an official national body. Nothing like that was ever carried out by any official organization of Polish Catholics during the horrific years of World War II (in which over three million Polish Catholics died at both Soviet and German-Nazi hands).
We have long passed the time when Poles should feel they have to dedicate time and energy to answering "national guilt" charges like those made in Neighbors. After a fifty-year occupation of Poland by the Soviets, we can simply observe that during this entire wretched period the probability of a crime committed by a Polish Catholic against a Polish Jew was much less than a crime committed by a Polish Jew against a Polish Catholic. There are many evidences that this is so, Including the earlier work by Professor Gross as well as John Sack’s An Eye for an E~ The leadership of the dreaded US (communist secret police) by Jakub Berman (of which Szmul Wasersztajn, the chief source of Neighbors was a member) is a matter of record. The collaboration between the "Jewish committees" and the NKVD in Soviet occupied Poland is also a matter of record. The last memory of Poland by many a Polish Catholic before the door was slammed shut on a boxcar bound for Siberia was that of a Jewish militiaman slamming the door. There was no similar collaboration between Polish Catholics and the Nazis. Nevertheless, Polish Catholics do not seek reparations, moral or financial, from Jews. They hope that mutual respect can replace the rather counterproductive charge and countercharge pattern which Neighbors engenders. Enough is definitely enough.
Prof. I. C. Pogonowski, , 0000-00-00


  translated by: Thaddeus Mirecki
original page at: Polish American Congress
Pastor of the Parish of Jedwabne,
Dean of the Jedwabne Deanery
Jedwabne, June 10, 2001
After completing the seminary, for 14 years I was an associate pastor in various parishes, including 3 years in Lipsk on the Biebrza River, where I served together with Fr. Jozef Keblinski, who throughout the entire period of Soviet and German occupation fulfilled pastoral duties in Jedwabne.
Every day at dinner, at supper, Fr. Jozef Keblinski would tell me about what happened in Jedwabne; among other things, he spoke about the burning of the Jews. From his reports, which he repeated many times, I know the exact sequence of those events.
From July 1 1998 I became the Dean and Pastor of the Parish in Jedwabne. (…)
Why do I feel entitled to speak out in the matter of the murder of Jews in Jedwabne? Because I had very detailed information about the events of this murder of the Jews from Fr. Jozef Keblinski, who told me about it many times. Thanks to that, I consider myself an indirect witness.
The roots of the matter go back to 1939, when the Germans came to Jedwabne, but on the basis of the Ribbentrop – Molotov Pact they yielded the place to the Soviets. When the Soviets arrived, the Jews greeted them with flowers, they took over positions in the city government, they formed from the Jewish youth a Soviet militia and they began cooperating with the NKVD. The cooperation consisted giving the NKVD detailed information, and because in October of 1939 a resistance movement had been formed, there was a facility for training in guerilla warfare for three counties: Lomza, Bialystok and Augustow. At this facility there gathered a group of people from military schools in Warsaw and its environs. They lived and conducted activities in Jedwabne, but the Jews were spying on them, so they relocated to the neighboring village of Kubrzany, but there also they were spied upon. Then they relocated across the Biebrza River, to a swampy region, to the forest of Kobielno, where there was a forester’s station that they made their base. But there too they were spied out, due in large part to the participation of Jews from Jedwabne.
On Pentecost in 1941, the NKVD came with units of the Red Army, and a battle was fought there in which some partisans were killed, but many more soldiers of the NKVD.
After this event, there began the most cruel deportations. The Jews prepared lists of patriots, of the most valuable people, the educated, who were to be deported as quickly as possible. The Jews participated actively in the arrests, they would lead the NKVD people to the dwellings of the deportees, and together with the NKVD, they drove them off in horse-drawn wagons to the rail station in Lomza. The wagons were escorted by Jews armed with rifles. The mothers and wives of those arrested pleaded with the Jews, their neighbors, to allow their husbands and sons to escape on the way to the station. The Jews allowed no one to escape – there is no known instance of assistance in anyone’s escape.
The most tragic was the last convoy, just before the entrance of Germans into Lomza, just before the outbreak of the German-Soviet war. There was not enough time to load all of the people on the huge train of cattle cars. The remaining ones were put into a prison, awaiting the next transport.
On June 22 1941, the Germans entered Lomza. The prisoners forced the doors, got out of the prison and returned to Jedwabne, where they met the Jews who had escorted their convoy.
The homes of the Poles had been taken over, families had been deported into the depths of Russia, the returning Poles had no place to go.
On July 10 1941, the Germans organized the liquidation of the Jews in Jedwabne. For a few days preceding this liquidation they gathered the Jews to work in the town square, for the purpose of pulling up the grass from the square; after that work they would let them return home. The second day they repeated this experiment, and it was only on the third day they decided to murder them. So it was that in the third day the Jews were burned.
Fr. Keblinski lived in the rectory which the Germans had handed back from the "Selsoviet." The Germans had their headquarters in the Old Pharmacy. The Germans returned the rectory to Fr. Keblinski. For a short time, the German chaplain lived there together with the priest. Because Fr. Keblinski knew German, by necessity he acted as interpreted between the Poles and the Germans, the Jews and the Germans. Fr. Keblinski found out from the Germans that the Jews were to be destroyed, because one of the gendarmes passed along the information that a unit of 240 German commandos had arrived in Bialystok, for the purpose of ending the Jewish problem. Fr. Keblinski tried to argue that perhaps these Jews could be saved. The Jews even wanted to collect valuables for the purpose of bribing the Germans. But the Germans declared that was impossible, they said that wherever a German soldier sets foot, no Jew has a right to live. Fr. Keblinski warned some of the prominent Jews. He could tell only those whom he considered capable of being discreet, otherwise he himself would have been shot.
On the day when not only the men, but also women and children were gathered in the town square, Fr. Keblinski went to the headquarters of the high officer who was directing the entire action and tried to reason with him: if you consider the men guilty because of their sympathy for Communism, surely the women and children are not guilty. And he heard in response: "Do you know who’s in charge here? Don’t meddle, if you don’t want to lose your head and want to stay alive." He opened the door and yelled in a loud voice: "Raus!" Fr. Keblinski left the post, he felt totally powerless.
On posts there were signs warning that anyone who hides a Jew, or allows one to escape, is subject to being shot, along with three generations of his family. He saw how the Poles were forced, herded out into the town square, for the purpose of guarding and leading the Jews to the barn. But nobody, not the Jews, not the Poles, suspected what would be the final outcome. The Jews went with their everyday articles, calmly, without suspecting what awaited them. Fr. Keblinski estimated that there could have been 150 to 200 Jews.
About the moment itself we know only that there was an explosion, then cries; I know that the Jews attempted to escape from the barn, but the barn was tightly surrounded by armed Germans. Only the Germans were armed; certainly, they did not agree to give arms even to Karolak, a German agent whom the Germans named as mayor.
The action of the final killing of the Jews was solely and exclusively the action of the Germans; Poles were forced to stand guard under threat of loss of life. From the testimony of a Jew in a legal case before a regional court in Lomza, it is unequivocally apparent that the Jews were burned in the barn by Germans. At least three Poles were pushed into the barn and burned there, they were pushed by the Germans and burned there along with the Jews.
The Jews carried with them their everyday articles, they had spoons, forks, the butcher had a knife. The Jews did not know that they were going to their deaths. That knife was intended for ritual ceremonies.
Rev. Edward Orlowski
Translation: Thaddeus Mirecki
Ks. Edward Orłowski, Polish American Congress, 2001-06-10
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nasza witrynaBetween the hammer and the nail

Not only the Germans "pacified" villages
Excerpt from the book "The Story of Two Shtetls", published by The Polish Educational Foundation in North America. It is an important book, which deals with Polish-Jewish relations in the eastern part of Poland during World War II. The book contains contributions by scholars and publicists, both Poles and Jews, from various countries.
The Story of Two Shtetls Bransk and Ejszyszki: An Overview of Polish-Jewish Relations in Northeastern Poland During World War II (Part Two) - revised and expanded
(Toronto and Chicago: The Polish Educational Foundation in North America, 1998)
Pages 99, 114-16:
Anti-Semitic Pogrom in Ejszyszki?
An Overview of Polish-Jewish Relations in Wartime Northeastern Poland
by Mark Paul
One of the earliest and most gruesome episodes was the "pacification" of Naliboki, whose aim was the liquidation of the nascent pro-Home Army underground organization in that townlet. The Polish and Byelorussian villagers had formed a self-defence unit to fend off Soviet and Jewish marauders.
In Soviet eyes, their chief "crime" was that they had rebuffed overtures from the Soviet partisan command to fall into line.[1] The joint Soviet-Jewish assault on Naliboki occurred on May 8, 1943.
One hundred and twenty-eight (or nine) innocent civilians, including women and children, were butchered in a heinous pogrom that lasted almost two hours. The Jewish factions that did most of the pillaging and murdering of entire families awakened from their sleep were the Bielski ("Jerusalem") and Zorin ("Pobeda") detachments.
Everyone is in tears. The plunderers did not omit a single homestead. Something was taken from everyone. Because he resisted, they killed the father of my schoolmate and cousin, Marysia Grygorcewiczówna. The "soldiers of Pobeda" and "Jerusalemites" took with them the pigs and chickens which they shot, flour, as well as other provisions. They wanted to live! But they took the lives of others. They did not come to fight. …
In the space of almost two hours, 128 innocent people died, the majority of them, as eyewitnesses later testified, at the hands of the Bielski and "Pobeda" assassins.[2]
The Soviet report prepared by General Platon on May 10, 1943 gave the following-grossly embellished (e.g., there was no German police garrison in Naliboki!)-Version of this reputed "military operation":
On the night of May 8, 1943, the partisan detachments "Dzerzhinsky" … "Bolshevik" … "Suvorov" … under the command of the leader of the "Stalin" Brigade … by surprise destroyed the German garrison of the "self-defence" of the townlet of Naliboki. As a result of two-and-a-half hours of fighting 250 members of the self-defence [referred to by its Byelorussian name of "samokhova"-M.P.] group were killed. We took 4 heavy machine-guns, 15 light machine guns, 4 mortars, 10 automatic pistols, 13 rifles, and more than 20,000 rounds of ammunition (for rifles), and a lot of mines and grenades. We burned down the electrical station, the sawmill, the barracks, and county office. We took 100 cows and 78 horses. …
I order the leaders of the brigade and partisan detachments to present those distinguished in this battle for state awards.
In this battle, our units lost six dead and six wounded. Praise to our brave partisans-patriots of the Fatherland.[3]
Other villages, such as Szczepki and Prowzaly, and the townlet of Kamien Nowogródzki met a similar fate in the early months of 1944.[4] These exploits are strangely missing from memoirs of the Bielski partisans and from sanitized Holocaust histories.[5]
Ironically, in August 1943, a few months after the massacre in Naliboki, as part of a massive anti-partisan operation known as "Operation Hermann," some 60,000 German troops descended and, with the assistance of Lithuanian auxiliary forces (attached to the SS) and Byelorussian police, rounded up the civilian population of dozens of villages in the area of Naliboki forest suspected of supporting the partisans (some 20,000 villagers were deported to the Reich for slave labour) and burned down their homesteads.[6] Among those murdered for the crime of aiding partisans and Jews were a number of priests: Rev. Józef Bajko and Rev. Józef Baradyn from Naliboki, Rev. Pawel Dolzyk from Derewna, and Rev. Leopold Aulich and Rev. Kazimierz Rybaltowski from Kamien.[7]
Tuvia Bielski and many other Jewish partisans vividly recalled this German operation.
"One night I sent Akiba and a number of people with him to the village of Kletishtze [Kleciszcze]. Perhaps it would be possible to get some food.
When our people came to the village, they saw numerous German forces. The village was illuminated with the powerful lights of military vehicles.
Akiba returned with empty hands, but the information he had was important. Some time later the farmers told us that the number of Germans that were in the village that night was in the thousands. … After a while we found out that the Germans had gathered all the farmers of the village of Kletishtze and had taken them away from their village in trucks. They burned the village. The farmers were taken to Germany and only about a score managed to escape. Cattle, which they could not take with them, the Germans shot if the fire did not succeed in consuming them.
In the same way, the Germans burned at that time seventeen villages and hundreds of farmers' homesteads. Also, the village of Nalibuki [Naliboki] was consumed by fire.
The intention of the Germans was, as our agents informed us later, to destroy the villages which were close to the forest in order that the Partisans would not be helped by them with supplies and places to hide.[8]
[1] According to Krajewski, the foremost authority on these events, a self-defence group was created in Naliboki in August 1942, at the urging of the Germans, as a condition of not carrying out a "pacification" of this small town in the wake of a nearby assault by Soviet partisans on German troops. The townspeople were given a small quantity of rifles (22) and basically guarded the town against marauding bands. The self-defence group did not engage in military confrontations with the regular Soviet partisans and in March 1943, under the leadership of the local Home Army commander, Eugeniusz Klimowicz, reached a non-aggression agreement with Major Rafail Vasilevich, the local leader of the Soviet partisans. In April, when the self-defence group was summoned to the village of Niescierowicze to fend off a violent assault by marauders, two of its members were killed. The local Soviet command did not question the validity of such interventions. A surprise attack on Naliboki was launched on May 8, 1943 by the Stalin Brigade, with the participation of the Bielski detachment (which reported to it at that time), under the command of Major Vasilevich. A large part of the town was burned to the ground and 129 people were killed. See Krajewski, Na Ziemi Nowogródzkiej, 387-88. See also Komisja Historyczna Polskiego Sztabu Glównego w Londynie, Polskie Sily Zbrojne w Drugiej wojnie swiatowej 3: Armia Krajowa, 529; Antoni Boguslawski's afterword in Tadeusz Lopalewski, Miedzy Niemnem a Dzwina: Ziemia Wilenska i Nowogródzka (London: Wydawnictwo Polskie and Tern (Rybitwa) Book, 1955), 245; Adolf Pilch, Partyzanci trzech puszcz (Warszawa: Editions Spotkania, 1992), 135; Waclaw Nowicki, "W imie prawdy o zolnierzach AK: List otwarty do prof. A. Hackiewicza," Slowo- Dziennik katolicki, no. 141, August 11, 1993; Zygmunt Boradyn, "Rozbrojenie," Karta, no 16 (1995): 127; Tadeusz Piotrowski, Poland's Holocaust: Ethnic Strife, Collaboration with Occupying Forces and Genocide in the Second Republic, 1918-1947 (Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland, 1998), 102; Tadeusz Gasztold, "Sowietyzacja i rusyfikacja Wilenszczyzny i Nowogródczyzny w dzialalnosci partyzantki sowieckiej w latach 1941-1944," in Adam Sudol, ed., Sowietyzacja Kresów Wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej po 17 wrzesnia 1939 (Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna w Bydgoszczy, 1998), 277-78, 281-82; Zygmunt Boradyn, Niemen rzeka niezgody: Polsko-sowiecka wojna partyzancka na Nowogródczyznie 1943-1944 (Warsaw: Rytm, 1999), 100-101; Marek J. Chodakiewicz, Piotr Gontarczyk and Leszek Zebrowski, eds., Tajne oblicze GL-AL i PPR: Dokumenty (Warsaw: Burchard Edition, 1999), vol. 3, 251, 253.
[2] Waclaw Nowicki, Zywe echa (Warsaw: Antyk, 1993), 98, 100.
[3] This order is reproduced, in Polish translation, in Gasztold, "Sowietyzacja i rusyfikacja Wilenszczyzny i Nowogródczyzny w dzialalnosci partyzantki sowieckiej w latach 1941-1944," in Sudol, ed., Sowietyzacja Kresów Wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej po 17 wrzesnia 1939, 281-82.
Eugeniusz Klimowicz, the Home Army commander, was charged with various crimes in Stalinist Poland, among them for activities directed against Soviet partisans! The death sentence imposed on him by a military tribunal in Warsaw was commuted to life imprisonment. Klimowicz described the events leading up to the pacification of Naliboki in a petition he sent to the head of the Supreme Military Tribunal, dated May 30, 1956 (Sygn. Akt Sr 749/51; pismo: Do Ob. Prezesa Najwyzszego Sadu Wojskowego w Warszawie).
[4] Kazimierz Krajewski, "Nowogródzki Okreg Armii Krajowej," in Jaroslaw Wolkonowski, ed., Sympozjum historyczne "Rok 1944 na Wilenszczyznie": Wilno 30 czerwca-1 lipca 1994r., (Warsaw: Biblioteka "Kuriera Wilenskiego," 1996), 54; Krajewski, Na Ziemi Nowogródzkiej, 388; Gasztold, "Sowietyzacja i rusyfikacja Wilenszczyzny i Nowogródczyzny w dzialalnosci partyzantki sowieckiej w latach 1941-1944," in Sudol, ed., Sowietyzacja Kresów Wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej po 17 wrzesnia 1939, 277. According to Krajewski, 14 villagers were killed in Prowzaly in retaliation for an attempt to organize a local self-defence group. Seven families were wiped out in Szczepki.
[5] The only Jewish account the author has come across that appears to refer to the massacre in Naliboki is one related by one of the Jewish partisans involved in the assault to Sulia Wolozhinski Rubin, his mistress (at the time), and recorded by her almost twenty years later. It is replete with lapses, obvious concoctions and a remarkable lack of detail (place name, date, chronology, etc.), which is surprising given that her husband is said to hail from Naliboki and would have taken part in the massacre of his former neighbours.
The reason given for the assault is also highly dubious, since there was no compelling reason for anyone to have to pass through the isolated townlet of Naliboki (which was not in proximity to Dworzec) other than to forage. Moreover, the decision to launch the assault was entirely in the hands of the local Soviet partisan command.
Sulia Rubin's hearsay account is as follows: "There was a village not far from the [Dworzec] ghetto which escaping Jews would have to pass on the way to the forest, or partisans would pass on the way from the woods. These villagers would signal with bells and beat copper pots to alert other villages around. Peasants would run out with axes, sickles-anything that could kill-and would slaughter everybody and then divide among themselves whatever the unfortunate had had. Boris' [Rubizhewski] group decided to stop this once and for all. They sent a few people into the village and lay in ambush on all the roads. Soon enough signaling began and the peasants ran out with their weapons to kill the 'lousy Jews'. Well, the barrage started and they were mown down on all sides. Caskets were made for three days and more than 130 bodies buried. Never again were Jews or partisans killed on those roads." See Sulia Wolozhinski Rubin, Against the Tide: The Story of an Unknown Partisan (Jerusalem: Posner & Sons, 1980), 126-27.
As for the hostility of the local population, in another part of her memoir, Rubin recalls that when she fell sick, she was sheltered by villagers in nearby "Kletishtche" [Kleciszcze] for three weeks until she recovered her strength. "Kletishtche was a planlessly scattered, muddy village laid between two deep forests. The houses were wooden and primitive, but as clean as possible and the local peasants were good people." Ibid., 134-35.
However, in an interview conducted in 1993 for the documentary film "The Bielsky Brothers: The Unknown Partisans" (Soma Productions-written and produced by David Herman; reissued in 1996 by Films for the Humanities & Sciences), Sulia Rubin, who is interviewed together with her husband Boris Rubin at her side, provides a different version, now claiming that the assault on Naliboki was carried out by her husband when he learned that his father had been nailed to a tree by some villagers: "His father Shlomko … was crucified on a tree … Boris found out. That village doesn't exist anymore. … 130 people they buried that day."
It is difficult to understand how a pivotal event like that, had it occurred, could have been omitted from her detailed memoir. Moreover, the claim that the decision to attack Naliboki was Boris Rubin's is quite simply a concoction. This documentary, however, does inadvertently underscore the true source of the conflict with the local population. As one of the interviewed partisans put it, "The biggest problem was … feeding so many people. Groups of 10 to 12 partisans used to go out for a march of 80 to 90 kilometres, rob the villages, and bring food to the partisans [i.e. partisan base and family camp]."
[6] Zygmunt Boradyn, "Stosunki Armii Krajowej z partyzantka sowiecka na Nowogródczyznie," in Zygmunt Boradyn, Andrzej Chmielarz, and Henryk Piskunowicz, eds., Armia Krajowa na Nowogródczyznie i Wilenszczyznie (1941-1945) (Warsaw: Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN, 1997), 112. Other "pacifications" carried out by the Germans on a massive scale in this part of Poland are described in Maria Wardzynska, "Radziecki ruch partyzancki i jego zwalczanie w Generalnym Komisariacie Bialorusi," Pamiec i sprawiedliwosc: Biuletyn Glównej Komisji Badania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu-Instytutu Pamieci Narodowej 39 (1996): 46-50. The author points out that the armed Soviet partisans would flee the area leaving the defenceless local population to fend for itself.
[7] Mieczyslaw Suwala, "'Boze, cos Polske' w Puszczy Nalibockiej," in Udzial kapelanów wojskowych w Drugiej wojnie swiatowej (Warsaw: Akademia Teologii Katolickiej, 1984), 386.
[8] Albert Nirenstein, A Tower from the Enemy: Contributions to a History of Jewish Resistance in Poland (New York: The Orion Press, 1959), 371-72.
Excerpt from the Mark Paul--s book "The Story of Two Shtetls", Canadian Polish Congress, 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaForeseen expiation
The President of IPN has already passed his judgment.

  translated by: Emilia Wisniewska
Jewish leaders in the USA expect solemn observation of 60-th anniversary of the pogrom in Jedwabne. Lets hope for a presence of the highest government officials of Poland at the ceremony - said the President of the Institute of National Remembrance, Professor Leon Kieres, while on the visit to the USA.
The President of IPN will meet with activists of the Americal Jewish Commitee on Monday evening in New York.
During the meeting, the President has declared his intention to promptly explain the matter of pogrom and end the investigation 'already in April or May'.
Professor Kieres stressed, as well, that the plans have been made to replace the existing plaque on the monument in Jedwabne, which indicated Germans as perpetrators of the murder with a new table informing that Poles committed the murder.
KWM, PAP,, 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaLetter to the newspaper "The Age" in Melbourne, Australia
Christopher Janiewicz

  "The Age", Melbourne, Australia
Online News Editor: Gary Hughes

Dear Mr. Hughes:
I would like to voice my strong objections regarding the article "Poles' day of shame exposed" by Paul Heinrichs, published in your newspaper on Sunday 18 March 2001.
The above mentioned article is prejudicial and slanderous towards Poland and the Polish people in general, and the population of the town of Jedwabne in particular.
Mr. Heinrichs is using the interview with the widow of Mr. Bienstein (Neumark) and the book "Neighbours" written by Prof. John T. Gross.
With due respect for Mrs. Bienstein, I will refrain from detailed analysis of her late husband's testimony. I will only say that Mr. Bienstein's testimony is quoted only once in the book by Prof. Gross and even then, not in regard to the day in question, but in regard to the Soviet occupation of Jedwabne. (Page 33, Polish original)
By saying, "...Although some details of the massacre provided by Janek Bienstein in 1980 figure in Sasiedzi..." Mr. Heinrichs would like to create an impression that the book contains or is based on large portions of Mr. Bienstein testimony, when it is clearly not.
Perusing the first few pages of Jan Tomasz Gross' book "Neighbours" one's hopes rise that here we will learn the truth about the crime of Jedwabne. The author is being introduced as a noted historian (by education he is a sociologist), professor of political sciences of the University of New York and author of essays on the subject of Polish-German-Jewish relationships in the years 1939-1948.
Gross names various sources that he relied on. Unfortunately, as one reads his book, one is assailed by doubts whether the version presented in it is trustworthy. Although Gross mentions various sources and refers to numerous historians, yet in his argumentation he is relying on the statements of one man only - Szmul Wasersztejn, a Jew living in the town, but according to some witnesses, not present there during the massacre. (Teodor Eugeniusz Lusinski to the Institute of Jewish History, 20.03.95, according to Dr. Marek Jan Chodakiewicz). This crown witness of Gross, in Poland went under the name of Calka and not Wasersztejn, who after the war was an agent of U.B. (Communist State Security Forces). This fact was established by Prof. Tomasz Strzembosz, who has been researching this period of Polish history for many years, based on depositions of two reliable witnesses who were interrogated by Wasersztejn (Calka) at the UB after the war. Strzembosz draws attention to the credibility of sources and witnesses on which Gross relies.
When on the subject of the witness testimonies and methodology that a historian should use in analysing his sources and then disseminating his findings, I would like to mention the statement that Prof. Gross himself made in the book "Neighbours":
"As far as the craft of the historian who deals with the era of the gas ovens is concerned, I think we must radically alter our attitude toward the sources. Our initial attitude toward each testimony of near victims of the Holocaust should change from the inquisitive to the affirmative."
This is a startling statement because it would be practically tantamount to abandoning the scholarly standard.
In each instance, if possible, historians must attempt to verify the sources, testimonies, recollections and memoirs against other documents. A history scholar needs to apply a rigorous litmus test to each testimony by checking it against other witness account and contemporary documents: Jewish, German, Polish, and Soviet. Finally, he has to divide recollections into first- and second-hand observations and classify their reliability accordingly.
Unfortunately, Prof. Gross doesn't adhere to such standards in his book. That's why "Neighbours" should be classified as a literary work and not as historical research, ergo not factual in every aspect.
Further Mr. Heinrichs, following a lead of prof. Gross, mentions trials of 22 Poles sentenced for the crimes allegedly committed in Jedwabne in 1949. Indeed, prof. Gross is extensively using their testimonies in his book, therefore one can say that the whole book is based on their testimonies and the testimonies of Mr. Szmul Wasersztejn and Mr. Finkelstejn.
That would bring us to the next problem with prof. Gross's methodology and integrity.
In the matter of the Polish witnesses, Gross is extensively using the testimonies of people who were interrogated by the U.B. (Communist State Security) in 1949. That organisation was well known for extracting statements from the suspects by using such methods as torture, sleep depravation, beatings and the threat of deportation to Siberia, not only for the suspects, but also for their families.
Most of the accused recalled their "confessions" in front of the court. This was not only an act of self-defence. It was also a sign of bravery. After all, the accused were immediately returned to the "tender, loving care" of secret police officers, who had tortured the confessions out of them in the first place. The confessions were in accordance with a preordained scenario, unofficially promoted by the Communist leadership who promoted the idea that Polish society was "fascist" and "reactionary", what was supposed to create an explanation for the repressive regime and an excuse for the West inaction.
Prof. Gross himself writes extensively on this subject on pages 21, 23, 24, 25, 26. (Polish original). Yet, it would appear that such facts have no meaning to him, because throughout his book he extensively uses the testimonies of Karol Bardon, originally sentenced to the death penalty, which was commuted to a 15 years prison sentence. Any man subjected to such circumstances would tell anything that the interrogating officer wants him to say, simply to survive. What sort of pressure did the interrogating officers exert on him?
Testimonies and confessions obtained by such methods wouldn't be admissible in any court of law in any democratic country.
In regard to the Jewish witnesses' statements, they are very contradictory in some important parts.
For example, Mr. Heinrichs mentions in his article "Some of the Jews committed suicide rather than face their attackers."
Is he aware that there are two eyewitness testimonies regarding such an incident, testimonies that totally contradict each other? To such an extent, that one testimony blames Poles for the active participation in the suicide, with another testimony saying that Poles tried to prevent the intended suicide and attempted to rescue the two women in question.
Then there is a problem with prof. Gross's statement that there was no Germans present in Jedwabne, and that after he had done an extensive research of the German archives, he didn't find any documents mentioning the town of Jedwabne. On such basis prof. Gross arrived to the conclusion that citizens of that town, on their own volition murdered their Jewish neighbours.
But according to the latest research, such documents exist in the German Federal Achieves in Ludvisburg, Bavaria, and the town of Jedwabne is mentioned in these documents a few times.
So, now the question would arise, did prof. Gross really researched those archives, or didn't he?
There are many such questions one can ask after analytically, not emotionally reading prof. Gross's book and comparing his statements with various sources and researches done by Polish recognised historians. Many questions could be raised about the methodology used by prof. Gross.
There is a very important problem with the number of victims, According to historical sources such as the Soviet census conducted in 1940, only 1400 Jews were in the Jedwabne region, which also included the outlying town of Radzilow and the village of Wizna. In Radzilow, only three days earlier, an alleged 1500 Jews were also burned in a barn.
If we also take into account the number of Jews that fled approaching German armies, this would put into serious question the number of victims in Jedwabne. Never mind the size of the barn that couldn't accommodate 1600 people.
Also, according to the most recent news, archaeologists have localised the mass grave of the Jewish population in Jedwabne. In the opinion of prof. Andrzej Kola from the UMK Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, the grave is approximately 5 meters long and 2 meters wide and could contain approximately 300 bodies.
If one wanted to analyse the whole book, such work would take many more pages, so here I have mentioned only a very few examples.
The lack of scientific honesty on the part of prof. Gross, has been commented on by numerous historians, among others by Dr. Sławomir Radon, chairman of the College of IPN (Polish National Remembrance Institute) conducting the present investigation headed by the public prosecutor Radoslaw Ignatiew. They accuse prof. Gross of drawing premature conclusions without a solid research of Polish and German archives and following up all possible leads.
Then Mr. Heinrichs mentions the statements made by the Polish President Kwasniewski and Prime Minister Buzek. Here I would like to draw Mr. Heinrichs's attention to the fact that neither of them is a historian. They didn't conduct any investigation into the Jedwabne matter, the current investigation by the appropriate investigative body hasn't been concluded as yet, and that the various statements made by politicians usually don't have much factual value in such circumstances.
Our own politicians from time to time are prone to make statements that are not corroborated by facts or are not necessarily truthful. Why in Mr. Heinrichs opinion, should Polish politicians be any different or better informed?
So why, as is Mr. Heinrichs's opinion, should statements made by politicians convince the majority of Polish academics, nota benne professional historians with the highest scholarly honours? Or anyone else for that matter? Does he remember some very "truthful" statements made publicly and under oath by the American ex-President Bill Clinton?
Now, in regard to the interview conducted with prof. Gross on the subject of the works by prof. Strzembosz and the collaboration with the Russians by many members of the Jewish population.
Ironically, prof. Strzembosz in his proof of Jewish collaboration with Russians, quotes earlier works of prof. Gross himself, now in the archives of the Hoover Institute, containing reports of this collaboration.
Is prof. Gross blessed with such a short memory that he forgot his own book published in 1983 under the title "In the 1940 they exiled us to Siberia"?
But I don't wish to enter a discussion with Mr. Heinrichs or anybody else regarding who did what sixty years ago. Evil people were on both sides.
The article that prof. Gross speaks about to Mr. Heinrichs, and written by prof. Strzembosz, is far from being "the most significant of the articles". Far more significant would be, for example, the article written by prof. Strzembosz and published on the 15.03.2001 "Germans forced Poles to participate in Jedwabne murder". Also, at this moment of time he is conducting further historical research into the case of Jedwabne, and also new facts, contradicting the very thesis of prof. Gross's book, are coming to the fore nearly every day.
So, maybe, as Mr. Heinrichs says, the "soft pedal" approach and general attitude of sections of Melbourne's Jewish community and Mr. Nadworny is the right approach to have and the antagonising attitude of Mr. Heinrichs is the wrong one?
After the meeting held on 18.02.2001, that marked the end of the visit to Bialystok by prof. Gross, when asked by the reporter if would he be writing more about Jedwabne, he rebuffed: " This is not my interest any longer, now it is a matter for historians".
Shouldn't he take such an approach before writing his book? First historical research and investigation, and then the writing of the book afterwards, based on facts uncovered by such investigation, not the other way around. Now it is too late to leave the matter of Jedwabne to the historians. Prof. Gross has already done a lot, or maybe even irreparable damage, by publishing his book without doing proper historical research, and by stating a lot of sweeping conclusions and inflammatory statements in it.
To conclude, I would like to advise Mr. Heinrichs to do some research of the topic next time, before he writes another offending article. I would advise him to research historical sources and works of the professional historians, not to draw conclusions based on badly researched literary works of sociology professors. Or maybe he should make a career in writing science fiction novels?
Christopher Janiewicz
PS. The article in "The Age":
Krzysztof Janiewicz, , 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaTo Ms. Anne Roiphe from "The New York Observer"
by Jaroslaw Waszczuk, Tuesday, July 24, 2001

To Ms. Anne Roiphe:
Re: "Poland Offers Apology 60 Years late"

Dear Ms. Roiphe:
The title for the article "Poland Offers Apology 60 Years late" is very misleading for readers of The New York Observer.
Poland did not exist on July 10, 1941 and was no Polish law and rules there.
Do you really believe what Gross wrote true story? Mr. Gross is Polish -Jew whose parents had to leave Poland after 1968 together with others ( According to the Jewish publicist Ambraham Brumberg . Polish Communist Regime forced to leave 30.000.00 Jews after 1968) Do you know who were these Jews and why communists forced them to leave?
In your article you have pointed , history, church , Kielce, Michnik, etc. However , somehow you forgot about these 30.000.00.
Most of them landed on American soil and I am wondering how it is happen, that USA, the country where communism is prohibited gave shelter for high rank communist's aparatchicks for the only reason, because they were Jews. Gross story looks like a vendetta for 1968. Why his parents and other Jews who had to leave Poland after 1968 were silent about Jedwabne until now. Please, don't take me wrong .

I believe that Jews were murdered in Jedwabne. However, I still don't know how it is happen and who is responsible for this terrible and horrifying massacre. It wasn't proven in any court. I am man of principles and court should decide who committed this murder and how it is happen. Mr. Gross's book is a lynch and nothing to do with law.
I would like to hear how Mr. Gross and witnesses would be testified in open court. Does not matter if it would be Israeli court or Republic of Poland court. I guess that you remember the Ivan the Terrible case, the auto worker from Detroit. I guess that you also remember how Israeli's court ruled in Demjaniuk's case.

I agree with you that Kwasniewski's apology was stupid and irresponsible as well offensive to most of Poles in and out of Poland.
Best regards
Jaroslaw Waszczuk
Jaroslaw Waszczuk, , 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaProtests and actions taken by the Polish Government in exile against the extermination of the Jewish population by the German Government 1939-43.

The purpose of this publication is to make public the contents of the Note of December 10th, 1942, addressed by the Polish Government to the Governments of the United Nations concerning the mass extermination of Jews in the Polish territories occupied by Germany, and other documents treating on the same subject.
In the course of the last three years the Polish Government has lodged a number of protests with the Governments of the civilized countries of the world condemning the repeated violations by Germany of International Law and of the fundamental principles of morality since September 1st, 1939, i.e. since Germany's aggression against Poland.
In the Note of May 3rd, 1941, presented to the Governments of the Allied and Neutral Powers the Polish Government gave a comprehensive survey of the acts of violence perpetrated against the population of Poland, of offences against religion and cultural heritage and destruction of property in Poland. Since then, however, German authorities in Poland have committed many increasingly brutal acts of violence and terror. In recent months these persecutions have been directed with particular violence against the Jewish population, who have been subjected to new methods calculated to bring about the complete extermination of the Jews, in conformity with the public statements made by the leaders of Germany.
In the hope that the civilized world will draw the appropriate conclusions, the Polish Government desire to bring to the notice of the public, by means of the present White Paper, these renewed German efforts at mass extermination, with the employment of fresh horrifying methods.
* Republic of Poland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "The German Occupation of Poland," Extract of Note addressed to the Governments of the Allied and Neutral Powers on May 3, 1941, London and New York.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
December 10th, 1942

Your Excellency,
On several occasions the Polish Government have drawn the attention of the civilized world, both in diplomatic documents and official publications, to the conduct of the German Government and of the German authorities of occupation, both military and civilian, and to the methods employed by them "in order to reduce the population to virtual slavery and ultimately to exterminate the Polish nation". These methods, first introduced in Poland, were subsequently, applied in a varying degree, in other countries occupied by the armed forces of the German Reich.
2. At the Conference held at St. James's Palace on January 13th, 1942, the Governments of the occupied countries placed among their principal war aims the punishment, through the channel of organized justice, of those guilty of, or responsible for, those crimes, whether they have ordered them, perpetrated them, or participated in them".
Despite this solemn warning and the declarations of President Roosevelt, of the Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill, and of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, M. Molotov, the German Government has not ceased to apply its methods of violence and terror. The Polish Government have received numerous reports from Poland testifying to the constant intensification of German persecution of the subjected populations.
3. Most recent reports present a horrifying picture of the position to which the Jews in Poland have been reduced. The new methods of mass slaughter applied during the last few months confirm the fact that the German authorities aim with systematic deliberation at the total extermination of the Jewish population of Poland and of the many thousands of Jews whom the German authorities have deported to Poland from Western and Central European countries and from the German Reich itself.
The Polish Government consider it their duty to bring to the knowledge of the Governments of all civilized countries the following fully authenticated information received from Poland during recent weeks, which indicates all too plainly the new methods of extermination adopted by the German authorities.
4. The initial steps leading to the present policy of extermination of the Jews were taken already in October 1940, when the German authorities established the Warsaw ghetto. At that time all the Jewish inhabitants of the Capital were ordered to move into the Jewish Quarter assigned to them not later than November 1st, 1940, while all the non-Jews domiciled within the new boundaries of what was to become the ghetto were ordered to move out of that quarter.
The Jews were allowed to take only personal effects with them, while all their remaining property was confiscated. All Jewish shops and businesses outside the new ghetto boundaries were closed down and sealed. The original date for these transfers was subsequently postponed to November 15th, 1940. After that date the ghetto was completely closed and its entire area was surrounded by a brick wall, the right of entry and exit being restricted to the holders of special passes, issued by the German authorities.
All those who left the ghetto without such a pass became liable to sentence of death, and it is known that German courts passed such sentences in a large number of cases.
5. After the isolation of the ghetto, official intercourse with the outside world was maintained through a special German office known as "Transferstelle". Owing to totally inadequate supplies of food for the inhabitants of the ghetto, smuggling on a large scale was carried on; the Germans themselves participated in this illicit trading, drawing considerable incomes from profits and bribes. The food rations for the inhabitants of the ghetto amounted to about a pound of bread per person weekly, with practically nothing else. As a result, prices in the ghetto were on an average ten times higher than outside and mortality due to exhaustion, starvation and disease, particularly during the last two winters, increased on an unprecedented scale. During the winter 1941-1942 the death rate, calculated on an annual base, has risen to 13 per cent, and during the first quarter of 1942 increased still further. Scores of corpses were found in the streets of the ghetto every day.
5. At the time when the ghetto was established the whole population was officially stated to amount to 488,000, and in spite of the appalling death rate it was being maintained at this figure by the importation of Jews from Germany and from the occupied countries, as well as from other parts of Poland.
6. The outbreak of war between Germany and Soviet Russia and the occupation of the eastern areas of Poland by German troops considerably increased the numbers of Jews in Germany's power. At the same time the mass murders of Jews reached such dimensions that, at first, people refused to give credence to the reports reaching Warsaw from the Eastern provinces. The reports, however, were confirmed again and again by reliable witnesses. During the winter 1941-1942 several tens of thousands of Jews were murdered. In the city of Wilno over 50,000 Jews were reported to have been massacred and only 12,000 of them remain in the local ghetto. In the city of Lwow 40,000 were reported murdered; in Rowne 14,000; in Kowel 10,000, and unknown numbers in Stanislawow1 Tarnopol, Stryj, Drohobycz and many other smaller towns. At first the executions were carried out by shooting; subsequently, however, it is reported that the Germans applied new methods, such as poison gas, by means of which the Jewish population was exterminated in Chelm, or electrocution, for which a camp was organized in Belzec, where in the course of March and April, 1942, the Jews from the provinces of Lublin, Lwow and Kielce, amounting to tens of thousands, were exterminated. Of Lublin's 80,000 Jewish inhabitants only 2,500 still survive in the city.
8. It has been reliably reported that on the occasion of his visit to the General Gouvernement of Poland in March, 1942, Himmler issued an order for the extermination of 50 percent of the Jews in Poland by the end of that year Herr Himmler's departure the Germans spread the rumour that the Warsaw ghetto would be liquidated as from April, 1942. This date was subsequently altered to June. Himmler's second visit to Warsaw in the middle of July 1942, became the signal for the commencement of the process of liquidation, the horror of which surpasses anything known in the annals of history.
9. The liquidation of the ghetto was preceded, on July 17th, 1942, by the registration of all foreign Jews confined there who were then removed to the Pawiak prison. As from July 20th, 1942, the guarding of the ghetto was entrusted to special security battalions, formed from the scum of several Eastern European countries, while large forces of German police armed with machine guns and commanded by SS officers were posted at all the gates leading into the ghetto. Mobile German police detachments patrolled all the boundaries of the ghetto day and night.
10. On July 1st, at 11 a.m., German police cars drove up to the building of the Jewish Council of the ghetto, in Grzybowska Street. The SS officers ordered the chairman of the Jewish Council, Mr. Czerniakow, to summon the members of the Council, who were all arrested on arrival and removed in police cars to the Pawiak prison. After a few hours' detention the majority of them were allowed to return to the ghetto. About the same time flying squads of German police entered the ghetto, breaking into the houses in search of Jewish intellectuals. The better-dressed Jews found were killed on the spot, without the police troubling even to identify them. Among those who were thus killed was a non-Jew, Professor Dr. Raszeja, who was visiting the ghetto in the course of his medical duties and was in possession of an official pass. Hundreds of educated Jews were killed in this way.
11. On the morning of the following day, July 22nd, 1942, the German police again visited the office of the Jewish Council and summoned all the members, who had been released from the Pawiak prison the previous day. On their assembly they were informed that an order had been issued for the removal of the entire Jewish population of the Warsaw ghetto and printed instructions to that effect were issued in the form of posters, the contents of which are reproduced in Annex 1 to this Note. Additional instructions were issued verbally. The number of people to be removed was first fixed at 6,000 daily. The persons concerned were to assemble in the hospital wards and grounds in Stawki Street the patients of which were evacuated forthwith. The hospital was close to the railway siding. Persons subject to deportation were to be delivered by the Jewish police not later than 4 p.m. each day. Members of the Council and other hostages were to answer for the strict fulfilment of the order.
In conformity with German orders, all inmates of Jewish prisons, old-age pensioners and inmates of other charitable institutions were to be included in the first contingent.
12. On July 23rd, 1942, at 7 p.m., two German police officers again visited the offices of the Jewish Council and saw the chairman, Mr. Czerniakow. After they left him, he committed suicide. It is reported that Mr. Czerniakow did so because the Germans increased the contingent of the first day to 10,000 persons, to be followed by 7,000 persons on each subsequent day. Mr. Czerniakow was succeeded in his office by Mr. Lichtenbaum, and on the following day 10,000 persons were actually assembled for deportation, followed by 7,000 persons on each subsequent day. The people affected were either rounded up haphazardly in the streets or were taken from their homes.
13. According to the German order of July 22nd, 1942, all Jews employed in German-owned undertakings, together with their families, were to be exempt from deportation. This produced acute competition among the inhabitants of the ghetto to secure employment in such undertakings, or, failing employment, bogus certificates to that effect. Large sums of money, running into thousands of Slates, were being paid for such certificates to the German owners. They did not, however, save the purchasers from deportation, which was being carried out without discrimination or identification.
14. The actual process of deportation was carried out with appalling brutality. At the appointed hour on each day the German police cordoned off a block of houses selected for clearance, entered the back yard and fired their guns at random, as a signal for all to leave their homes and assemble in the yard. Anyone attempting to escape or to hide was killed on the spot.
No attempt was made by the Germans to keep families together. Wives were torn from their husbands and children from their parents. Those who appeared frail or infirm were carried straight to the Jewish cemetery to be killed and buried there. On the average 50-100 people were disposed of in this way daily. After the contingent was assembled, the people were packed forcibly into cattle trucks to the number of 120 in each truck, which had room for forty. The trucks were then locked and sealed. The Jews were suffocating for lack of air. The floors of the trucks were covered with quicklime and chlorine. As far as is known, the trains were dispatched to three localities -Tremblinka, Belzec and Sobibor, to what the reports describe as "Extermination camps." The very method of transport was deliberately calculated to cause the largest possible number of casualties among the condemned Jews. It is reported that on arrival in camp the survivors were stripped naked and killed by various means, including poison gas and electrocution. The dead were interred in mass graves dug by machinery.
15. According to all available information, of the 250,000 Jews deported from the Warsaw ghetto up to September 1st, 1942, only two small transports, numbering about 4,000 people, are known to have been sent eastwards in the direction of Brest-Litovsk and Malachowicze, allegedly to be employed on work behind the front line. It has not been possible to ascertain whether any of the other Jews deported from the Warsaw ghetto still survive, and it must be feared that they have been all put to death.
16. The Jews deported from the Warsaw ghetto so far included in the first instance all the aged and infirm; a number of the physically strong have escaped so far, because of their utility as labor power. All the children from Jewish schools, orphanages and children's homes were deported, including those from the orphanage in charge of the celebrated educationist, Dr. Janusz Korczak, who refused to abandon his charges, although he was given the alternative of remaining behind.
18. The deportations from the Warsaw ghetto were interrupted during five days, between August 2Oth-25th. The German machinery for the mass slaughter of the Jews was employed during this interval on the liquidation of other ghettoes in Central Poland, including the towns of Falenica, Rembertow, Nowy Dwor, Kaluszyn and Minsk Mazowiecki.
19. It is not possible to estimate the exact numbers of Jews who have been exterminated in Poland since the occupation of the country by the armed forces of the German Reich. But all the reports agree that the total number of killed runs into many hundreds of thousands of innocent victims - men, women and children - and that of the 3,130,000 Jews in Poland before the outbreak of war, over a third have perished during the last three years.*
[This statement hides the fact that 1,222,000 Polish Jews were absorbed into the Soviet Union as a result of the October 22, 1939 plebiscite held on the eastern Polish territories.]
20. The Polish population, which itself is suffering the most grievous afflictions, and of which many millions have been either deported to Germany as slave labor or evicted from their homes and lands, deprived of so many of their leaders, who have been cruelly murdered by the Germans, have repeatedly expressed, through the underground organizations, their horror of and compassion with the terrible fate which has befallen their Jewish fellow-countrymen. The Polish Government are in possession of information concerning the assistance which the Polish population is rendering to the Jews. For obvious reasons no details of these activities can be published at present.
21. The Polish Government as the representatives of the legitimate authority on territories in which the Germans are carrying out the systematic extermination of Polish citizens and of citizens of Jewish origin of many other European countries consider it their duty to address themselves to the Governments of the United Nations, in the confident belief that they will share their opinion as to the necessity not only of condemning the crimes committed by the Germans and punishing the criminals, but also of finding means offering the hope that Germany might be effectively restrained from continuing to apply her methods of mass extermination. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my high consideration.
Extract of Statement made by the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. St. Mikolajczyk, on behalf of the Polish Government, November 27, 1942, at a special meeting of the Polish National Council; and text of Resolution adopted by the National Council:
The Polish Government, in the fullest understanding of their responsibilities, not neglecting their duty to inform the world of the mass murders and bestialities of the Germans in Poland, have done everything in their power to counteract this terror.
We are fully aware of the fact that the fundamental condition of an effective counter-action against the German programme which, in relation to Poland is best expressed by one slogan - TO DESTROY THE POLISH NATION WIPING OUT THE TRACES OF ITS EXISTENCE - is to shorten the time of suffering and resistance for the Poles in Poland and to defeat the enemy quickly.
THAT is why the previous appeals from Poland to open up a second front and now the appeals to hasten up, at any price, the pace of the war, are considered by us to be the fundamental principles of the policy of the Polish Government.
The persecutions of the Jewish minority now in progress in Poland, constitute, however, a separate page of Polish martyrology.
Himmler's order that 1942 must be the year of liquidation of at least 50 per cent of Polish Jewry is being carried out with utter ruthlessness and a barbarity never before seen in world history. Every one of us knows the details, so I will not go into them again....
From Poland, there comes protest against the murders and persecutions. The protest is accompanied by cries of pity, sympathy and utter helplessness of those who have to look on what is happening there....
In the name of the Polish Government, I support this protest of Poles in Poland and that of the Polish National Council. The Polish Government defends the interests of all Polish citizens of whatever religion or nationality they may be, and does it both in the interests of the state and in the name of humanity and Christianity....
I can only hope and pray that the protest of the Polish Government and that of the Polish National Council which represents all the groups 6f Polish society, will shake the conscience of the world, will find its way to quarters where decisions speeding up military action are taken, that it will bring about an intensified help for those who are still alive, that it will strengthen on the Allied side the determination to punish the crimes and serve as a warning to the assassins whose crimes, duly registered, will not escape a just punishment and who soon will feel the hand of justice fall heavily on their backs.
After the Declaration of Mr. Mikolajczyk, the Polish National Council unanimously adopted the following resolution:
The Government of the Polish Republic has brought the last news about the massacres of the Jewish population in Poland, carried out systematically by the German occupying authorities, to the attention of the Allied Governments and of public opinion in Allied countries. The number of Jews, who have been murdered by the Germans in Poland so far, since September 1939, exceeds 1,000,000.
From the beginning of the conquest of the territories of the Republic, the bestial occupying power has subjected the Polish nation to an appalling policy of extermination, to such an extent that by now the Polish population has been reduced by several million. Now the occupying power has reached the summit of its murder-lust and sadism by organizing mass-murders of hundreds of thousands of Jews in Poland, not only the Polish Jews but also the Jews brought from other countries to Poland with the purpose of exterminating them. The German murderers have sent to their death hundreds of thousands of men, women, children and old people. Their purpose is to enfeeble the Polish nation and completely to exterminate the Jews in Poland before the end of this year. In the execution of this plan Adolf Hitler and his henchmen are using the most appalling tortures.
The Polish Government, the Polish National Council, and the Polish Nation at home, have often protested against the German crimes, and announced that a just punishment would be meted out to these offenders against mankind.
Lately the Polish Government has submitted to the Polish National Council the draft of a law providing for the punishment of the German criminals. In the face of the latest German crimes, unparalleled in the history of mankind, which have been carried out against the Polish nation, and particularly against the Jewish population of Poland, the Polish National Council again raises a strong protest and pronounces an indictment before the whole civilized world.
The Polish National Council solemnly declares:
By its heroic attitude at home the Polish nation is gathering its strength for the day of just retribution, amidst unspeakable sufferings.
The Polish National Council appeals to all the Allied nations and to all the nations now suffering together with the Polish nation under the German yoke, that they should at once start a common action against this trampling and profanation of all principles of morality and humanity by the Germans, and against the extermination of the Polish nation and other nations, an extermination the most appalling expression of which is provided by the mass-murders of the Jews in Poland and in the rest of Europe which Hitler has subjected.
To all those who are suffering and undergoing torture in Poland, both to Poles and to Jews, to all those who are taking part in the struggle for liberation and for the preparation of a just retribution on the German criminals, the Polish National Council sends words of hope and of unshakeable faith in the recovery of freedom for all.
Text of a Broadcast by Count E. Raczynski, Polish Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs (December 17th, 1942).
I am speaking to you tonight on a subject, the immensity of which I would like you to realize to the full.
I would like to make you understand how real is the tragedy, which is taking place not so very far from the shores of this island, on the Continent of Europe on the soil of Poland.
For more than three years the Germans have consistently done everything they could to hide from the eyes of the world the martyrdom of the Polish nation, the like of which has never been known in the history of humanity. But "when we would keep silence the very stones will cry out."
After receiving from Poland reports of a further intensification of the German terror, the Polish Government considered it their duty to send a note to all interested Governments drawing their attention to the horror of the situation and reminding them that what Germany is aiming at is: to reduce the population to virtual slavery and in the end to exterminate the Polish nation.
More particularly the Polish Government communicated to the Governments of the United Nations authentic information on the mass slaughter not only of those Jews whom the Germans overwhelmed in Poland, but also of the hundreds of thousands of those whom they have transplanted from other countries and imprisoned in the Ghettoes, which they have established in our country.
The note states that according to the reports in possession of the Polish Government, of a total of three million, one hundred and thirty thousand Polish Jews, more than one-third, has already been exterminated, and ends with the appeal for "condemning the crimes, punishing the criminals and devising means offering the hope that Germany might be effectively restrained from continuing to apply her methods of mass extermination."
This morning, the Governments of the United Nations of the European Continent united their voices with those of the Powers m a solemn declaration, expressing their unshakeable determination to cauterize with red-hot iron the evil which so dangerously infects the German people.
It is tragic to contemplate that this policy of extermination applied to the Jews by the German Government is being carried out with the active help or, at least, support of a considerable section of the German people, while the remaining part of that people allow it to pass in silence.
I know that in a totalitarian regime it is not easy to protest, but the occupied nations nevertheless find the means to manifest their will and their opposition to the barbarous methods of Germany.
When I think of the German nation, so powerful in its armed might and owning so gigantic a war machine, and at the same time so cowardly accepting the destruction of an entire race, the representatives of which, such as Heine, Mendelssohn and Einstein contributed so much to the glory of Germany's civilization and, on the other hand, when I think of my own nation, which itself is being massacred and nevertheless is capable of such acts of defiance and compassion as the demolition by Polish workers of a part of the wall which surrounds the ghetto of Warsaw, then I cannot help thinking how small is this mighty German nation-and how measureless is its infamy.
Civilized words and remonstrances are today of no avail where that nation is concerned. The bloody crimes call out for justice without mercy, and the assurance that even now they will receive their answer in ever more telling deeds as the might of the United Nations grows and as the hour of judgment approaches apace.
, , 0000-00-00

The Sarmatian Review">
nasza witrynaThe Disabling Mode: Poles in Jewish Discourse
Ewa M.Thompson

Let me say at the outset that as I understand it, we are engaging here in a secular and not a theological conversation. We are meeting here as two ethnic groups, Jews and Poles - both Americans. It is the secular aspect of our identities that is the focus of our encounter.
From our American Polish standpoint, there are three segments of Jewish-Polish relations which need correction and further discussion. The first has to do with independent Poland between the two world wars. The Soviet-inspired interpretation of interwar Poland as a country fast descending into fascism is common at American universities today, but it is poignantly false. Until the outbreak of World War II, the party in power in Poland was that of Józef Pilsudski, beloved by the Polish Catholics and a friend of the Jews, as Dr. Abraham Peck pointed out in his presentation on March 1. While tensions between the majority population and the country's minorities increased in the 1930s, no anti-Semitic party ever gained power in free Poland, and Catholic anti-Semitism, although deplorable, was substantially different from what was going on in neighboring Germany, a fact which the March 1998 Vatican document, "We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah" also stresses. Until World War II broke out and Poland was overrun by Nazis and Soviets, Polish universities employed Jewish professors, Poland had a flourishing Jewish press, Jewish members of parliament, Jewish heroes such as Wilhelm Feldman.
As the Jewish American historian Joseph Rothschild wrote, "interwar Poland's faults and weaknesses were many...but .... Though badgered, the opposition parties operated legally...though harrassed, the... press remained independent and active; outspoken enemies of the regime continued to teach at the universities and to publish their criticisms; the autonomy of the judiciary from the administration was preserved." (East Central Europe between the Two World Wars, 72) Thus to say that pre-war Poland was ripening for the Holocaust is untenable. And yet, such false views have become entrenched in American discourse. On the eve of this discussion, i.e., on 28 March 1998, the Houston Chronicle printed the following in the note advertising our meeting: "The panel will cover the history of the Jewish community in Poland and the rise of anti-Semitism that lead to the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp." The suggestion that it was Polish anti-Semitism that led to the creation of Auschwitz is an outrageous lie. For the first two years of its existence, Auschwitz was used primarily for the execution of Polish Catholics by the Germans. Over the years, Poles have suffered scores of such indignities with no attempt from the Jewish side to correct the mendacities of an anonymous provenance.

Polish Jews were not only victims of history, but also actors in history.

The second segment of the Polish story that has disappeared from Jewish memory is World War II itself. Few people wish to remember that Poland was attacked by Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, and that the first two years of war brought unspeakable destruction to the Polish population and culture. The deportations of one and a half million Poles - mostly Catholics - to the Soviet Gulag traumatized the entire Polish nationand that happened before the Shoah. Polish Catholics were on the death lists of the Soviets just because they were Polish Catholics. Polish children were starved and gassed, Polish parents were taken to Germany and worked to death as forced laborers. The nation was brutalized to the point which I am afraid would have been incomprehensible to secure middle class Americans even if they learned about it from textbooks which they have not, for this section of history has been excised from American memory as well. Have we ever heard from Jewish organizations any words of sympathy for the unspeakable tragedy, suffering and losses that befell the Jews' Polish brethren in World War II?
It was in these conditions that the Shoah took place. True, the Shoah overshadows Polish suffering. But it does not wipe it out. Between three and four million Polish Christians were killed during World War II by two sides, Nazis and Soviets. In a book titled Maus, a Jewish American cartoonist, Art Spiegelman, presented the Polish people in World War II as secure pigs, who looked indifferently at Jewish suffering. That such a racist and mendacious book is taught in American schools and universities today is a great injustice to Poles. And this is happening today, even as we speak, and not in some remote point in the past; and it is perpetrated by educated and supposedly responsible people, teachers and university professors. This book is also prominently displayed in the Houston Holocaust Museum's bookstore.
In spite of the terror imposed on Poland in World War II, there was no systematic collaboration with the Nazis. None. Zero. There were no SS units composed of Poles. There was in Poland no Vichy government. You cannot find any document written by any member of the exiled Polish Government or the underground resistance that condones or encourages turning in Jews to the Nazis. This was rather exceptional in Nazi-occupied Europe, but it has been elbowed out of American Jewish memory.
The third segment of Polish history which needs correction in American Jewish memory has to do with the Polish-Jewish relations under the Soviet occupation in 1939-41 and then again, in the decade following World War II. A book published by Princeton University Press and titled Revolution from Abroad: the Soviet Conquest of Poland's Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia, says that when the Soviet army attacked in September 1939, it was met, consistently and repeatedly, by friendly Jewish crowds. After these greetings there took place arrests, executions and deportations to the Gulag of persons who were predominantly Polish and Catholic. Poles expect the responsible members of the Jewish community to recognize that there took place, in the first two years of World War II and after the war, a massive collaboration of Jewish Poles with the Soviet occupiers, a collaboration which contributed to numerous Polish Christian deaths and family tragedies. Joseph Stalin appointed Jakub Berman as the virtual dictator of Poland between 1945-1953. How many Polish Christian lives did Jakub Berman waste, only God knows. Sources speak of 30,000 Polish patriots who were arrested and killed under his supervision. Have we ever heard any Jewish organization condemn Jakub Berman and express sympathy to Poles who suffered under his terror for nine long years?
Polish Americans urge the responsible members of the Jewish community to recognize that Jews were not just victims of history, but also actors in history. They made choices, acted, and sometimes committed crimes. The crimes committed against the Polish nation by people like Jakub Berman in the years of Stalinism, between 1945-1953, are a blank page to most Americans, Jewish and Christian alike. They are now being slowly uncovered by the courts of independent Poland. It is too late to punish the perpetrators: many of them are dead, some have emigrated.* But those who committed such crimes cannot be recycled as victims of anti-Semitism. Being in denial of these issues is not going to build bridges between the two communities. I urge my Jewish colleagues to understand that I am mentioning these facts not in the spirit of accusation, but in the spirit of understanding. The responsible members of the Polish community understand Jewish fears, they understand that fear of the Right of which Professor Michael Wyschogrod spoke in his lecture on March 1, 1998. This fear of the Catholic Right undoubtedly contributed to the choice many prominent Jews made, of siding with the Soviets rather than with Poles. I think one area of Polish—Jewish cooperation might be the nurturing of the kind of the Polish Right that is not inhospitable to Jews, the kind of the Polish Right represented by Pope John Paul II. But in turn, the Jewish community has to understand Polish fears, Polish bitterness at that deafening silence surrounding the crimes of people such as Jakub Berman on the one hand, and on the other, the defamation of Poles in the American media by such individuals as Art Spiegelman, Alan Dershovitz and countless others.
That so many Jews lived in Poland for centuries was not due to the fact that Poles were anti-Semitic. It was due to the fact that the Jews found in Poland, by comparison to other countries, more willingness to tolerate the Other than in other European lands. As Iwo Pogonowski said in his book, Jews in Poland, it was in Poland that Jewry found its modern voice, it was in Poland that it built itself into a modern nation, it was in Poland that it experienced a historically unprecedented demographic growth (between 1340 and 1772, the Jewish population of Poland grew 75-fold, while the Christian population grew only five-fold). While the Holocaust decimated Polish Jewry, the offshoots of this tremendous growth and of this modern nation had already moved to other countries, to flourish and develop there. The role of Poland in preserving and strengthening the modern Jewish identity is something most Poles are proud to remember.
Many Poles have noted that there prevails in this country a nearly total impenetrability to Polish discourse among many Jewish intellectuals. The authority of hundreds and thousands of books, articles, movies, speeches and artifacts has weighed heavily on Polish ability to enter the discursive mode. The unwisdom of constructing a world view from which Poland and Poles have been excised need not be elaborated here. A monologue in a dialogic form is just another utopian scheme that will not work.
I would like to conclude with a quote from the Foreign Minister of Poland, Dr. Bronislaw Geremek, who said during a recent NewsHour interview: "When you see a man who is a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto becoming Foreign Minister of Poland, how does one dare to speak of Polish anti-Semitism?" Indeed. I hope that these discussions will enable us to look forward in a way that will be productive for both communities. On behalf of the Polish Catholic community in Houston, I would like to express my thanks to Bishop Joseph Fiorenza and to Dr. Abraham Peck for making these discussions possible.

*Chief Military Prosecutor Helena Wolinska who in 1950 ordered the arrest of the hero of Polish Resistance, Home Army General 'Nil' Fieldorf (subsequently executed); who also ordered the arrest of former Polish Foreign Minister Wladyslaw Bartoszewski's father, left Poland with her husband in 1968 alleging that the reason was anti-Semitism. Efforts are under way to extradite her to Poland for questioning about the crimes of which she is accused. Rzeczpospolita OnLine, 15 October 1998, ; BBC, 27 November 1998.

This paper was read at a Polish-Jewish dialogue held in the Holocaust Museum Houston, 29 March 1998.

Ewa M. Thompson, The Sarmatian Review, 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaWhy didn't Gross come to Jedwabne?

  translated by: Stefan Poniecki, Calgary 2001
On the 10th of July 1941, in the small town of Jedwabne in the vicinity of Łomża, took place a murder of Jews. Jan Tomasz Gross gave it publicity in his now famous book "Neighbours" published in Polish last year. The English edition is to appear simulatneously in different countries in April amidst vigorous advertising campaign. The author puts forward a thesis that over 1,600 Jews living in Jedwabne were murdered by their Polish neighbours. Gross is also accusing the local bishop and the Catholic clergy of indifference, if not outright refusal of succour to the Jews.
- A judgment has been pronounced without a trial. We have been slandered and spat upon - say the indignant inhabitants of Jedwabne on the 7th of February 2001 at an agitated meeting with the public prosecutor Radosław Ignatiev of the Institute of National Memory in Białystok who is conducting the investigation of the murder. He invited people from the town with the idea of inducing them to make statements. From the moment of publication of the book, Jedwabians feel that they are hounded by part of the media (in Poland and even in North America), which declared them anti-semites and murderers.
- Why didn't Gross come to Jedwabne? Why didn't he talk with us instead of assuming a priority that it is we and not the Germans who are responsible for these deaths? - they ask. They do not want to talk with journalists because they are convinced that their statements will be distorted or censored. (The names of Jedwabians and their statements are known to the Catholic Information Agency. The majority of them made statements before prosecutor Ignatiev, but those cannot be revealed until the completion of the investigation). - I request of you to relate everything that you know, everything that you have seen, what you have heard from people near to you. Only in this way will we get to the truth, this is your only chance to repulse the accusations which you consider untrue - Mr. Ignatiev appealed to the inhabitans.
CIA established that Szmul Wasersztajn, the crown witness, whose statement is the basis of reconstruction of events by Gross, after the war worked for the Office of Public Safety (U.B.)
The question of Jedwabne forces us to go back to the up to now not completely explored and unsettled period of our history of the last 60 years, a period which saw a tragic entanglement of fates of Poles, Jews, Germans, Russians, and to a lesser degree, other inhabitants living in the eastern neibouring territories of the Polish Republic. Even a superficial attempt to recreate the history of this region during World War II brings up questions which to this day have no satisfactory answers. Up to the beginning of the war in 1939 Poles and Jews lived in the eastern territories of Poland in relative amity. Of course there were individual conflicts, but those happen everywhere people live. The population of little towns on this territory very often consisted of 50% Poles and 50% Jews. This was also the case of Jedwabne before the war. It had 2,500 - 3,000 inhabitants which can be verified in existing voters list for municipal elections. Jewish and Polish children attended the same school. A participant of the meeting with Mr. Ignatiev who was 7 years old in 1941, vividly moved, remembers that he sat on the same bench with a Jew, was able to name some of his Jewish friends with whom he was not only studying, but played and was friendly with.
Problems surfaced with the outbreak of the war. Two totalitarian systems: fascism and communism released evil in people and brought upon us misfortune - says Rev. Edward Orłowski, now parish priest of Jedwabne, formerly for three years vicar to Rev. Józef Kembliński, administrator (deputy parish priest ) of the Jedwabne parish in the years 1940 - 1945.
First came the Germans. However when on the 17th of September Soviet troops invaded Poland, Germans retreated and the town came into Russian possession. In October 1939 in the neighbouring woods on the western shore of Biebrza and in Jedwabne appeared a Polish unit of resistence consisting of soldiers from central Poland and local Poles. The main organizers were the parish priest of Jedwabne Rev. Marian Szumowski and Rev. Stanisław Cutnik of Burzyn. In spite of frequent changes of billeting, the unit was dispered after a bloody engagement with the Soviet troops on the 23rd of June 1940. After its liquidation followed mass arrests by the Russians of some 250 people, including Revs. Szumowski and Rev. Cutnik.
The martyrdom of the Jews commenced with the outbreak of the German-Russian war on the 22nd of June 1941. The Germans occupied in a few days the eastern parts of Poland and at once proceeded with the liquidation of the Jews. Some were murdered on location, others e.g. from Brańsk, were taken to concentration camps or to ghettos constructed in bigger conglomerations such as Białystok. In Jedwabne they arrived probably on the 25th of June and the annihilation of the Jews took place three weeks after the start of the German-Soviet war, on the 10th of July 1941.
It is an incontestable fact that Jews who found themselves in Jedwabne were driven on to the main square, herded into a barn and burned alive. What is contested is the number of Jews killed, the sequence of events and the participation in the crime of Germans and Poles.
Credibility of Gross' version
Perusing the first few pages of Jan Tomasz Gross' book "Neighbours" one's hopes rise that here we will learn the truth about the crime of Jedwabne. The author is being introduced as a noted historian (by education he is a sociologist), professor of political sciences of the University of New York, author of essays on the subject of Polish-German-Jewish relationships in the years 1939-1948.
Gross names various sources that he relied on. Unfortunately, as one reads his book, one is assailed by doubts whether the version presented in it is trustworthy. Although Gross mentions various sources and refers to numerous historians, yet in his argumentations he is relying on the statements of one man only - Szmul Wasersztajn, a Jew living in the town. This crown witness of Gross in Poland went under the name of Całka and not Wasersztajn, who after the war was an agent of U.B.
This fact was established by Prof. Tomasz Strzembosz, who has been researching this period of Polish history for many years, on the basis of depositions of two reliable witnesses who were interrogated by Wasersztajn at the UB after the war. Strzembosz draws attention to the credibility of sources and witnesses on which Gross relies. He underlines for example that Wasersztajn's story is too spacious and "all knowing" for someone who in that moment of time himself was obliged to hide and fight for survival.
Gross does not quote, for example, the reports of members of Anders' army deposited in the Hoover Institute, now also available in the Eastern Archives in Warsaw, which differ considerably from the author of "Neighbours" on the subject of "pogrom" in Jedwabne and the matter of Jewish collaboration with the Soviet authorities.
The author of "Neighbours" relies also on the files of the trial of 22 Poles dealing with the pogrom in Jedwabne conducted by the Office of Public Security (UB) in Łomża in 1949 and in Białystok in 1953. The UB proceedings were a mockery of legality. The trial lasted only two days, on the 16th and 17th of May 1949. People meeting with Mr. Ignatiev were stressing that their fathers were forced to confess by beatings and that some of the witnesses were bribed with vodka.
The lack of scientific honesty has been commented on by numerous historians, among others by Dr. Sławomir Radoń, chairman of the College of IPN (Institute of National Memory) conducting the present investigation. They accuse him of drawing premature conclusions without a solid research in Polish and German archives and following up all possible leads.
It is significant that Gross did not visit Jedwabne, did not bother to contact witnesses or participants in the crime and talk with them. Gross merely quotes current depositions of Poles based on notes made by journalists, e.g. Agnieszka Arnold, on the occasion of her making the film "Neighbours" in 1998.
The role of the Church
In view of doubts as to the honesty of Gross' exposition, KAI decided to investigate the probity of some of the contentions concerning men of the Church contained in the book. In Gross' book priests are not in the forefront, they are kept rather in the background, accused obliquely as the "ideologists of the crime."
Gross suggests that if priests act as brakes on pogroms, they do it not for moral and religious reasons, but rather as a means of obtaining tributes.
In the quoted testimony in "Neighbours" of Menachem Finkelsztajn describing the murder of Jews in the neighbouring Radziłów we read:
"We were sure, that the Jews were murdered. Who murdered them? Polish murderers, dirty hands of people from the underworld, people blinded and driven by animal instinct after blood and loot, taught and nurtured over decades by the black clergy which was building its existence on racial hatred."
The author of "Neighbours" mentions two priests and the bishop of the diocese of Łomża. Describing the relationship of the Catholic priests and the two religious communities in Jedwabne, Gross stresses that almost to the outbreak of the war the relationships between the local priest and the rabbi were good, and that Jews "fared no worse than anywhere else in Poland." However it was no idyll: "Apart from regularly occurring tense moments such as the time around Easter, when priests were evoking in their sermons the picture of the Jew as God's assassin, there was always the potential of some evil happening through a simple coincidence of circumstances."
Such a coincidence was the murder of a Jewess and shortly thereafter the death of a Polish peasant in 1934. The populace of the town interpreted the death of the Pole as a revenge for the murder of the Jewess, and a pogrom was hanging in the air. So the generally respected Rabbi Avigdor Białostocki in company with Jony Rothschild paid a visit to the local parish priest (which is mentioned in the Souvenir Book of Jedwabne). Gross asserts that "This episode fits exactly within the norms of Jewish existence which accepted that the threatened community almost always knew in advance of the approaching scourge (just as they knew of the approaching extermination "actions" during the occupation) and took it as natural, that in such situations the civil and religious authorities were due a tribute for taking care of them and averting the anticipated calamity." This time the calamity was averted and the relationship between the leaders of the two communities continued as before.
Up to the time - writes Gross - when, just before the war, arrived a new parish priest of nationalistic sympathies. Here Gross writes an untruth. If he had checked this information in the history of the Łomże diocese, he would have found that Rev. Szumowski was the parish priest of Jedwabne from 1931 to July of 1940 when he was arrested by the NKWD for organizing the movement of resistance. Just before the war there was no change of parish priest. From Gross' account it appears that either the alleged pogrom of 1934 was averted by the priest in spite of his nationalistic leanings, or by the predecessor of Rev. Szumowski - Rev. Andrzej Gawędzki, the builder of the church in Jedwabne 1921-1931, later a prisoner in Buchenwald and Dachau. Therefore the date of the event is wrong. After his arrest Rev. Szumowski was shipped to Mińsk, where on the 27th of January 1941 War College of the Supreme Court of the ZSRR sentenced him to death. Documents confirming these facts, together with information of the General Consulate of the Republic of Belarus of 1997 in Białystok about the circumstances of the arrest and murder of Rev. Szumowski, are now in the parish office of the church of St. Jacob in Jedwabne.
Rev. Józef Kembinski - vicar of Jedwabne at the beginning of the war and administrator of the parish after the arrest of the parish priest, remembered years later that a local Jew collaborating with the NKWD also took part in the arrest of Rev. Szumowski.
Another clergyman mentioned in the book of Gross is Bishop of Łomże Stanisław Łukomski, whom Gross accuses of accepting from the Jewish delegation a silver candelabra, yet failing to save the Jews of Jedwabne from the pogrom. Ross writes:
"The leaders of the Jewish community sent to the Bishop of Jedwabne a delegation which took with them beautiful sliver candelabra, with the request that the bishop assure them of his protection and intervene with the Germans that a pogrom do not take place in Jedwabne. One of the uncles of the witness from whom this report stems, went with the delegation to Łomża.
And indeed, the Bishop of Łomża kept his word for a time. However the Jews were placing too much faith in his assurances and would not listen to warnings from sympathising Polish neighbours."
However, as research by KAI shows, while the Jewish delegation, according to Gross, was supposed to be meeting with the Bishop of Łomża, he was not there because he was hiding from the Soviet occupants - predominantly in Tykocin and Kulesze Kościelne. This information confirm numerous documents in the diocesan archives of Łomża, and most of all recordings of the bishop himself.
The southern part of the diocese during the war was in the care of the auxiliary bishop domiciled in Ostrów Mazowiecki, while the northern part remained in the care of Bishop Łukomski, when he was there. After the start of hostilities in 1939, the bishop's residence was sequestered by the military and devastated by two conquering armies. When the German-Soviet conflict erupted on June 22 1941 and the Russians left the area, Bishop Łukomski decided to return to Łomża. In part VII of his memoirs he describes his steps as follows:
"Wanting to return to Łomża as soon as possible, but knowing that the bishop's palace and the curia were occupied by the Germans, I wrote to the German military authorities in Łomża requesting that the dwelling be cleared of soldiers. Upon receiving from the Commandant the reply that there is no hindrance to my return and that suitable accommodation will be assigned to me, I left for Łomża on the 9th of July."
The question arises, how did the delegation, which was to hand the bishop the candelabra, know that he would be in Łomża? The murder of the Jews took place on the 10th of July, Bishop Łukomski was negotiating by mail with the Commandant before he returned to the capital of the diocese. Were these negotiations so open that everybody in the area knew that the Bishop of Łomża was returning from banishment? This puts the veracity of this report under a question mark. Bishop Łukomski mentions that he did not move into the assigned quarters until August and only then started officiating.
"Having taken over the quarters in August of 1941, many repairs were
required. The household was made functional from offas found on location."
This information confirm chronicles of Benedictine Sisters of the Holy Trinity Abbey in Łomża 1939-1945 written by S. Alojza Piesiewiczówna. Under the date of July 8 1941 she wrote: "Bishop Stanisław Kostka Lukomski returned to Łomża". The bishop himself gives the date of July 9th, but even if some delegation took off to see him with silver candelabra, how to explain that "the Bishop of Łomża kept his word for a time"? The pogrom in Jedwabne took place next day, at the latest two days after the return of Bishop Łukomski to Łomża, if the notation of the Benedictine Sisters is correct.
In his memoirs Bishop Lukomski writes also about the annihilation of the Jews. His notations are not those of an indifferent man, but of a person looking with horror at the bestiality of Hitlerites. As to the attitude of Bishop Lukomski vis a vis the extermination of Jews, can bear witness the reports of priests who lived at that time in the diocese, e.g. Rev. Kazimierz Lupinski who recalls a verbally transmitted instruction of Bishop Lukomski not to grant absolution to Poles who took part in murdering Jews by the Germans.
The years 1939-41
The perusal of Gross's book raises further doubts. Gross attempts to trifle with the co-responsibility of Jews for the persecution of Poles in the period 1939-41 under Soviet occupation. For example, the betrayal of the Polish unit stationed in the region of Jedwabne, he ascribes to some Pole. According to the inhabitants, and also according to the report of Rev. Kemblinski passed on to Rev. Orlowski (the present parish priest who had been Rev. Kemblinski's vicar) it is explicitely the Jewish inhabitants of the town collaborating with the NKWD who betrayed the Polish Partisans.
- It's the Jews who were the first to spoil the good relationship with the Poles, and from that time on something cracked - related Rev. Kemblinski.
The problem of collaboration of the Jews with the Russians discusses at length and proves its existence Prof. Tomasz Strembosh, inter alia in article "The Silent Collaboration" in Rzeczpospolita from 27-28 January 2001.
N.B. Prof. Strembosz in his proof of Jewish collaboration with Russians, quotes earlier works of Jan Tomasz Gross, now in the archives of the Hoover Institute, containing reports of this collaboration. Alas, in "Neighbours" we do not find them.
At the unusually heated meeting of the inhabitants of Jedwabe with prosecutor Ignatiev of IPN, which took place in Jedwabne on the 7 February 2001, the older men were maintaining categorically that the time of Soviet occupation was the worst of the whole war and were stressing that during that period, less than two years, more Poles were killed and deported to Siberia than during four years of German occupation. It is estimated that from Jedwabne itself 300 persons were deported or killed. For these crimes Poles blame Jews collaborating with the NKWD.
An elderly, modestly attired woman related how on the 20th of June 1941, i.e. two days before the outbreak of the German-Soviet war and the invasion of German troops, the Russians deported her family of six people to Siberia. What is significant, the Soviets who arrived to make the arrests had a detailed list of whom to take in Jedwabne and what their addresses were. The mother of the woman in question asked the NKWD-man where he was from. He answered that he was from Moscow. If you are from Moscow, where did you get such such exact details? His answer: your Jews have betrayed you. "I can still hear his words" - affirms the woman. And indeed a Jew was accompanying them on the cart which took them to the train. After 5 years they returned from Siberia, just four of them because they buried there a brother and grandmother dressed in rags.
Another inhabitant of Jedwabne, whose father was tortured by Jewish functionaries of the U.B., was asking Prosecutor Ignatiev whether he could sue the Jewish hangman who delivered Poles to the Russians and tortured them, but now is living in the USA. Mr. Ignatiev assured him that he could, but he would have to have solid proof on which a charge could be drawn up.
The number of Jews murdered and the participation of Poles in the crime evoke strong emotions. Gross maintains that 1,600 Jews were burned and that it was the Poles who did it and who for several days prior maltreated and tortured them. However, the census from 1940 gives the number of Jews living in the whole district as 1,400, of whom a considerable part escaped with the NKWD before the Germans to Bialystok, where they perished.
- Why are we being accused of killing 1,600 people and an exhumation is not being allowed? Their burial site is known; no barn in those times was big enough to hold 1,600 people - voiced a participant at the meeting with Prosecutor Ignatiev while clutching in his hands the weekly "Wprost" carrying the interview with Gross. The Jews oppose an exhumation for religious grounds. According to Rev. Kemblinski in July 1941 there were not even 800 Jews. Prof. Strembosz established a similar number of victims (less than 800) in his research.
According to the Jedwabians and Rev. Kemblinski the events of July 10 took a different turn. As early as July 8th Jedwabne was surrounded by German police and nobody could leave the town. For three days the Germans were herding the Jewish population on to the main square and ordered them "to weed the lawns". On the third day they ordered them to dismantle Lenin's monument and then herded the assembled crowd into Bronislaw Sleszynski's barn and burned them.
The inhabitants of Jedwabne admit that Poles also took part in the pogrom, because, as they were stressing in the meeting with the prosecutor of IPN, you will always find scoundrels and bandits. They also draw attention to the fact that some Poles, against their will, were coerced by the Germans to drive the Jews. The Germans were dragging young men out of their homes, arming them with clubs and forcing them to form a cordon around the Jews.
Commenting on the depositions extracted out of them during the trials of 1949 and 1953, the Jedwabians remember with fear that those were the times of UB when methods were being applied of such a kind that anybody would admit anything. A man whose father was being tortured during the investigation suggested to the prosecutor that he check who was the judge and prosecutor in the trial, and he would find that both were Jews.
From reminiscenses of Rev. Kamblinski we would find that when the German police arrived, he tried to intervene on behalf of the Jews (he spoke German well), and prevent an extermination in Jedwabne. They however merely shrugged their shoulders, saying that that's their order which they have to obey. They surrounded Jedwabne, had dogs with them and coerced the Poles to participate in the murdering (under escort). Whoever was standing by was given a club and was forced to use it on the Jews. According to Kemblinski, if it happened that some Pole abused a Jew, then it was largely because he considered the Jews above all as Soviet confidants and was taking revenge for the sufferings of people dear to him. For a pogrom sufficed a few policemen and a group of coerced Poles, the remaining Germans were surrounding the town preventing any escapes. The Jews were not trying to defend themselves nor escape, were just passively obeying.
How many Poles were murdering the Jews of their own volition, out of revenge, out of greed, or as Gross would have it, out of anti-semitism? According to Gross, all grown-up inhabitants of the town. According to the Jedwabians, those were isolated instances.
What is the truth?
Gross' book is a voice on behalf of this terrible crime, a subjective voice, often emotional, journalistic, drawing unjustified conclusions. It is not a historical study, because even a superficial analysis shows serious failures in methodology.
The book cannot also be considered as objective if only on account of the approach to sources quoted by the author, about which he writes himself. Gross maintains that one must affirm everything what the victims of Holocaust say:
"Our stance in relation to the statements of the would be victims of the Holocaust should change from doubtful to affirmative, simply because accepting what they give in their account, has indeed happened; we would be prepared to admit the fallacy of such an assessment only when confronted
with convincing proofs to the contrary.
Into the trap of such an assumption falls the author himself who bases the whole book and passes judgment on the account of Szmul Wasersztajn, a funcionary of the Security Office.
The book "Neighbours" is to appear in English in the USA, Canada and other anglophone countries, and exactly it - and not a scientific work - will be shaping the world public opinion in the matter of Polish-Jewish relationships during WW II. Prof. Pawel Machcewicz, director of Public Education IPN, draws attention to this problem, stressing his serious doubts that the numerous simplifications and dangerous generalization will thwart - rather than facilitate - the Polish-Jewsish dialogue and the readiness of Poles to confess their own trespasses.
Gross's conclusions, built on questionable factual ground, have already begun its independent life in the social consciousness. Certain circles consider Gross's book as unimpeachable and constructs on it a series of conceptions, such as atonement of Poles for the pogrom. Stanislaw Krajewski, co-chairman of Polish Council of Christians and Jews (Jewish delegate on this ouncil) demands a spectacular expiation with the participation of representatives of State and the Polish church.
Gross demands the erection of a new monument in Jedwabne with an inscription that 1,600 Jews were murdered by their Polish neighbours; he adds that the monument could be financed from money taken from one collection tray in the Jedwabne church.
There is no doubt that in Jedwabne took place a terrible masacre of the Jewish population, that Poles took part in it and they owe Jews a plea for forgiveness. Yet it is necessary to present all the surrounding circumstances objectively so that the act of apology takes place in the spirit of truth.
We do not hide that we tie with the investigation of the IPN the hope of getting to the objective truth. Prosecutor Ignatiev during his meeting with the inhabitants of Jedwabne declared that he must get as many relations of the events of eye witnesses as possible, and also of those who heard them from the mouths of their near ones. He stressed that in an investigation the nationality of the perpetrators is not important, important is the establishment of truth, facts, independent of whether it should come to light that the murderers were Poles or Germans. "If I find that a Pole was the murderer, I shall accuse the Pole."
Since the publication of Gross' book, the present parish priest Rev. Orlowski had visits from journalists, among others from the socio-cultural Jewish publication Midrasz (appearing in Warsaw), who posed the question whether he celebrates expiatory masses for the crime committed by the Poles. Rev. Orlowski answered that he prays every week at Sunday Mass for all the living and dead of Jedwabne: Poles, Jews, Russians, Germans. There is no hatred amongst them and death has reconciled them; we shall think about other prayers when we know the whole truth.
John Paul II spoke many times about the necessity of Christians atoning for the sins committed in the past. He himself was asking forgiveness for evil inflicted on the Jews at the hands of Christians. At the same time He stresses that at the basis of admitting guilt must lie honest truth. The Vatican document of the International Theological Commission "Memory and Reconciliation - the Church and Sins of the Past" underlines that establishing the sins of the past to be atoned demands above all a correct historical verdict which will be the basis of a theological assessment. In his book "Neighbours" Gross postulates that Poles have revised their history and admit their guilt. For this to happen, they have to see themselves in the mirror of truth. A book lacking scientific honesty is certainly not going to bring it about.
It is to be hoped that the investigation will bring forth a correct historical assessment. The president of IPN foresees that the investigation will wind up in April or May 2001, the time ripe for a "theological assessment."
The words of Rev. Orlowski about the living and dead inhabitants of Jedwabne: Poles, Jews, Russians and Germans - draw attention to a different perspective of the problem, namely what shape should present relationships between nations take, what measures should be taken in order that Jedwabne does not foster hate and aggression, that it unites instead of dividing people. Should not in the eventual expiation for the crime, "the catharsis of memory" of which John Paul II speaks, take part representatives of all the nations concerned?
Katolicka Agencja Informacyjna.
KAI, Katolicka Agencja Informacyjna, 2001-02-23
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by Richard Lukas

  The Polish American Journal
May 2001

Selling the Holocaust is a gigantic enterprise that has less to do with preserving the memory of Jewish victims than exploiting the Holocaust for political, ideological and economic purposes. The consequence is that history has become a major casualty.
In the absence of any quality control on the type of books that are published, Holocaust historiography is subject to a kind of Gresham's Law where bad history drives out good history, making it difficult for even professional historians to determine where sensationalism, propaganda and martyrology ends and history begins.
To have a book published by a major publisher on the Holocaust, the author must meet only a few criteria: Does the book depict Jewish victimization in pristine terms (i.e., nothing negative or compromising about Jewish behavior)?
Even if the book tangentially deals with Christian victims of the Nazis, does the author drown these Christians sufficiently in anti-Semitism to compromise their victimhood and emphasize their role as victimizers in order to main the sovereign wartime experience of the News?
Better yet, does the author depict non-Jewish groups, especially Catholic Poles, as either Nazi collaborators or accomplices or perpetrators of atrocities?
If these criteria are met, then it is extraordinarily easy for an author to garner notoriety for his book in leading American newspapers and news magazines, which are notoriously unsympathetic with the Polish dimension of Polish-Jewish relations.
This is what has happened to Professor Jan T. Gross, a Jews who emigrated to the West from Poland in 1968. His book, "Neighbors," publisher last year under its Polish title, Sasiedzi, was recently released in the United States by Princeton University Press.
Gross is not a professional historian, but a sociologist, an important point in analyzing the merit of the book.
Gross's thesis is that Christian Poles were solely responsible for killing 1600 Jews in the village of Jedwabne in northeastern Poland in July, 1941. As he puts it, "Half of the population... murdered the other half."
His explanation for the atrocity is that anti-Semitism made the Poles do it. Polish-Jewish relations had been good before the war, would the Poles suddenly decide to kill their Jewish neighbors?
Gross presents the tableau of hundreds of Poles mindlessly slaughtering Jews because now, quite suddenly, they despised them and lusted after their property. Is this scenario really credible? What had changed in Polish-Jewish relations? Gross dismisses a critical fact -- Jewish treason in eastern Poland, where Jedwabne is located, during the Soviet occupation.
Eastern Poland was inhabited by Poles, Jews, Belorussians, Ukrainians, and others who fought, brutalized and betrayed each other in one of the worst place in wartime Europe in June, 1941, the Nazis broke their non-aggression pact with the Soviets, who had occupied eastern Poland since September, 1939, and invaded the area.
There is a mountain of documentation which shows that in this area, occupied by the Soviets during 1939-1941, a significant number of Jews collaborated with the Soviets in the arrest, deportation and death of thousands of Poles. Jedwabne Jews were no exception.
When the Soviets reconquered the area from the Germans in 1944-1945, Jews again were prominently involved in the destruction of the Polish Home Army and the arrest and execution of Poles loyal to the Polish democratic government, then in exile in London. That process of Jewish involvement in the persecution, imprisonment and execution of Poles continued throughout the Stalinist era.
Even though in his earlier writings Gross had admitted Jewish complicity with Poland's enemy, he now conspicuously dismisses this aspect of Jewish behavior because to acknowledge it would depict Jews as victimizers of Poles, a contradiction of the prevailing Holocaust image that all Jews were victims.
Cast in the light of Jewish collaboration with the Soviets, it should not be too surprising that some Poles may have sought out Jewish traitors and tried to kill them.
It worked the other way too. Several hundred Poles, including women and children, were murdered by a Jewish-Soviet partisan unit in Koniuchy in 1944. One of the members of the unit was even honored by the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
AS IS SO OFTEN THE CASE WITH SENSATIONALIST ACCOUNTS OF THE WAR, the author raises more questions than he answers. He bases his claims primarily on the allegations of Szmul Wasersztajn, who was not an eyewitness to the events at Jedwabne but was in hiding some distance away, and the testimonies elicited during the Lomza trials in 1949 and 1953, a period when Poles underwent the brutal Stalinization of their country.
Regarding German documentation concerning Jedwabne, Gross claims he looked for it but "I was unable to find it."
I am not entirely convinced Gross personally investigated German and, for that matter, former Soviet archives during his research on his book. He makes the quaint observation that he asked two scholars, both of whom allegedly familiar with German archives, about Jedwabne and neither of them heard of it.
Does asking two colleagues about the subject replace the need to immerse oneself personally in critical documents, which are absolutely essential to prove one's allegations about what happened at Jedwabne?
Even though Gross admits the presence of the Gestapo in Jedwabne and even acknowledges that without the Germans the massacre would not have occurred, he insists that the Germans confined themselves to the role of bystanders and clears them of responsibility.
The fact that in other nearby towns in the county of Bialystok -- Tykocin and Wizna -- the Germans were responsible for the massacre of Jews does not make Gross doubt his allegation that the Poles were entirely responsible for the atrocity.
Since the publication of Gross's controversial book, new documentary evidence has come to light which suggests that the Germans, not the Poles, were primarily responsible for the massacre.
According to one report, the Polish role was limited to less than 50 people, who were forced to guard Jews in the town square prior to their execution. Even the number of murdered Jews has been called into question. One report pointed out that a scanning of the grave site uncovered German bullets (Poles would not have been allowed to possess guns and rifles) and that approximately 400, not 1600, Jews perished. Whether 400 or 1600 lost their lives is not the point. It was an atrocity that every decent person should deplore.
But the fundamental question of who was primarily responsible for the massacre is still unanswered. Was it the Germans? Was it the Poles? If the Poles were involved, what was their precise role in the affair?
GROSS'S CREDIBILITY IS SERIOUSLY COMPROMISED when he asserts his own bizarre idea of historical methodology. He asserts that the testimonies he read should be accepted as "fact" without first skeptically reviewing the material and seeking independent verification. That's quite a reversal of fundamental historical methodology!
It is astonishing that all the Holocaust experts who have given their nihil obstat to this flawed volume completely ignored this strange approach to establishing historical truth. Gross seems more concerned about the alleged lack of Polish national grief over the Jews than about determining precisely and accurately what really happened in Jedwabne. The Washington Post quotes him, saying, "I deeply believe that getting to know what happened in Jedwabne will become a breakthrough in our historical myths and will help us clean our conscience."
Obviously, he is more concerned about Polish than Jewish historical myths. Poles should honestly face the negative aspects of their behavior toward Jews. But what about Jews candidly facing their collaborationist past with Poland's enemies? Gross is silent on this point.
IT IS TESTIMONY to the power of the "Holocaust Industry," to borrow Professor Norman Finkelstein's apt description, that an obscure event that occurred in eastern Poland sixty years ago should be dredged up in this slim volume that is long on sensationalism and short on acceptable historical evidence and receive the hysterical media acclaim that it has received.
We are a long way from the quality control Holocaust historiography desperately requires. Now more than ever we need fair and balanced investigations of the Holocaust and the related genocides of eastern Europeans by the Nazis.
The highly sensitive subject of Polish-Jewish relations can no longer be painted with the broad brush of anti-Semitism. The subject needs trained professional historians to present all the facts and who refuse to apply one standard of moral behavior to Jews and a more severe one to Poles. Let us hope that the research currently underway by the Polish National Institute of Memory will give us the answers to Jedwabne that Professor Gross failed to provide us.
Dr. Richard Lukas is a retired professor of history. He taught at seven universities in Ohio, Florida and Tennessee and is the author of seven books. "The Forgotten Holocaust" went through several editions, including a Polish one, and is now considered a classic. "Did the Children Cry, " which sold out in hardback, will be published in paperback this month. It won the Janusz Korczak Literary award, sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League and the Kosciuszko Foundation.
To subscribe to Polish American Journal, see under "subscriptions."
Richard Lukas, , 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaUltimate debunking of Gross
prof. Tomasz Strzembosz

Prof. Tomasz Strzembosz has published in today's "Rzeczpospolita" (31 March 2001 edition) an article called "A different picture of neighbors" (see the Polish original at
Tomasz Strzembosz: A different image of Neighbours
1. Statement
Since some journalists, such as Anna Bikont from "Gazeta Wyborcza", read my texts as it suits them, I hereby state that the article below is not an explanation of what happened in Jedwabne on the 10th of July 1941, but refers to the contents of specific source materials -- that is statements made to the investigating officers, prosecutors and the court, in Lomza in 1949 -- as well as to the way these source materials were read by Professor Jan T. Gross and subsequently presented in his book "Neighbours". Professor Gross talks about what seems to appear from these source materials, which - I state this clearly - are not sufficient bases for me to pronounce what happened then: about the course of events and their most significant circumstances. It is possible that we will never learn about these events, or that we will not learn everything. However, I agree with Professor Gross that these materials are an important source; and this is why the way in which they are read is not without influence on the laborious process of approaching the explanation: who, what and when - namely, getting to the truth.
2. History of the problem
One cannot claim that for 50 years nothing has been written about the crime committed in the town of Jedwabne in Podlasie. There have been a number of articles in the press and references made in books on the Holocaust about the incident. Arguments were made by the prosecutor Waldemar Monkiewicz, in, amongst others, an extensive article entitled "Extermination of Jewish settlements in the Bialystok region in the years of 1939-1944". In this article he presents a thesis that the burning of the Jews in the barn was conducted by a German special unit, under the command of a Gestapo member Wolfgang B?rkner, who was infamous for his role in the occupation of Warsaw, assisted by gendarmerie and military police. The latter participated merely in escorting the victims to the square in Jedwabne and in leading the convoy out of town, to the barn, where the Germans, having poured petrol on the walls, burnt around 900 men, women and children. However, those works were only published either in specialist research periodicals, or in other publications, which are not read by the majority of Poles.
This situation continued until 1999, when Professor Jan T. Gross published his article "Summer of 1941 in Jedwabne. A contribution to research on the role of local communities in the extermination of the Jewish nation during the second World War" in a collective work "Nonprovincial Europe", edited by Professor Krzysztof Jasiewicz.
This article contains a type of 'nucleus' and the basis for evaluation of what happened, which is an account by Szmul Wasersztajn; this account is in the Jewish History Institute in Warsaw (in a collection "individual accounts", nr.301). Professor Gross informs us that another account of Szmul Wasersztajn exists, which is shorter, in which a number of details are different than in the statement quoted below; this is not the most significant information, however. One account states that out of 1200 Jews in Jedwabne, only 3 survived the war; according to the other account - 7 out of 1600; one claims that the perpetrators of the murder forced the Jews to carry an enormous statue of Lenin - the other one - his portrait, etc. - but the general sense of both of the accounts is the same.
In his article, Professor Gross concludes: "But even without certainty regarding the details, it is absolutely clear for a historian, that in late June and early July of 1941 in Jedwabne a group of local people inhumanely ill-treated their fellow citizens of Jewish origin". Hence, on the basis of only one cited account, which is short and contains conflicting details in the two available versions (it is not certain which of these came first), a sociologist and a historian made a very grave accusation against a group of people.
One year later, in the spring of 2000, a publishing house Pogranicze in the town of Sejny published a book by Professor Gross with a significant title: "Neighbours. A history of the extermination of a Jewish town. To the memory of Szmul Wasersztajn"(we learn from the book that S. Wasersztajn died on February 9, 2000).
This book very quickly aroused an enormous response as it presents a thesis going much further than the conclusion of "Nonprovincial Europe". It can be formulated as follows: the Jedwabne Jews, who were Polish citizens, were murdered by the Polish community in Jedwabne, aided by the inhabitants of the surrounding villages. They murdered them by themselves, without the participation of the occupant - the Germans - who were merely passive observers or involved in filming the murders carried out solely by Polish hands.
I have not known, in my fairly long life, a historical book that would come to such notice and create such a wave of statements in such a wide range of media. Perhaps it is no wonder. Yet, amongst the hundreds of articles and statements on the radio and television, there is a clear lack of statements about the facts themselves, statements that would take up the issue on the basis of the same or entirely new, significant sources. Nearly all of these reports deal with moral aspects of the murder, its consequences for the historic consciousness of Poles, or political and psychological consequences, or they undertake a critique of the methodology used in the work presented by Gross. However, practically nobody tries to question essentially the factuality of the previously mentioned statement that it was Polish "neighbours" who murdered their Jewish "neighbours", by themselves, burning them in a barn of Bronislaw Sleszynski, with the approval of the occupant authorities, but without participation of the Germans.
Responding to the accusations of more than one historian (including the one writing these words), that the account of Wasersztajn is not sufficient, Professor Gross, on numerous occasions, both during discussions in the editorial offices of "Rzeczpospolita", and during a recent discussion in Bialystok, answered: "yes, the account of Wasersztajn is not enough, but in my work I also used other, completely elementary materials; Strzembosz has 5 accounts taken 60 years after the war, I have 36 accounts made as early as 1949 in a court room in Lomza and before other investigating officers".
After such a statement the participants of the discussion had to fall silent. Why? Because Professor Gross obtained access to the files of the proceedings against Boleslaw Ramotowski and 21 others, at the time when the files of the former Main Commission of Investigating Crimes against the Polish nation (in a state of liquidation) were entirely inaccessible, even to the employees. It was these files to which he referred. He knew, he saw them, held them in his hands, he had access to "secret knowledge", we were left with what had been - in rare cases - revealed earlier, as well as what sometimes came out in a heated discussion which - by the very nature of such discussion - may have been distorted.
Only recently, when the prosecutor Ignatiew no longer needed those files, the investigation records and the 1949 trial documents were made accessible to historians, thanks to the kindness of the IPN (National Memory Institute) authorities. More than that. I know they have been photocopied and a copy will be available to anyone really interested. They will finally be published.
What are those documents? As the charges from March 31, 1949 state, the Jewish History Institute in Poland sent to the Ministry of Justice "evidence materials regarding the criminal activity of murdering individuals of Jewish nationality by the inhabitants of Jedwabne. According to the statement given by a witness Szmul Wasersztajn, who observed the extermination of Jews. The main perpetrators of this crime were (...)". Thus, the files of the trial contain the same account of Wasersztajn that is quoted by Professor Gross (the longer version); this account became the basis for the trial. As a consequence of this investigation, a trial in the Regional Court in Lomza took place on May 16 and 17, 1949 and its verdict was then considered by the Appellate Court and the High Court.
One substantial volume thus contained several types of documents:
- - - testimony of suspects and witnesses made before officials of the local Office of Public Safety in w Lomza, who were investigating officers;
- - - statements of suspects and witnesses given before public prosecutors of the Regional Court in Lomza;
- - - testimony of the accused and witnesses made during the court trial;
- - - charges and the verdict with justification, prepared by the judges of the Regional Court in Lomza;
- - - correspondence of the accused to various national authorities' offices;
- - - files of the Appellate Court and the High Court in Warsaw.
This is the source that is always called upon by Professor Gross.
3. Amazement
I read it all. Even more: I copied by hand all the documents elementary to the case of the murder, maintaining accurately their style and writing, which were, one might add - very characteristic. I have to admit that the more I read the files, the more my amazement increased. These files, when treated in a serious and complex manner, say something entirely different from what Professor Gross claims; Professor Gross based his arguments mainly on these files, although these were not the only documents used. Professor Gross constantly stresses the fact that because he can rely on such a rich and credible source basis, he has the right to formulate authoritative claims that others can oppose with accounts only - and those accounts were given many years later.
It is impossible to convey in a press article all that the study of these documents yielded. It is just as is impossible, on the basis of these accounts and only these, to present a credible version of events, which could in the end turn out to be different from the picture emerging from the statements of the accused and the witnesses; all of these parties were in a specific and very particular situation, so they said what they said - not necessarily the truth and only the full truth. I can however, pass on a few statements, which appear espressis verbis from the documents, considered by Professor Gross as so significant in the course of uncovering the truth.
They will concern:
- - The number of people accused of participation in the murder of Polish citizens of Jewish origin in the town of Jedwabne. This number will only include the inhabitants of the town, as participants in the murder from outside Jedwabne only appear in the documents in a manner that is too general and anonymous to identify them.
- - Participation of Germans in this murder, that is, the uniformed and armed officials of police formations. In this case, I will attempt to quote in the most extensive way possible, the relevant fragments of sources, so that I can not be accused of pronouncing claims that are not based on source materials. May the readers judge for themselves, whether they are sufficiently numerous and sufficiently convincing to talk about participation of Germans in the particular stages of the murder. The murder consisted of 3 stages: dragging the Polish citizens of Jewish origin out of their flats and driving them to the market place in Jedwabne; leading them, first through the town, then through a field to the barn of Bronislaw Sleszynski, and finally burning them in the barn.
I haste to add here, that the first and the third stage are the least known to us: most of the suspects admitted to guarding the Jews in the market place, less to driving them here, but nearly no one admitted to being near the barn when it was being lit. Such an admission might have been an evidence of participation in the worst of crimes. So this is where there is most room for speculation.
I would like to start with the role of the Germans and the role of the Poles in the events which took place in Jedwabne on July 10, 1941. Since the suspects and the witnesses gave testimony in turn: before investigators, public prosecutors and during the court trial - I will attempt to present their statements in exactly this order, in order to demonstrate if and to what extent they changed according to who the interrogators were. I will quote them in extenso, as they sounded, but merely those fragments that concerned the relations between Poles and Germans. Quoting the whole statements would produce a book, not an article.
4. Testimony
I will only consider here statements of the suspects, out of whom in the end 22 were put to trial on May 16 and 17, 1949. The order has been maintained as it was during the trial, which was called a trial of "Boleslaw Ramotowski and 21 others".
1. 1. 1. Boleslaw Ramotowski - born in 1911, without a job, currently a janitor in a primary school, 1 part of primary school completed, wife and four kids (I give only the most significant data that characterise the suspect; the suspects were all Roman Catholics, and lived in Jedwabne).
Before the investigating officer (I do not consider here the issue of who the investigating officers were [sometimes they were non-commissioned officers]; it is a separate and very interesting issue) he testifies (08.01.1949):
"Yes, I took an active part in driving those Jews to the barn, who lit it - I did not see that, I only know, that we Polish drove nearly one and a half thousand Jews (this number occurs in a number of statements, it looks like a number suggested or written in by the investigator) and the men[tioned] Jews were burnt. Who set the fire, this I don't know.
Question: Tell me, who else took an active part together with you, in driving those Jews, who were burnt in Jedwabne.
Answer: They are the following people (...)" (I will write later about the number of suspects occurring in the statements, but I would like to signal that they are the people named by the investigating officer. In the case of Ramotowski it is as many as 41 people).
Before the public prosecutor he states (15.01.1949):
"Yes, I admit I am guilty that in 1941 in the summer in Jedwabne, to accommodate the authority of the German state under the orders of the mayor and the German gendarmerie I took an active part in guarding the Jewish population driven to the market. My task was only to make sure that none of the Jews got away. In guarding, the Jews participated also (...)"
Before the court he states (16.05.1949):
"I was at the market for around 2 hours, because I was forced by Germans to guard the Jews. When the Germans drove the Jews to the barn, I ran away home then. (...)
The Court reads out the testimony of the accused made during the invest.[igation], k.74
The accused states further:
During the interrogation I was forced to tell on other people, because I was beaten very much. (...)"
2. Stanislaw Zejer - born in 1893, 1 part of primary school completed, farmer, 4 ha of land, married.
Before the investigating officer he states (11.01.1949):
"I was detained because I took part, by the order of the town mayor Karolak, to drive Jews to the market place. (...) It was in 1941 in the month of July, the janitor came to me by an order of the town major and he said told me to go to drive Jews to the market and I went to drive them to the market. After we drove them there, the gendarmerie started terrible beatings together with the Poles.(...) To the Jews that were there, the Germans told to take the monument of Lenin and to walk with it into town singing. I wasn't there any more during that time, because I got an order from the town mayor to fetch clover. I was bringing that clover for an hour. When I got back, the barn with the Jews was already burning, and there were about 1000 Jews who had been chased into that barn."
Before the public prosecutor he states (15.01.1949):
"Yes, I admit to being guilty, that in 1941 in Jedwabne, to accommodate the authority of the German state (this is a consistently used formula associated with the fact that charges came from the so-called "August Decree" from August 1944), under the orders of the town mayor Karolak and the Gestapo, I drove to the appointed place in the market 2 people of Jewish nationality; after leading those two Jews to the market I saw a lot of Jews already there. From there I went straight home and I didn't see what happened after that, what the Germans did with the Jews. Whether the other inhabitants of Jedwabne took part in bringing Jews, I didn't see that. (...)"
Before the court he testifies (16.05.1949):
"Stanislaw Zejer does not admit to being guilty and explains: when I was in the Magistrate, the mayor told me to collect Jews but I didn't want to, when I went out in the street one from Gestapo told me to take 2 Jews, but I let them go when the Gestapo one went to the bakers.(...)
The Court reads out the statement of the accused for k. 33 and 75 investigation.
The accused testifies further:
I saw Jerzy Laudanski when he walked with the Jews, when they drove them to the market, the Gestapo were walking behind Laudanski. I did not see any of the other accused. These Jews were lead by the Gestapo and they were beating them. I am illiterate. I didn't go myself, the Germans took me and they forced me".
3. Czeslaw Lipinski - born in 1920, farmer, 5 parts of primary school completed, bachelor, 3 ha of land and farm buildings.
Before the investigating officer he testifies (11.01.1949):
"Question: Did you take part in the murdering of Jews in 1941in the month of July?
Answer: I did not take part in the murdering of Jews, only Kalinowski Eugeniusz, Laudanski Jurek and one German came to me and [I went] with them to the market; I brought one Jew and 2 little Jewesses [sic!] When we drove with the Germans the above mentioned Jews (...) we brought the above mentioned Jews to the market then the Germans put me on the Stary Rynek street [and] told me to look out so that the Jews would not run away from the market. I was sitting with this stick around 15 minutes, but I could not look any more how they were murdering them [,] I went home and on the way I threw this stick away (...)".
Before the public prosecutor he testifies (15.01.1949):
"I do not admit to being guilty, that in July 1941 I took part in the burning of Jews in Jedwabne and I explain, that on the critical day when I stood on my own courtyard a German came up to me, took me with him to the market, to guard the Jews, who had been driven to the market. As soon as the German walked away from me, I immediately ran away from the market. I only stood by the market for a short time, maybe 10-15 minutes and because I was terrified with what was happening, I don't remember anything about who from the civilian population took part in murdering the Jews. After getting home I hid in the hay (if he hid, it was from the Germans not the Poles) and I don't know what happened to the Jews".
Before the court he testifies:
"I didn't bring any Jews to the market".
The court reads the statement of the accused made in the investigation k. 35 and 76:
In the statement I talked about how they made me, because I was beaten very much. I wasn't in the market at all I don't know what went on there". (This statement questions all the previous ones. Which one is true? In any case, neither the investigator nor the public prosecutor seem to consider the statements about the role of Germans in driving Jews and manipulating Poles as something to question, they both accept this as obvious.)
4. Wladyslaw Dabrowski - born in 1890, cobbler, illiterate, married.
Before the investigating officer he testifies (11.01.1949):
"Question: Tell us if you took part in the murdering of Jews during the German occupation in 1941 in the month of July?
Answer: I did not take part in the murdering of Jews, I took part only in the guarding at the market, where there were over fifteen hundred of those who had been driven there by the Polish community. (...) My task was to watch that not one Jew came out beyond a line, which I did, I got such an order from Karolak, Sobota and one German, and during my guarding I didn't see anyone beating Jews (...)".
Before the public prosecutor he testifies: (15.01.1949):
"I do not admit to being guilty and I explain: on the critical day when I was at home, gendarmerie came to my home with the mayor of Jedwabne Karolak and told me to go to the market and guard the Jews. Because I didn't want to go and tried to run away, the German hit me on the head with his gun (this was confirmed by the testimony of a number of witnesses) and he hit me in the face with his hand and knocked a tooth out. Then I stood there for around 2 hours. As soon as the German moved away from me I ran away home. (...)"
Before the court he testifies:
"(...) Does not admit to being guilty and explains: on the critical day I worked near the church and I didn't take any part.
The court reads the testimony of the accused given in the invest.[igation] k. 38 and 78. The accused testifies further:
I talked like that during the interrogation, because i was beaten and I was afraid of further beating. I didn't see any of the accused. I was beaten in a terrible way" (the statements during the interrogation and before the public prosecutor had to contain some truth, as the fact of the beating by the German was confirmed both by the family and by strangers).
5. Feliks Tarnacki - born in 1907, profession - locksmith, job - farmer, 4 parts of primary school completed, widower.
Before the investigating officer he testifies (11.01.1949):
"Question: Did you take part in the round-up on the Jewish population in the month of July 1949 and who else took part in it?
Answer: On the day on which the round-up on the Jewish population took place, mayor Karolak Marian came to me and the secretary of the magistrate Wasilewski, whose first name I don't know, together with a Gestapo man, and they chased me out to the market, where there were a lot of people gathered [from] the town of Jedwabne and from other parts, whom I didn't know: (...) I stayed in the market for around 15 minutes and then having run away from it I took the bicycle from my house and left for the village of Kaimy in the district of Jedwabne, where I stayed with Przestrzelski Feliks for around 10 minutes and after drinking a glass of vodka I went in the direction of Lomza. (...) After that I returned home on foot, i.e. to Jedwabne and there was already smoke in town from the burnt barn. After getting home I hid. I remained in hiding for the whole night".
Before the public prosecutor he testifies (15.01.1949):
"I do not admit to being guilty that in July 1941 I took part in the murdering of Jews in Jedwabne and I explain that on the critical day I was at home. During that time the mayor of Jedwabne Marian Karolak came to my flat with a Gestapo man and they took me to the market, where Jews were being brought. When the Gestapo man walked away from me I ran away home and went by bike to Lomza (...)"
Before the court he testifies:
"(...) I was at the market maybe 10 - 15 minutes by the order of a Gestapo man, but I escaped right away.
The court read out the testimony on k. 40 and 79 invest.[igation]
The accused testifies further:
I didn't see any of the accused. My brother is called Jerzy Tarnacki."
6. Józef Chrzanowski - born in 1889, farmer, home schooling, married, 3 ha of land with farm buildings.
Before the investigating officer he testifies (11.01.1949):
"(...) In 1941 when the occupant army entered Jedwabne the local population commenced with the murdering of the Jews, first they drove them to the market: when I was walking along Przylska street I was met by Wasilewski Józef and Sobota, inhabitants of the town of Jedwabne, and they told me to go to the market so I didn't oppose and went with them. When I got to the market they told me that I should give my barn for the burning of the Jews, so then I started to ask them not to burn my barn, so they agreed then to this and left my barn alone, only they told me to help them drive the Jews to the barn of Sleszynski Bronislaw, the Jews were rounded up in fours (although the testifying is not saying it directly, he means the Germans; similarly when he talks of setting the fire) and we Polish guarded on one side and on another so that the Jews would not run away, when we got to the barn, they told all the Jews to go into the barn and we had to look out that all the Jews went into the barn and they set fire to the barn and the Jews were burnt, then I went home then, I had no orders to drive the Jews from the Germans. (...)"
Before the public prosecutor (15.01.1949) he repeats the statement about defending his own barn, does not admit to driving Jews to the barn of Sleszynski.
Before the court he testifies:
"Does not admit to being guilty, explains: I wasn't present at the driving of Jews, neither was I at the leading of them (leading them - to the barn - T.S.).
The Court read the testimony of the accused on k. 42 and 80 of the invest.[igation]. The accused testifies:
Wasilewski and Sobota turned to me, so that I would give my barn for the burning, but I didn't agree. Then the Gestapo came, they also demanded, that I would give the barn, I didn't want to agree, but being scared of them I ran away in the corn and stayed there until the evening. I didn't see any of the accused." (it is clear that either the court asked about the other accused, or else returned to the testimony given before the investigating officer of the Security Services).
Before the prosecutor (Jan. 15th 1949) he repeats that he did not want his barn to be used for burning the Jews, he pleads he is not guilty of driving the Jews to the Sleszynski's barn.
Before the Court he testifies:
"I do not confess my guilt, he explains: I was not present at collecting the Jews or at driving them (to the barn - T.S.).
The Court read out the defendant's testimonies on chart 42 and 80 of the investigation files. The defendant testifies:
Wasilewski and Sobota wanted me to give my barn for burning, but I refused. Then the Gestapo men came and they also demanded that I give my barn, but I did not want to; as I was afraid of them I ran away and hid in the rye. I stayed there till the evening. I saw none of the accused". (the court probably asked him about the other accused persons or came back to his testimony before the UB investigating officer).
7. Roman Górski - born 1904, a farmer, he owns 3 ha of land, 2 classes of elementary school completed.
Before the investigating officer he testifies (Jan. 10th 1949):
"at 12 a.m. to my house came Karolak Marian, the mayor, and a German gendarme, who kicked me. They took me to the Market of Jedwabne, where they ordered me to guard the Jews together with several 16- 17-year-old boys from the village (...) I was at the Market from 12 a.m. to 3 p.m. and then I went back home, as my wife, who was lying in after childbirth, suddenly fell ill. I did not go out of the house any more that day. (...)"
Before the prosecutor he testifies (Jan 15th 1949):
"Yes, I confess I am guilty that in July 1941, accommodating with the German authorities and under the threat of the mayor and German gendarmes I was made to guard the Jews collected at the Jedwabne Market. The mayor, Karolak, and German gendarmes came to my house and took me to guard the Jews at the Market, so that they could not run away. I also saw that Sobota and Wasilewski selected about a dozen Jews present and ordered them to do funny physical exercises. I do not know what happened next to the Jews, as I went back home".
Before the Court he testifies:
"Gendarmes came to my house and ordered me to go with them. When I opposed, they beat me and forced me to go with them to the market, where I remained only for 15 minutes and escaped and came back home, because my wife, when she saw that the Germans were beating me, fell ill.
The Court read out the defendant's testimony on chart 44 and 81 of the investigation files.
The defendant testifies:
I did not do anything, when I was at the market. I did not see Jerzy Laudanski. I was beaten very heavily during the investigation proceedings and told these things while being in pain."
8. Antoni Niebrzydowski - born 1901, a locksmith, secondary education, married, an owner of a house in Jedwabne.
Before the investigating officer he testifies (Jan. 10th 1949):
"In 1941 to my house came Karolak, a German mayor, and Bardon Karol and they ordered me to go to guard the Jews at the market, whom they were driving to the sugar market. I did not know what was going on and I went at the order of Karolak and Bardon. I was on the side of the Dworna Street and I had nothing in my hands."
He delivered kerosene to be poured on the barn to which "they rushed the Jews". He gave the kerosene at the order of Eugeniusz Kalinowski and Jerzy Niebrzydowski.
Before the prosecutor he testifies (Jan. 15th 1941):
"Yes, I confess I am guilty that in July 1941, accommodating the German authorities and under the threat of the mayor and Bardon (Bardon, who was an assistant gendarme, was the only Jedwabne citizen armed with a gun) I was made to guard the Jews collected at the Jedwabne market. I gave the kerosene from the storehouse to Bardon, Niebrzydowski Jerzy and Kalinowski Eugeniusz; I do not know for what purposes they needed the kerosene. After some time I went back home and I only saw the fire belching out of that barn (...)"
Before the Court he repeats his version of events and adds:
"Then people were saying that the kerosene I had given was used to burn the Szlesinski's barn" (it is an important completion - maybe, giving the kerosene to the town authorities, he did not know for what purposes it was going to be used).
9. Wladyslaw Miciura - born 1902, a carpenter, one class of elementary school completed, married, 6 children aged 6 - 15, ? ha of land.
Before the investigating officer he testifies (Jan 10th 1949):
"Three or four days before the raid I was made to do some carpenter work at the gendarmerie station. In July 1941, I do not remember the exact date, several cabs (at that time the villagers called by this name all the passenger cars) came with Gestapo men and they organised a raid on the Jews and they rushed them to the market square. The gendermes sent me home for breakfast and when I came back after an hour a policeman ordered me to go to the market to guard the Jews and prevent them from running away. I guarded the Jews from 12 a.m. to 4 p.m. and then I went back to the gendarmerie station, but they did not want me to work; they told me to go and drive the Jews to the barn, so I did this and I was there till the moment the barn full of Jews was set on fire. (...)
Before the prosecutor he testifies (Jan. 15th 1949):
"Yes, I confess I am guilty that in July 1941 in Jedwabne, accommodating with the German authorities and under the threat of German gendarmes and the Gestapo men I was made to guard the Jews collected at the Jedwabne market, I did not participate in driving the Jews to the Sleszynski's barn. (...)"
Before the Court:
he does not confess his guilt and explains: "I did not participate in driving the Jews". During the investigation proceedings he gave the names of the accused because he was beaten. He says: "I was not present at the market square at all. All day long I was working as a carpenter at the gendarmerie station" (This testimony is also characteristic for other defendants. Before the investigating officer he acknowledges having done everything; before the prosecutor he denies most of the controversial acts - participation in driving the Jews to the Sleszynski's barn; before the Court he says he has not taken part in the murder at all. Most of all testimonies against the neighbours [not cited here] are false and forced. The fact that before the Court he denies participating in the crime does not mean that he did not see the Gestapo cars and the actions of gendarmes.)
10. Józef Zyluk - born 1910, no profession, illiterate, performs odd jobs as a salesman, married, 5 children
Before the investigating officer he testifies (Jan. 9th 1949):
"I was detained by the militiamen in Jedwabne on 8th January 1948 and accused of delivering the Jews to the Gestapo men in 1941." In the later part of his testimony he says that, drawn away from mowing the hay, together with Karolak the mayor he took one Jew from the mill in Jedwabne, was taking him to the market, but let him go in Lomzynska St.
Before the prosecutor he testifies (Jan 15th 1949):
that "on the critical day, when I was mowing the hay, the mayor of Jedwabne came and told me to go with him to the town. As I did not want to go with him, he told me that if I do not go, I would be shot down. So I went with him." Then he repeats his testimonies from the investigation. (In his application to the Supreme Court dated 28th July 1949 he says that later he saved 8 Jews and that he can present witnesses to confirm this.)
Before the Court he testifies:
"(...) at the Karolak's order I was conducting one Jew, but only for about 15 steps, then I ran away and I know nothing".
The Court read out the defendant's testimonies from chart 49 and 84.
The defendant testifies:
"the name of the Jew I was conducting was ZdroJewicz" (he really survived and testified in the court proceedings).
I think that citing next ten testimonies would be enough to form a fairly reliable view on the role of the Germans in the liquidation of the Polish citizens of Jewish origin in Jedwabne on 10th July 1941.
So - the Germans!
How many of them were there? We do not know. Maybe it was true what Julia Sokolowska, the cook at the gendarmerie station in Jedwabne, said during the trial on 17 May: "On the critical day there were 68 Gestapo men, I was preparing dinner for them; and there were lots of gendarmes, as they came from various gendarmerie stations".
Other Jedwabne citizens also clearly distinguish the Gestapo men from the gendarmes. Some base their opinion on the details of clothing they observed. For example Natalia Gasiorowska, giving her testimony before the prosecutor (in November 1950), said: "I am sure they were the Gestapo men, as they had skulls on their caps", and Marianna Supraska, giving her testimony on the very same day and before the same prosecutor, talking about the participation of Zygmunt Laudanski, said that he had been rushed by the Gestapo men who "had skulls on their sleeves".
In any case the number of the Germans is not the most important matter. However, one of my reporters, Dr Stefan Boczkowski, wrote in the letter of November 2000, that Jedwabne was "green" with their uniforms. The most essential is the fact that all the time the Germans were the forcing element and the representatives of the occupying authorities who had been deciding about everything in the neighbourhood for the last three weeks.
The testimonies show that the Germans forced the local men out of their houses and rushed them to the market square or made them "drive" the Jews.
In other testimonies, not cited here, the witnesses tell about the Gestapo men and gendarmes "driving" the Jews along Cmentarna St. to the Sleszynski's barn. However, nobody tells about their role in setting the barn on fire. As I have already mentioned elsewhere, this moment is carefully omitted in the testimonies. Only one witness mentions an arsonist - a Pole (Józef Kobrzeniecki). It is highly improbable that the Germans who had controlled all the preparations for the murder left the final execution for the Poles.
One question is left open - was Jedwabne on that day surrounded by the guards and who were the men guarding the town? One of the defendants says that he, armed with a stick, was left by the Germans on his farm located at the entrance to the town - he states, however, that he did not fulfil his task and let through the persons who were running away (namely ...). Other testimonies, however, both of the suspected and the witnesses, seem to deny that there was any tight cordon of the guardians around the town. Several suspects escape from the Jedwabne market square, hide themselves in the rye around the town and nobody prevents them from doing so; the other suspect rides out of the town on his bike in the direction of Lomza and only near Lomza meets the gendarmes who take the bike away from him. The full isolation of the town surrounded by gardens and with direct exits to the fields covered at that time with high crops would be possible only with the presence of a great number of military forces placed not only in the exit streets and roads.
5. The number of the Poles taking part in the murder
In order to establish this number on the basis of the presented source materials it is necessary to analyse the following elements:
ˇ ˇ the number of suspected (and then accused) persons testifying before the Provincial Court in Lomza, decreased by those acquitted of a charge on the spot on 17 January 1949 or later during the proceedings before the Appeal Court;
ˇ ˇ persons defined as "hiding themselves", i.e. those who were not arrested and did not take part in the trial;
ˇ ˇ persons who died before the beginning of 1949 and also defined as guilty;
ˇ ˇ persons mentioned in the Szmul Wasersztajn's report, with the reservation that they also have to be "checked" during the testimonies given before the court.
The separate problem is that of town citizens mentioned in testimonies given before the officers of the Security Service (UB). Most of the defendants during the court trial revoked their testimonies regarding this matter, saying that they were forced to give them by torture. It is worth noting that the UB investigating officers were not interested in the Germans - firstly because their presence in Jedwabne on 10 July 1941 was obvious for them (as well as for the prosecutors and the judges), and secondly because the Germans were not available and the Poles, not the Germans, were the subjects of the investigation. Moreover, there is a tendency, a visible tendency, to widen the circle of suspects both by the persons already in the hands of the Security Service (UB) and by the persons who had not yet been arrested. With the help of forced statements, evidence is being collected against the arrested and the non-arrested persons. Janek is to testify against Piotrek, Piotrek is to testify against Jurek, Jurek against Janek, etc., so that the accusation is based not on one but on many depositions. There occur paradoxical situations. Boleslaw Ramotowski mentions in his statements before the UB officers 41 "co-perpetrators", whom he saw at the Jedwabne market square. Later on he even defines who was holding a stick and who had a gun. It was impossible to notice so many persons in the chaos of events that were happening, especially as the witness - according to his own words - took an active part in the events. Thus, it is no wonder that during the court trial he revoked that part of his testimony, stating that he saw only one person at the market. Similarly Julia Sokolowska, the cook at the gendarmerie station located close to the market square, who, however, had to perform a definite task (cook the dinner), during the investigation proceedings stated that she saw at the market more than thirty Poles busy with collecting and guarding the Jews. The question arises: can we treat the persons mentioned during the investigation as persons really engaged in the preparation or realisation of the crime in Jedwabne?
Let us now do the calculations:
1. The formal accusation mentioned 22 persons charged with participating in the crime, of which 10 were acquitted and released. (During the "Main Court Proceedings" of 16th and 17th of May 1949 the following were sentenced: Karol Bardon, to death [pardoned by Bierut, received 15 years in prison], Jerzy Laudanski, to 15 years in prison, Zygmunt Laudanski, Wladyslaw Miciura and Boleslaw Ramotowski, to 12 years in prison, Stanislaw Zejer and Czeslaw Lipinski, to 10 years in prison, Wladyslaw Dabrowski, Feliks Tarnacki, Roman Górski, Antoni Niebrzydowski and Józef Zyluk, to 8 years. The following were acquitted: Józef Chrzanowski, Marian Zyluk, Czeslaw Laudanski, Wincenty Goscicki, Roman Zawadzki, Jan Zawadzki, Aleksander LoJewski, Eugeniusz Sliwecki and Stanislaw Sielawa. Such sentences indicated a considerable level of independence of the court, which deemed some of the depositions for the Security Service (UB) as insufficient in view of the later testimonies by witnesses, especially if the suspects pleaded not guilty already during the inquiry.) Consequently, only 12 persons were declared guilty. However, the Appeal Court in Bialystok, during extramural proceedings in Lomza on 13th of June 1950, acquitted 2 of the persons convicted in May 1949, i.e. Józef Zyluk and Feliks Tarnawski, thus reducing the list to 10 convicted persons.
2. The list of persons in hiding (this qualification does not mean that the persons mentioned in the list really remained in hiding, but that they did not live in Lomza province and were not available at the moment. Indeed, many inhabitants of Lomza province left after the war - for a variety of reasons - for the regained territories, in particular the Mazury region), and therefore not available, includes 8 persons suspected of the crime (these are: Jerzy Tarnacki [to whom Wasersztajn referred as Jurek Tarnoczek], Julian Schmidt, Marian Karolak, Józef Wasilewski, Jerzy Niebrzydowski, Michal Trzaska, Waclaw Borowski and Mieczyslaw Borowski), although 5 of them are also on Szmul Wasersztajn's list. This leaves only 3.
3. The list of persons suspected of the crime, but not alive in 1949 includes 9 persons (the list includes: Józef Sobota , Eugeniusz Kalinowski, Józef Kobrzeniecki, Stanislaw Sokolowski, Boleslaw Rogalski, Wladyslaw Modzelewski, Bronislaw Sleszynski, Jarmutowski and Aleksander Janowski), although three of them (Boleslaw Rogalski, Jarmutowski and Bronislaw Sleszynski) are also on Wasersztajn's list, which leaves 6. The list of six includes Józef Sobota , who was later found in a psychiatric hospital and released due to the state of his health. However, he was undoubtedly one of the most charged perpetrators of the massacre.
4. The list of persons whom Szmul Wasersztajn deemed particularly criminal includes 14 inhabitants of Jedwabne (these are: Bronislaw Sleszynski, Marian Karolak, Mieczyslaw Borowski, Waclaw Borowski, Jarmulowski (mentioned among the deceased as Jarmutowski), Boleslaw Ramotowski, Boleslaw Rogalski, Stanislaw Sielawa, Franciszek Sielawa, Eugeniusz Kozlowski, Trzaska, Jerzy Tarnoczek (Tarnawski), Jerzy Laudanski and Czeslaw Laciecz (sic!).
Looking at this list one can have certain doubts. The list includes acquitted Stanislaw Sielawa, who was noted - as Wasersztajn writes - for cruelty, Bronislaw Sleszynski, who was confined to bed with dysentery, whose fault was that following orders from Karolak, supported by the presence of a gendarme; he handed them the keys to his barn; the list includes the Borowski brothers, who committed allegedly terrible deeds prior to July 10th. Those deeds were not confirmed by anyone. Moreover, it partly matches the other lists. Mentioned here are those listed as deceased: Bronislaw Sleszynski, Boleslaw Rogalski and Jarmulowski (or Jarmutowski), those who remained in hiding: Jerzy Tarnacki, Michal Trzaska, Marian Karolak, Waclaw Borowski and Mieczyslaw Borowski, those who were convicted: Boleslaw Ramotowski and Jerzy Laudanski, and finally, Stanislaw Sielawa, acquitted by the court, so he can not be considered here. This way, the list is reduced to 3 persons who were not listed elsewhere.
If we sum up this information, we arrive at a conclusion that (assuming that all those in hiding and all of the deceased were guilty) 23 persons from the Polish community participated at some stage in the atrocious act of July 10th 1941. This is a rather probable number, since reports by witnesses (among others Stefan Boczkowski) mention similar numbers. We are dealing here not with the "community" of Jedwabne, but with a group of several dozen men, of whom Karol Bardon, perhaps the most guilty, can hardly be considered to represent the Polish element (born in Cieszyn Silesia, German soldier during World War I, trusted - since at the beginning of the occupation he served as a gendarme), and two others were a known brawling drunk and a notorious bandit.
Among the participants of the events of July 10th the undoubted criminals were: Marian Karolak (the authorised mayor) and Karol Bardon, who many times act, together with the Germans as those who exerted force onto others.
Several times the depositions mention some unidentified youths from neighbouring villages and some ordinary onlookers who were present during the events, probably unaware of how they will end. Similarly unaware (I believe) were most other Polish participants, apart from above mentioned Bardon and Karolak, and maybe a few more people from Jedwabne Town Hall.
6. Selection of Material
Let us sum up: the decisive role of the Germans as those who inspired, organised and participated, plus the participation of several dozen Poles, including those who were forced to. Justifying the 1949 verdict, the court clearly emphasised that the accused acted under the influence of German terror. In addition, there was the attitude of others, who ran into cornfields, hid in their homes and finally, like Józef Zyluk, looked after his fellow citizens who survived the massacre. Józef Zyluk, forced to lead two Jews from the mill on the outskirts of Jedwabne onto the market square, let them go, saving their lives. One of them, named Zdrojewicz, survived the war. Similarly, Zofia Górska in her letter of March 2nd, 1949 to the Provincial Court in Lomza, concerning her arrested husband Roman, writes that after the mass murder in Jedwabne the couple were hiding two Jewish neighbours in their home, namely Partyjer Serwetarz and his brother (since I quoted only 10 depositions of the suspects, omitting several dozen other depositions, including testimonies of important witnesses, important information in this matter is missing here).
As we know, of those doomed to extermination, far more survived than the seven hidden by the Polish family of Wyrzykowski in Janczewko. Many survived in Jedwabne itself until autumn 1942 and a few saved their lives and lived on in 1945.
This picture is fundamentally different from that drawn by Professor Jan Gross in his "Neighbours". What is the reason for such difference? Jan Tomasz Gross left out several dozen testimonies of various persons - witnesses, defendants, etc., who talked about the role of Germans as the causative agents; he only quoted the testimonies which mentioned the participation of Poles. He relied, among others, on an initial testimony of cook Julia Sokolowska, which was later withdrawn, and the material written by Karol Bardon, a German gendarme who, being sentenced to death, tried to dilute his responsibility by blaming the inhabitants of the town. Professor Gross has never explained the reasons for such selection. He has never explained why he accepts some documents and rejects other ones.
It is also worth noting that the account of Szmul Wasersztajn, who was not questioned by the court, and the testimonies of the prosecutor's witnesses Abram Boruszczak and Eljasz Gradowski, have actually been repudiated. It turned out in the light of the testimonies of the inhabitants of Jedwabne, and, in particular, the Polish citizen of Jewish descent, Józef Gradowski, that Abram Boruszczak had never lived in Jedwabne, and that Eljasz Gradowski, convicted for theft, had been imprisoned by the Soviet authorities and sent deep into the USSR as early as 1940. He only returned to Poland in 1945, so he had not seen anything. The above-mentioned Józef Gradowski said that he escaped German hands on the day of the murder with the help from a Pole he did not know well.
All three accusers were treated by the court as persons who had heard of things but had not been direct witnesses. In their final cessation appeal to the Supreme Court the defence lawyers indicated that Szmul Wasersztajn had never been interrogated or questioned by either Security Service (UB) officers, or by prosecutors or during court proceedings. Answering this, the Supreme Court stated that this had been a serious infringement but, as the court had not based the proceedings on the Wasersztajn account but on testimonies of direct witnesses, the infringement did not have significant impact. It is Szmul Wasersztajn who provides the most violent passages in Professor Gross's book. These facts which stimulate imagination so much have not been confirmed by any other sources.
I leave any comments to the reader.
Tomasz Strzembosz (born 1930), historian, Professor of the Catholic University of Lublin and the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). Author of publications on armed conspiracy in the Polish capital city: "Military Actions of Underground Warsaw 1939-1945", "Assault Forces of Conspiracy in Warsaw 1939-1945", "Rescuing and Freeing Prisoners in Warsaw 1939-1944". For nearly twenty years has been studying the history of Polish conspiracy on the north-eastern territories of the Polish Republic under Soviet occupation. Currently writing a book based on the research. Also preparing a publication about the Soviet occupation system on Polish territories in 1939-1941. Recently published "The Underground Polish Republic".
prof. Tomasz Strzembosz, Rzeczpospolita, 2001-03-31

nasza witrynaSecrets in the archives

  translated by: Emilia Wisniewska
The special operational groups of Gestapo could have operated in Jedwabne, suppose the German historians.
The Jews which asked for reparations to German authorities for the suffering caused by Nazis , has not mentioned about participation of Poles in the crime of the Bialystok region - asserts Heins-Ludger Borget of Ludvisburg. In those archives there are documents about murder in Jedwabne.
The authorities of GBR had conducted at least three investigations by the end of fifties, assuming that the crimes in the Bialystok district of summer 1941 were committed by Nazis, and amongst them, was the massacre in Jedwabne. However, each investigation ended with dismissal as a result of lack of proves.
The first investigation was re-opened in 1958. Its bases were the indications found in the petitions by the citizens of Israel who petitioned German authorities in 50-ties for reparations for their suffering in the hands if nazis.
There was not any suggestion about the participation of Polish civilians in the massacre, say the manager of the regional branch of the German Federal Achieves, Heinz-Ludger Borgert.
The research undertaken by the agency in Ludvisburg proved, that in the Bialystok and Lomza regions, independently of the intervening units (Einsatzgruppen) there perhaps operated the special unit designated for the "special assignments", in which included was the Gestapo unit of the Eastern Prussia region.
One other of such groups could have operated in the Lomza region, and have something to do with the massacre in Jedwabne - thinks Borger. The German authorities asked Israel or the legal help. However search for witnesses in Jedwabne had proven unsuccessful at that time. The investigation against the person suspected of commanding the unit was dropped about 1965.
In 1968 similarly, the second investigation against the commanders of SS and police, environmental police and the gandarmerie units, suspected of committing the crime in 9locations in the Bialystok region, including Jedwabne.
The Prosecutor took up the third investigation in this matter of Bielefeld in 1974. At that time, the German side petitioned to take the testimonies of 10 witnesses in Poland that the Main Commission for Investigation of the Nazi Crimes sent to Ludvisburg on October 7th, 1974.
In these testimonies there is talk about German responsibility for the crime in Jedwabne - asserts Borget.
As a part of this investigation German prosecutor deposed also residing abroad Jewish witnesses. One of them, Cwi Baranowicz, mentions the attempt by Poles to burn Jewish population in the synagogue in Piatnica. According to witnesses, the burning did not occurred only thanks to the German intervention. The witness suggested that the Poles participated in the Jedwabne massacre. However, Baranowicz himself had not ever resided in Jedwabne.
Borget admitted that in the German sources one could find the information that Germans considered the possibility of using anti- Semitic sentiments in the local community on the territory that has been taken by German army in June 1941, to ignite pogroms. - The word of caution was issued to make German initiative invisible - explains.
Borgert excluded the possibility of existing the German film in Koblencja and in Berlin - Such materials do not exists in Ludvisburg or in the archives of Koblencja and Berlin - he assured. However, he did not deny that the Polish historian searching documents on behalf of IPN can find a trace that can bring him to the leads to the other documents in the other archives. Published on Wednesday in ZYCIE excerpt of the testimony does not belong to Cwi Baranowicza but to Waclawa Kupieckiego.
-It does not apply to Poles- said Professor Witold Kulesza .
The witnesses deposed in the trials of the Jedwabne crime conducted in Germany, do not even mention participation of Poles in he crime. Why?
The prosecution in Germany was related to the alleged German perpetrators of crimes but not Polish. The German Prosecutors did not have a jurisdiction to persecute Polish perpetrators.
Part of the documents in Ludvisburg was sent to the by the Main Commission for Investigating Nazis Crimes. And even there is no mention about Poles. When Main Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes were to address the German authorities to take up the investigation it would indicate the German preceptors. And that is why it did not rely to the German side for example the testimonies of the witnesses of the trial conducted in Poland in 1949. Indeed at that time there were 12 Polish residents of Jedwabne sentenced for the crime. Even if we were to sent to Germany the testimonies indicating the Polish perpetrators of the crime, that the German Prosecutor would have sent them back.  
Why than to come back to the matters already known for a long time?  
We are coming back to these documents to find out what was established, thus far. However, we must admit that they do not bring a breakthrough in the investigation.  
Wojciech Kamiński, pap
Wojciech Kamiński, pap, Zycie, 2001-03-24
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nasza witrynaJewish crooks from Jedwabne
by Prof. Jerzy Robert Nowak

  translated by: Mariusz Wesolowski
by Jerzy Robert Nowak
[...] Jewish crooks from Jedwabne
In the June 2001 issue of the "Kulisy" magazine there appeared a shocking article "Discovering the secret" by Danuta and Aleksander Wroniszewski. This journalistic couple several years ago (in 1988, in the Lomza weekly "Kontakty"), for the first time in Poland, have written about the murder of Jews in Jedwabne.
In the words of the "Kulisy" commentator, "(...) the Wroniszewskis discovered then some startling criminal-financial aspects of this case, which might have had an impact on the later testimonies of Jewish witnesses. We reveal them now for the first time".
The new article by the Wroniszewskis brings forth facts compromising one of Gross's false witnesses, namely, Eliasz Gradowski - a petty thief during the war, who afterwards became a larger-scale crook appropriating possessions of the murdered Jews.
In a subchapter called "Affairs with property", the Wroniszewskis write: "Different reasons certainly motivated Eliasz Gradowski who appeared as a prosecution witness during the 1949 trial. He named specific Poles participating in the pogrom and described their actions, he also described the resulting robbery of ex-Jewish possessions, although in the period of 1940-45 he had been away in Russia, after getting caught as a thief. The authorities had been already familiar with his swindles related to the illegal expropriation of ex-Jewish property in the Lomza district.
We have run into this story in the course of our investigation of the colorful and controversial functionary of the District Security Office in Lomza, one Eliasz Trokenheim. In January 1949, when his colleagues were arresting Poles suspected of the participation in the mass burning of Jews at Jedwabne, Trokenheim was a defendant before the Military Court in Bialystok. The prosecutor accused him, among other things, of being an accomplice to the illegal appropriation of ex-Jewish property. Although well aware of such criminal activities conducted by a ring of local Jews, Trokenheim did not only try to stop them, but he even used his position and influence to shield the crooks in return for hefty bribes. The main culprits in this affair were the inhabitants of Bialystok - Eliasz Gradowski and Chaim Sroczko ".
Prof. Jerzy Robert Nowak, Niedziela, 2001-06-24

nasza witrynaGoldhagen for Beginners: A Comment on Jan T. Gross's Neighbors
by Norman G. Finkelstein

[An abridged version of this text appeared in the Polish periodical, Rzeczpospolita, on 20 June 2001.]
A series of little volumes in cartoon format introduces American readers to influential thinkers and ideas  - e.g., Freud for Beginners.    Jan T. Gross's Neighbors is a kind of caricature of this series.  Thus, not long ago the Holocaust industry acclaimed a massive but worthless book by Daniel Goldhagen entitled Hitler's Willing Executioners.  Gross's slight volume amounts to a Goldhagen for Beginners.  Resembling Hitler's Willing Executioners in ways small and large, Neighbors bears the unmistakable imprint of the Holocaust industry.  By Holocaust industry, I mean those individuals and institutions exploiting the Jewish genocide during World War II for political and financial gain.

Like Goldhagen's book, Neighbors is replete with glaring internal contradictions.  In one place Gross reports that Poland's postwar communist regime prosecuted Poles "who engaged in the murder of Jewish people," even torturing the perpetrators to extract confessions. (1) In another place he maintains that killing Jews "was not an offense that would warrant stern prosecution by a Stalinist judiciary." (2)  In one place Gross credits himself with the novel discovery that perpetrators of the Holocaust used, in addition to modern technology, "primitive, ancient methods and murder weapons." (3) Yet, three pages later he quotes from a prominent memoir published years ago that perpetrators of the Holocaust used "pitchforks and kitchen knives."(4)  To account for the Polish  perpetrators' motivation, Gross alludes in the same paragraph to both Christopher Browning and Daniel Goldhagen. (5)  Is he unaware that Browning and Goldhagen reached diametrically opposed conclusions?  (Unlike Goldhagen, Browning did not believe that anti-Semitism alone explained the murderous deeds of ordinary Germans.)  To document the vicious anti-Semitism of ordinary Poles during the war, Gross cites the recollection of a Polish Jew persecuted as a boy "by a flock of women who could just as well have left him in peace."(6)  Yet the actual testimony, quoted at length in the corresponding footnote, emphasizes that the Polish women were not "driven by pure resentment or hatred" but rather panicked when the Jewish boy "had suddenly fallen into their laps."(7)   In his book, Gross calls Jedwabne a "pogrom," "bloody pogrom" and "murderous pogrom."(8)  In an article after the book's publication, however, he protests that "what happened in Jedwabne was genocide.  It cannot be called a pogrom."(9) To increase the value of his research findings, Gross inflates language. By inviting ridicule, however, his exorbitant rhetoric debases memory.

Absurd formulations also dot the pages of Neighbors. Gross maintains that Holocaust survivor testimony casts Jewish suffering in a too positive light.  "It is all skewed evidence, biased in one direction: these are all stories with a happy ending.  They have all been produced by a few who were lucky enough to survive." (10)  This is laughable.  Do the testimonies of Elie Wiesel and Primo Levi brim with joy?  The banal complements the bizarre.  "Nazism," Gross muses, "is a regime that taps into the evil instincts of human beings."  Recalling Poles who collaborated first with the Soviets and then with the Nazis, Gross offers the profound reflection that some people are political opportunists.  He goes on to ground this phenomenon "in the logic of incentives one encounters within the totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century."(11)  Yet,  political opportunism is hardly peculiar to these regimes.  Gross needn't have looked further than his own colleagues at New York University like Professor Tony Judt who moved from fashionable leftism to fashionable anti-Communism as the winds shifted in American cultural life. (12)

Gross's book is standard Holocaust industry literature.  Two dogmas inform this literature: 1. The Holocaust marks a categorically unique historical event; 2. The Holocaust marks the climax of an irrational Gentile hatred of Jews.  Neither dogma withstands scholarly scrutiny.  Both, however, are politically useful: unique Jewish suffering confers unique Jewish moral entitlement; and, if Gentile hatred of  Jews is irrational, Jews bear no responsibility for this animus.    

"This is a rather typical book about the Holocaust," Gross begins, "for, as is not true of historical studies we write about other topics, I do not see the possibility of attaining closure here."  Being part of the Holocaust, Jedwabne is, "at its core, a mystery."  Unlike atrocities elsewhere, we can only proceed  "as if it were possible to understand." (Gross's emphasis) (13)   Indeed, Gross repeatedly emphasizes that  it took him fully four years to grasp the "factuality" of what happened. (14)   In Jedwabne, up to 1,600 Jews were slaughtered by their Christian neighbors.  In Rwanda, more than 500,000 Tutsis were slaughtered by their Hutu neighbors.   Rwanda, however, is comprehensible: it's not The Holocaust.

The central thesis of Hitler's Willing Executioners is that the German people's irrational hatred of Jews - sometimes "latent," sometimes "manifest" - was the main cause of the Nazi holocaust. All Hitler did, according to Goldhagen, was "unleash the pent-up antisemitic passion."  Gross similarly depicts Jedwabne.  Although on "good terms with the Poles," the Jews of Jedwabne were "always mindful of a latent hostility...among the surrounding population" nurtured by "medieval prejudice about ritual murder." (15)  Suddenly, in July 1941, this latent hostility turned lethal.  With the Nazis' role "limited, pretty much, to their taking pictures," the "Polish half of a town murder[ed] its Jewish half" for "God-knows-what" reasons. (16)  As with Goldhagen, Gross's account is a monument to question-begging.  Why, for example, did this homicidal impulse burst forth in July 1941, but not before?  Gross himself observes that "nothing of the sort has been recorded" in modern Polish history. (17)  Indeed, by casting Jedwabne within the ahistorical framework of the Holocaust industry - a categorically unique event in which Gentiles exterminate Jews for unfathomable reasons - Gross precludes meaningful insight.


Although it briefly aroused passions in Germany, Hitler's Willing Executioners left no enduring mark.  Germans were confronting their "Jewish question" long before Goldhagen, and his book contributed nothing new.   It seems, however, that Poles haven't come to grips with their "Jewish question" and Gross did unearth some new material.   The shock and sensation which Gross's book evoked in Poland suggests that Poles have been in denial about ugly aspects of their past.  Thus, however incomplete and ideologically tainted, Neighbors has the potential of stimulating a useful and necessary debate in Poland.  Yet, this potential might be squandered due to the issue of Holocaust compensation.  Instead of firmly separating the question of anti-Semitism from compensation, Gross knots them together.  With Gross's blessing, Neighbors has become another weapon of the Holocaust industry in the shakedown of Poland.  Tragically, the outcome of Poland's soul-searching will likely be a revival of the ugliest anti-Semitic stereotypes.        

In a recent article, "Mrs. Marx's Pillow," Gross alleges that Poles connect his book with Holocaust compensation because they "spontaneously associate Jews with money." (18)  Yet, a chapter of Neighbors is devoted to "Who took over the property?"  Gross's elevation of this question to a "big subject" is puzzling since he reports that it didn't command attention from Jewish survivors. (19)  Here Gross falls into another one of his contradictions.  We have seen that Neighbors portrays Jedwabne as an incomprehensible event where Poles slaughtered Jews for "God-knows-what" reason.  In this chapter, however, he suddenly discovers that "the desire and unexpected opportunity to rob the Jews...was the real motivating force." (20)   But why then is Jedwabne such a mystery?  Crimes on a far greater scale have been committed for enrichment.  (The colonization and expropriation of the New World and Africa resulted in the deaths of countless millions.) (20)  Be that as it may, the unstated upshot is that justice requires returning the stolen property.  In "Mrs. Marx's Pillow," Gross explicitly makes this case.

Gross recalls the story of a German woman whose conscience was tormented even fifty years after the war because she still owned the pillow of a murdered Jew. (21)  Essentially this is, for Gross, the Polish challenge: to reconcile with its past - to atone for Jedwabne -  Poland must return "Mrs. Marx's pillow."  "It is only the lack of sympathy and mourning for those who were murdered ," according to Gross, that makes the property claims of Jewish heirs "so vexing and irritating a problem."  On the other hand, "those who finally weep over the fate of their Jewish fellow-citizens...will...part with `Mrs. Marx's pillow' without a trace of regret."  "The choice we face," he concludes, "is not difficult."  Indeed it wouldn't be -  if matters were so simple.

In the first place, the Holocaust industry doesn't merely want back "Mrs. Marx's pillow":  it wants her whole house - and more.  Although "the scale of claims is potentially huge," Gross reassures, "no one will ever turn up to claim a great deal of what remains in our hands."  But the  claims on Poland are not tied to individual victims or their heirs coming forward.   In fact, the Holocaust industry is laying claim to hundreds of thousands of parcels of Polish land valued in the many tens of billions of dollars.  Gross can hardly be unaware of this.

Meeting these colossal demands, moreover, will never achieve true reconciliation.  The Holocaust industry represents neither "those who were murdered" nor Jewish survivors and heirs.  It is an extortion racket wrapped in the mantle of Jewish suffering.  Consider recent developments.    In the name of Holocaust victims, the Holocaust industry seized control of denationalized properties worth billions of dollars in the former East Germany.  The legitimate Jewish heirs are currently suing the Holocaust industry to return their properties.  Nearly all the monies in the Swiss banks settlement will go not to Jewish survivors or  heirs but into the coffers of Jewish organizations.  In the German settlement, the Holocaust industry will also almost certainly keep most of the monies designated for former Jewish slave-laborers.

While Gross acclaims Poland's "joyful new reality" in which American lawyers "help" settle Holocaust property claims according to the rule of law, even the conservative, pro-business Wall Street Journal denounces these same lawyers as "The New Holocaust Profiteers." (22)  (To be sure, the Journal only attacked the Holocaust lawyers after they began targeting big US corporations like IBM.)  Gross contrasts Poland's "joyful new reality" with the "lawlessness" of its Communist past, when "might made right."  In this "joyful new reality," however, the US government, acting at the behest of the Holocaust industry, deploys the crudest strong-arm tactics to force Poland's submission. Repeating the Holocaust industry's favorite propaganda line, Gross writes that "we are dealing here with a question of ethics, and not of accountancy."  In fact, we are dealing here with a question of Holocaust hooliganism, plain and simple.
Gross anguishes that "we must be prepared to give" the property back, "we will have to pay for the moral debasement of a generation of our ancestors," and so on.  Who is this "we"?  For the past 30 years Gross has resided in the United States.  He holds American citizenship and teaches at a prominent American university.  What sacrifices will he suffer if the Holocaust industry bankrupts Poland?  Indeed, the US government bludgeons Poland to pay Holocaust compensation.  But the US kept substantial assets of Holocaust victims deposited in American banks during World War II.  Shouldn't Gross instruct his current government in morality?  Clearly the US can better afford to pay Holocaust compensation than Poland.  It can also better afford to pay - but hasn't - compensation to the numerous victims of US crimes, from Native Americans and African-Americans to Southeast Asians and Central Americans.  

For sheer cynicism, however, Gross doesn't even hold a candle to Israel's ambassador in Poland, Shevach Weiss.  In a recent interview Weiss avows that Poland's curb on Jewish property claims  from before World War II  "offends me as a man, as a Polish Jew, but also as a liberal and a democrat."   He decries the injustice that Jews "die with a sense of being treated unjustly," that under the Communist regime "they had to make time-consuming efforts to obtain visas which the Polish authorities could refuse to give," and that now they visit their former homes and shops in Poland, but "cannot go inside."  Isn't this exactly the plight of Palestinian refugees?   Speaking of Jebwabne, Weiss expresses shock that Poles could kill their Jewish neighbors "and afterwards they came back to their homes, took their wives to bed, had their breakfast next day, and later still they went" to pray.  Isn't this what Israelis do in the West Bank and Gaza every day?  Indeed, one cannot but wonder if serving a Prime Minister guilty of massive war crimes and crimes against peace also offends Weiss "as a liberal and a democrat." (23)

Finally, Gross lectures Poles that "we must...confront our own past," and lashes out at Polish professors for their silence on Poland's anti-Semitic past.  Yet, Americans must also confront their past and American professors are equally silent about US crimes.  Certainly, an American professor faced far fewer penalties for telling the truth than a Polish professor under the Communist regime.  The president of the New School for Social Research - right down the block from New York University, where Gross teaches - committed heinous war crimes in Vietnam.  Has Gross demanded his criminal indictment?  Poland promises to prosecute the Polish perpetrators of the Jedwabne massacre.  Is it even conceivable that the US government would bring to justice its war criminals?

It takes precious little courage to lecture Poland on morality from the comfort of New York City.  Until he applies to his current government and himself the standards he preaches to Poles, Gross's pieties don't merit consideration.


1. N:15, 28.

2. N: 216n5.

3. N: 124.

4. N: 127.

5. N:120-1.

6. N: 134.

7. N: 241n2.

8. N: 77, 107, 121.

9. T: 258.

10 N: 141-2

11. N: 117.  

12. Judt supplied a rave review ("truly pathbreaking...the work of a master historian") for the cover of the  American edition of Neighbors.  Like Hitler's Willing Executioners, Gross's English text is riddled with the pretentious language of pseudo-scholarship - "historiographical topos," "hyperbolic trope," "this methodological imperative flows from the very immanent character of all evidence," "everything in the history of a society is in rapport with everything else," and so forth. (N: 11, 21, 141, 168) With such profundities in mind, a writer once quipped: "It sounds like thunder but is actually a snore."

13. N: 12-13, 21, 132.

14. N: 21, 140.

15: N: 37-8, 123-4, 150.

16. N: 9, 78, 125.

17. N: 122.

18. Tygodnik Powszechny, 11 February 2001.  Gross is quick to accuse his Polish critics of anti-Semitism.  In Gazeta Wyborcza, he denounces a Polish professor for reviving the "anti-Semitic cliche...that the Jews `went like sheep to the slaughter' during the war." ("`Comprehensible' Murder?" 25-26 November 2000; cited in T: 99)  In fact Holocaust chroniclers, including Emanuel Ringelblum, typically used this phrase.

19. N: 105.

20  N: 110.  Yehuda Bauer, the high priest of Holocaust orthodoxy, reports: "No serious historian has ever claimed that robbery was the basic reason for the murder.  Robbery was the outcome of the Holocaust, not its cause" (Rethinking the Holocaust [New Haven: 2001], 48).  Thus, if  the main motive behind the Jedwabne massacre was enrichment, it cannot be reckoned  a chapter in the Holocaust.

21. Unless otherwise indicated all ensuing quotes are from "Mrs. Marx's Pillow."

22. 11 April 2001.

23. "Interview with Shevach Weiss, the Israeli ambassador in Poland," in Gazeta Polska (28 March 2001).

Prof. Norman G. Finkelstein, Goldhagen for Beginners: A Comment on Jan T. Gross's Neighbors, 2001-06-20

nasza witrynaThe Generation: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Communists of Poland
by J. Schatz

  Kevin MacDonald's review of a book by J. Schatz, "The Generation: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Communists of Poland" (1991)

in Kevin MacDonald, THE CULTURE OF CRITIQUE: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements, Westport, Connecticut & London, 1998. Page numbers are in MacDonald's book. Comments by Peter Myers {thus}, May 7, 2001. {Poland's post war Communist government was Jewish-dominated; the 1967 Middle East War forced Poland's Jews to finally choose between Zionism and Communism. Removal of Jews from the leadership allowed Poles to take over, who would later be more amenable to Solidarity. Jews created Communism, but the Jew-Gentile divide later destroyed it.}

{p. 61} Communism and Jewish Identification in Poland

Schatz's (1991) work on the group of Jewish communists who came to power in Poland after World War II (termed by Schatz "the generation") is important because it sheds light on the identificatory processes of an entire generation of communist Jews in Eastern Europe. Unlike the situation in the Soviet Union where the predominantly Jewish faction led by Trotsky was defeated, it is possible to trace the activities and identifications of a Jewish communist elite who actually obtained political power and held it for a significant period.

The great majority of this group were socialized in very traditional Jewish families

"... whose inner life, customs and folklore, religious traditions, leisure time, contacts between generations, and ways of socializing were, despite variations, essentially permeated by traditional Jewish values and norms of conduct.... The core of cultural heritage was handed down to them through formal religious education and practice, through holiday celebrations, tales, and songs, through the stories told by parents and grandparents, through listening to discussions among their elders.... The result was a deep core of their identity, values, norms, and attitudes with which they entered the rebellious period of their youth and adulthood. This core was to be transformed in the processes of acculturation, secularization, and radicalization sometimes even to the point of explicit denial. However, it was through this deep layer that all later perceptions were filtered. " (Schatz 1991, 37-38)

Note the implication that self-deceptive processes were at work here: Members of the generation denied the effects of a pervasive socialization experience that colored all of their subsequent perceptions, so that in a very real sense, they did not know how Jewish they were. Most of these individuals spoke Yiddish in their daily lives and had only a poor command of Polish even after joining the party (p. 54). They socialized entirely with other Jews whom they met in the Jewish world of work, neighborhood, and Jewish social and political organizations. After they became communists, they dated and married among themselves and their social gatherings were conducted in Yiddish (p. 116). As is the case for all of the Jewish intellectual and political movements discussed in this volume, their mentors and principle influences were other ethnic Jews, including especially Luxemburg and Trotsky (pp. 62, 89), and when they recalled personal heroes, they were mostly Jews whose exploits achieved semi-mythical proportions (p. 112).

Jews who joined the communist movement did not first reject their ethnic identity, and there were many who "cherished Jewish culture . . . [and] dreamed of a society in which Jews would be equal as Jews" (p. 48). Indeed, it

(p. 62) "... was common for individuals to combine a strong Jewish identity with Marxism as well as various combinations of Zionism and Bundism. Moreover, the attraction of Polish Jews to communism was greatly facilitated by their knowledge that Jews had attained high-level positions of power and influence in the Soviet Union and that the Soviet government had established a system of Jewish education and culture"
 (p. 60). "In both the Soviet Union and Poland, communism was seen as opposing anti-Semitism. In marked contrast, during the 1930s the Polish government developed policies in which Jews were excluded from public-sector employment, quotas were placed on Jewish representation in universities and the professions, and government-organized boycotts of Jewish businesses and artisans were staged" (Hagen 1996). Clearly, Jews perceived communism as good for Jews: It was a movement that did not threaten Jewish group continuity, and it held the promise of power and influence for Jews and the end of state-sponsored anti-Semitism.

At one end of the spectrum of Jewish identification were communists who began their career in the Bund or in Zionist organizations, spoke Yiddish, and worked entirely within a Jewish milieu. Jewish and communist identities were completely sincere, without ambivalence or perceived conflict between these two sources of identity. At the other end of the spectrum of Jewish identification, some Jewish communists may have intended to establish a de-ethnicized state without Jewish group continuity, although the evidence for this is less than compelling. In the pre-war period even the most "de-ethnicized" Jews only outwardly assimilated by dressing like gentiles, taking gentile-sounding names (suggesting deception), and learning their languages. They attempted to recruit gentiles into the movement but did not assimilate or attempt to assimilate into Polish culture; they retained traditional Jewish "disdainful and supercilious attitudes" toward what, as Marxists, they viewed as a "retarded" Polish peasant culture (p. 119). Even the most highly assimilated Jewish communists working in urban areas with non-Jews were upset by the Soviet-German nonaggression pact but were relieved when the German-Soviet war finally broke out (p. 121) - a clear indication that Jewish personal identity remained quite close to the surface. The Communist Party of Poland (KPP) also retained a sense of promoting specifically Jewish interests rather than blind allegiance to the Soviet Union. Indeed, Schatz (p. 102) suggests that Stalin dissolved the KPP in 1938 because of the presence of Trotskyists within the KPP and because the Soviet leadership expected the KPP to be opposed to the alliance with Nazi Germany.

In SAID (Ch. 8) it was noted that identificatory ambivalence has been a consistent feature of Judaism since the Enlightenment. It is interesting that Polish Jewish activists showed a great deal of identificatory ambivalence stemming ultimately from the contradiction between "the belief in some kind of Jewish collective existence and, at the same time, a rejection of such an ethnic communion, as it was thought incompatible with class divisions and harmful to the general political struggle; striving to maintain a specific kind of

(p. 63) " Jewish culture and, at the same time, a view of this as a mere ethnic form of the communist message, instrumental in incorporating Jews into the Polish Socialist community; and maintaining separate Jewish institutions while at the same time desiring to eliminate Jewish separateness as such" (p. 234). It will be apparent in the following that the Jews, including Jewish communists at the highest levels of the government, continued as a cohesive, identifiable group. However, although they themselves appear not to have noticed the Jewish collective nature of their experience (p. 240), it was observable to others - a clear example of self-deception also evident in the case of American Jewish leftists, as noted below.

These Jewish communists were also engaged in elaborate rationalizations and self-deceptions related to the role of the communist movement in Poland, so that one cannot take the lack of evidence for overt Jewish ethnic identity as strong evidence of a lack of a Jewish identity. "Cognitive and emotional anomalies - unfree, mutilated, and distorted thoughts and emotions - became the price for retaining their beliefs unchanged.... Adjusting their experiences to their beliefs was achieved through mechanisms of interpreting, suppressing, justifying, or explaining away" (p. 191). "As much as they were able to skilfully apply their critical thinking to penetrative analyses of the socio-political system they rejected, as much were they blocked when it came to applying the same rules of critical analysis to the system they regarded as the future of all mankind" (p. 192).

This combination of self-deceptive rationalization as well as considerable evidence of a Jewish identity can be seen in the comments of Jacub Berman, one of the most prominent leaders of the post war era. (Two communist leaders who dominated Poland between 1948 and 1956, Berman and Hilary Minc, were Jews.) Regarding the purges and murders of thousands of communists, including many Jews, in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, Berman states:

"I tried as best I could to explain what was happening; to clarify the background, the situations full of conflict and internal contradictions in which Stalin had probably found himself and which forced him to act as he did; and to exaggerate the mistakes of the opposition, which assumed grotesque proportions in the subsequent charges against them and were further blown up by Soviet propaganda. You had to have a great deal of endurance and dedication to the cause then in order to accept what was happening despite all the distortions, injuries and torments." (In Toranska 1987, 207)

As to his Jewish identity, Berman responded as follows when asked about his plans after the war:

"I didn't have any particular plans. But I was aware of the fact that as a Jew shouldn't or wouldn't be able to fill any of the highest posts. Besides, I don't mind not being in the front ranks: not because I'm particularly humble by nature, but because it's not at all the case that you have to project yourself into a position of prominence in order to wield real power. The important thing to me was to exert my influence, leave my stamp on the complicated government formation, which was being created, but without projecting myself. Naturally, this required a certain agility." (In Toranska 1987, 237)

Clearly Berman identifies himself as a Jew and is well aware that others perceive him as a Jew and that therefore he must deceptively lower his public profile. Berman also notes that he was under suspicion as a Jew during the Soviet anti-"Cosmopolite" campaign beginning in the late 1940s. His brother, an activist in the Central Committee of Polish Jews (the organization for establishing a secular Jewish culture in communist Poland), emigrated to Israel in 1950 to avoid the consequences of the Soviet-inspired anti-Semitic policies in Poland. Berman comments that he did not follow his brother to Israel even though his brother strongly urged him to do so: "I was, of course, interested in what was going on in Israel, especially since I was quite familiar with the people there" (in Toranska 1987, 322). Obviously, Berman's brother viewed Berman not as a non-Jew but, rather, as a Jew who should emigrate to Israel because of incipient anti-Semitism. The close ties of family and friendship between a very high official in the Polish communist government and an activist in the organization promoting Jewish secular culture in Poland also strongly suggest that there was no perceived incompatibility with identifications as a Jew and as a communist even among the most assimilated Polish communists of the period. 

While Jewish members saw the KPP as beneficial to Jewish interests, the party was perceived by gentile Poles even before the war as "pro-Soviet, antipatriotic, and ethnically 'not truly Polish' " (Schatz 1991, 82). This perception of lack of patriotism was the main source of popular hostility to the KPP (Schatz 1991, 91). On the one hand, for much of its existence the KPP had been at war not only with the Polish State, but with its entire body politic, including the legal opposition parties of the Left.

On the other hand, in the eyes of the great majority of Poles, the KPP was a foreign, subversive agency of Moscow, bent on the destruction of Poland's hard-won independence and the incorporation of Poland into the Soviet Union. Labelled a "Soviet agency" or the "Jew-Commune," it was viewed as a dangerous and fundamentally unPolish conspiracy dedicated to undermining national sovereignty and restoring, in a new guise, Russian domination.
(Coutouvidis & Reynolds 1986,115)

The KPP backed the Soviet Union in the Polish-Soviet war of 1919-1920 and in the Soviet invasion of 1939. It also accepted the 1939 border with the USSR and was relatively unconcerned with the Soviet massacre of Polish prisoners of war during World War II, whereas the Polish government in exile in London held nationalist views of these matters. The Soviet army and its Polish allies "led by cold-blooded political calculation, military necessities, or both" allowed the uprising of the Home Army, faithful to the non-communist.

(p. 65) "Polish government-in-exile, to be defeated by the Germans resulting in 200,000 dead, thus wiping out "the cream of the anti- and non-communist activist elite" (Schatz 1991, 188). The Soviets also arrested surviving non-communist resistance leaders immediately after the war.

Moreover, as was the case with the CPUSA, actual Jewish leadership and involvement in Polish Communism was much greater than surface appearances; ethnic Poles were recruited and promoted to high positions in order to lessen the perception that the KPP was a Jewish movement (Schatz 1991, 97). This attempt to deceptively lower the Jewish profile of the communist movement was also apparent in the ZPP. (The ZPP refers to the Union of Polish Patriots - an Orwellian-named communist front organization created by the Soviet Union to occupy Poland after the war.) Apart from members of the generation whose political loyalties could be counted on and who formed the leadership core of the group, Jews were often discouraged from joining the movement out of fear that the movement would appear too Jewish. However, Jews who could physically pass as Poles were allowed to join and were encouraged to state they were ethnic Poles and to change their names to Polish-sounding names. "Not everyone was approached [to engage in deception], and some were spared such proposals because nothing could be done with them: they just looked too Jewish" (Schatz 1991, 185).

When this group came to power after the war, they advanced Soviet political, economic, and cultural interests in Poland while aggressively pursuing specifically Jewish interests, including the destruction of the nationalist political opposition whose openly expressed anti-Semitism derived at least partly from the fact that Jews were perceived as favoring Soviet domination. The purge of Wladyslaw Gomulka's group shortly after the war resulted in the promotion of Jews and the complete banning of anti-Semitism. Moreover, the general opposition between the Jewish-dominated Polish communist government supported by the Soviets and the nationalist, anti-Semitic underground helped forge the allegiance of the great majority of the Jewish population to the communist government while the great majority of non-Jewish Poles favored the anti-Soviet parties (Schatz 1991, 204-205) The result was widespread anti-Semitism: By the summer of 1947, approximately 1,500 Jews had been killed in incidents at 155 localities. In the words of Cardinal Hlond in 1946 commenting on an incident in which 41 Jews were killed, the pogrom was "due to the Jews who today occupy leading positions in Poland's government and endeavor to introduce a governmental structure that the majority of the Poles do not wish to have" (in Schatz 1991, 107).

The Jewish-dominated communist government actively sought to revive and perpetuate Jewish life in Poland (Schatz 1991, 208) so that, as in the case of the Soviet Union, there was no expectation that Judaism would wither away under a communist regime. Jewish activists had an "ethno political vision" in which Jewish secular culture would continue in Poland with the cooperation and approval of the government (Schatz 1991, 230). Thus while the government campaigned actively against the political and cultural power of the Catholic Church, collective Jewish life flourished in the post war period. Yiddish and Hebrew language schools and publications were established, as well as a great variety of cultural and social welfare organizations for Jews. A substantial percentage of the Jewish population was employed in Jewish economic cooperatives. 

Moreover, the Jewish-dominated government regarded the Jewish population, many of whom had not previously been communists, as "a reservoir that could be trusted and enlisted in its efforts to rebuild the country. Although not old, 'tested' comrades, they were not rooted in the social networks of the anti-communist society, they were outsiders with regard to its historically shaped traditions, without connections to the Catholic Church, and hated by those who hated the regime. Thus they could be depended on and used to fill the required positions" (Schatz 1991, 212-213).

Jewish ethnic background was particularly important in recruiting for the internal security service: The generation of Jewish communists realized that their power derived entirely from the Soviet Union and that they would have to resort to coercion in order to control a fundamentally hostile non-communist society (p. 262). The core members of the security service came from the Jewish communists who had been communists before the establishment of the Polish communist government, but these were joined by other Jews sympathetic to the government and alienated from the wider society. This in tum reinforced the popular image of Jews as servants of foreign interests and enemies of ethnic Poles (Schatz 1991, 225).

Jewish members of the internal security force often appear to have been motivated by personal rage and a desire for revenge related to their Jewish identity:
" Their families had been murdered and the anti-Communist underground was, in their perception, a continuation of essentially the same anti-Semitic and anti-Communist tradition. They hated those who had collaborated with the Nazis and those who opposed the new order with almost the same intensity and knew that as Communists, or as both Communists and Jews, they were hated at least in the same way In their eyes, the enemy was essentially the same The old evil deeds had to be punished and new ones prevented and a merciless struggle was necessary before a better world could be built." (Schatz 1991, 226)

As in the case of post World War II Hungary (see below), Poland became polarized between a predominantly Jewish ruling and administrative class supported by the rest of the Jewish population and by Soviet military power, arrayed against the great majority of the native gentile population. The situation was exactly analogous to the many instances in traditional societies where Jews formed a middle layer between an alien ruling elite, in this case the Soviets, and the gentile native population (see PTSDA, Ch. 5). However this intermediary role made the former outsiders into an elite group in Poland, and the former champions of social justice went to great lengths to protect their own personal prerogatives, including a great deal of rationalization and self-deception (p. 261). Indeed, when a defector's accounts of the elite's lavish lifestyle (e.g., Boleslaw Bierut had four villas and the use of five others [Toranska 1987, 28]), their corruption, as well as their role as Soviet agents became known in 1954, there were shock waves throughout the lower levels of the party (p. 266). Clearly, the sense of moral superiority and the altruistic motivations of this group were entirely in their own self-deceptions.

Although attempts were made to place a Polish face on what was in reality a Jewish-dominated government, such attempts were limited by the lack of trustworthy Poles able to fill positions in the Communist Party, government administration, the military and the internal security forces. Jews who had severed formal ties with the Jewish community, or who had changed their names to Polish-sounding names, or who could pass as Poles because of their physical appearance or lack of a Jewish accent were favored in promotions (p. 214). Whatever the subjective personal identities of the individuals recruited into these government positions, the recruiters were clearly acting on the perceived ethnic background of the individual as a cue to dependability, and the result was that the situation resembled the many instances in traditional societies where Jews and crypto-Jews developed economic and political networks of coreligionists: "Besides a group of influential politicians, too small to be called a category, there were the soldiers; the apparatchiks and the administrators; the intellectuals and ideologists; the policemen; the diplomats; and finally, the activists in the Jewish sector. There also existed the mass of common people - clerks, craftsmen, and workers - whose common denominator with the others was a shared ideological vision, a past history, and the essentially similar mode of ethnic aspiration" (p. 226).

It is revealing that when Jewish economic and political domination gradually decreased in the mid- to late-1950s, many of these individuals began working in the Jewish economic cooperatives, and Jews purged from the internal security service were aided by Jewish organizations funded ultimately by American Jews. There can be little doubt of their continuing Jewish identity and the continuation of Jewish economic and cultural separatism. Indeed, after the collapse of the communist regime in Poland, "numerous Jews, some of them children and grandchildren of former communists, came 'out of the closet'" (Anti-Semitism Worldwide 1994, 115), openly adopting a Jewish identity and reinforcing the idea that many Jewish communists were in fact crypto-Jews. 

When the anti-Zionist-anti-Semitic movement in the Soviet Union filtered down to Poland following the Soviet policy change toward Israel in the late 1940s, there was another crisis of identity resulting from the belief that anti-Semitism and communism were incompatible. One response was to engage in "ethnic self-abnegation" by making statements denying the existence of a Jewish identity; another advised Jews to adopt a lower profile. Because of the very strong identification with the system among Jews, the general tendency was to rationalize even their own persecution during the period when Jews were gradually being purged from important positions: "Even when the methods grew surprisingly painful and harsh, when the goal of forcing one to admit uncommitted crimes and to frame others became clear, and when the perception of being unjustly treated by methods that contradicted communist ethos came forth, the basic ideological convictions stayed untouched. Thus the holy madness triumphed, even in the prison cells" (p. 260). In the end, an important ingredient in the anti-Jewish campaign of the 1960s was the assertion that the communist Jews of the generation opposed the Soviet Union's Middle East policy favoring the Arabs.

As with Jewish groups throughout the ages (see PTSDA, Ch. 3), the anti-Jewish purges did not result in their abandoning their group commitment even when it resulted in unjust persecutions. Instead, it resulted in increased commitment, "unswerving ideological discipline, and obedience to the point of self-deception.... They regarded the party as the collective personification of the progressive forces of history and, regarding themselves as its servants, expressed a specific kind of teleological-deductive dogmatism, revolutionary haughtiness, and moral ambiguity" (pp. 260 261). Indeed, there is some indication that group cohesiveness increased as the fortunes of the generation declined (p. 301). As their position was gradually eroded by a nascent anti-Semitic Polish nationalism, they became ever more conscious of their "groupness." After their final defeat they quickly lost any Polish identity they might have had and quickly assumed overtly Jewish identities, especially in Israel, the destination of most Polish Jews. They came to see their former anti-Zionism as a mistake and became now strong supporters of Israel (p. 314).

In conclusion, Schatz's treatment shows that the generation of Jewish communists and their ethnically Jewish supporters must be considered as an historic Jewish group. The evidence indicates that this group pursued specifically Jewish interests, including especially their interest in securing Jewish group continuity in Poland while at the same time attempting to destroy institutions like the Catholic Church and other manifestations of Polish nationalism that promoted social cohesion among Poles. The communist government also combated anti-Semitism, and it promoted Jewish economic and political interests. While the extent of subjective Jewish identity among this group undoubtedly varied, the evidence indicates submerged and self-deceptive levels of Jewish identity even among the most assimilated of them. The entire episode illustrates the complexity of Jewish identification, and it exemplifies the importance of self-deception and rationalization as central aspects of Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy (see SAID, Chs. 7, 8). There was massive self-deception and rationalization regarding the role of the Jewish-dominated government and its Jewish supporters in eliminating gentile nationalist elites, of its role in opposing Polish national culture and the Catholic Church while building up a secular Jewish culture, of its role as the agent of Soviet domination of Poland, and of its own economic success while administering an economy that harnessed the economy of Poland to meet Soviet interests and demanded hardship and sacrifices from the rest of the people. 

(p. 98) Jews thus achieved leading positions in these societies in the early stages. but in the long run, anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union and other Eastern European communist societies became a well-known phenomenon and an important political cause among American Jews (Sachar 1992; Woocher 1986). As we have seen, Stalin gradually diminished the power of Jews in the Soviet Union, and anti-Semitism was an important factor in the decline of Jews in leadership positions in Eastern European communist governments.

The cases of Hungary and Poland are particularly interesting. Given the role of Jewish communists in post war Poland, it is not surprising that an anti-Semitic movement developed and eventually toppled the generation from power (see Schatz 1991, 264ff). After Nikita Khrushchev's de-Stalinization speech of 1956 the party split into a Jewish and anti-Jewish section, with the anti-Jewish section complaining of too many Jews in top positions. In the words of a leader of the anti-Jewish faction, the preponderance of Jews "makes people hate Jews and mistrust the party. The Jews estrange people from the party and from the Soviet Union; national feelings have been offended, and it is the duty of the party to adjust to the demands so that Poles, not Jews, hold the top positions in Poland" (in Schatz 1991, 268). Khrushchev himself supported a new policy with his remark that "you have already too many Abramoviches" (in Schatz 1991, 272). Even this first stage in the anti-Jewish purges was accompanied by anti-Semitic incidents among the public at large, as well as demands that Jewish communists who had changed their names to lower their profile in the party reveal themselves. As a result of these changes over half of Polish Jews responded by emigrating to Israel between 1956 and 1959.

Anti-Semitism increased dramatically toward the end of the 1960s. Jews were gradually downgraded in status and Jewish communists were blamed for Poland's misfortunes. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion circulated widely among party activists, students, and army personnel. The security force, which had been dominated by Jews and directed toward suppressing Polish nationalism, was now dominated by Poles who viewed Jews "as a group in need of close and constant surveillance" (p. 290). Jews were removed from important positions in the government, the military, and the media. Elaborate files were maintained on Jews, including the crypto-Jews who had changed their names and adopted non-Jewish external identities. As the Jews had done earlier, the anti-Jewish group developed networks that promoted their own people throughout the government and the media. Jews now became dissidents and defectors where before they had dominated the state forces of Orthodoxy.

The "earthquake" finally erupted in 1968 with an anti-Semitic campaign consequent to outpourings of joy among Jews over Israel's victory in the Six-Day War. Israel's victory occurred despite Soviet bloc support of the Arabs, and President Gomulka condemned the Jewish "fifth column" in the country.

(p. 99) Extensive purges of Jews swept the country and secular Jewish life (e.g., Yiddish magazines and Jewish schools and day camps) was essentially dissolved. This hatred toward Jews clearly resulted from the role Jews played in post war Poland. As one intellectual described it, Poland's problems resulted essentially from ethnic conflict between Poles and Jews in which the Jews were supported by the Russians. The problems were due to "the arrival in our country . . . of certain politicians dressed in officer's uniforms, who later presumed that only they, the Zambrowskis, the Radkiewiczes, the Bermans, had the right to leadership, a monopoly over deciding what was right for the Polish nation." The solution would come when the "abnormal ethnic composition" of society was corrected (in Schatz 1991, 306, 307). The remaining Jews "both as a collective and as individuals . . . were singled out, slandered, ostracized, degraded, threatened, and intimidated with breathtaking intensity and . . . malignance" (p. 308). Most left Poland for Israel, and all were forced to renounce their Polish citizenship. They left behind only a few thousand mostly aged Jews.

The case of Hungary is entirely analogous to Poland both in the origins of the triumph of communist Jews and in their eventual defeat by an anti-Semitic movement. Despite evidence that Stalin was an anti-Semite, he installed Jewish communists as leaders of his effort to dominate Hungary after World War II. The government was "completely dominated" by Jews (Rothman and Lichter 1982, 89), a common perception among the Hungarian people (see Irving 1981, 47ff). "The wags of Budapest explained the presence of a lone gentile in the party leadership on the grounds that a 'goy' was needed to tum on the lights on Saturday" (Rothman & Lichter 1982, 89). The Hungarian Communist Party, with the backing of the Red Army, tortured, imprisoned, and executed opposition political leaders and other dissidents and effectively harnessed Hungary's economy in the service of the Soviet Union. They thus created a situation similar to that in Poland: Jews were installed by their Russian masters as the ideal middle stratum between an exploitative alien ruling elite and a subject native population. Jews were seen as having engineered the communist revolution and as having benefited most from the revolution. Jews constituted nearly all of the party's elite, held the top positions in the security police, and dominated managerial positions throughout the economy. {end selection}

More from Kevin MacDonald's book: The Culture of Critique.

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nasza witrynaJudeo - Communism, myth or truth?
Written and collated from various sources by Krzysztof Janiewicz

Long before Hitler had emerged on the world stage, a young journalist who's name was Winston Churchill had written as follows in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, London, on the 08.02.1920:
"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistic Jews. It is certainly a very great one. It probably outweighs all others. With the possible exception of Lenin, the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherine, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunachasski cannot be compared with the power (Petrograd) or of Krassin or Radek - all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more outstanding. And the foremost, if not indeed the principal part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases, by Jewesses."
So much from the contemporary assertion of  W. Churchill. Of course, he himself could be wrong, his assertion of the situation in Soviet Union tainted by some bias.
But there are many corroborating historical sources supporting his assertion.
So did really so many Jews, or as some prefer to say, people of the Jewish origin or background, played a major role in the establishing of the Communist system, and served as Lenin's and Stalin's willing executioners? Did those people really compose such a disproportionate number of the new ruling elite as to earn for the whole system a term Judeo-Communism?
State Department document 861.00/1757 sent May 2, 1918 by U.S. consul general in Moscow, Summers: "Jews prominent in local Soviet government, anti-Jewish feeling growing among population...."
State Department document 861.00/2205 was sent from Vladivostok on July 5, 1918 by U.S. consul Caldwell: "Fifty percent of Soviet government in each town consists of Jews of the worst type."
From the Headquarters of the American Expeditionary Forces, Siberia on March 1, 1919, comes this telegram from Omsk by Chief of Staff, Capt. Montgomey Shuyler: "It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since it's beginning guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type." It seems that nothing has changed since then. It is still very "unwise" to tell the truth.
A second Schuyler telegram, dated June 9, 1919 from Vladivostok, reports on the make-up of the presiding Soviet government: "...There were 384 "commissars" including 2 Negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians, AND MORE THAN 300 JEWS. Of the latter number, 264 had come to Russia from the United States since the downfall of the Imperial Government."
Even as recently as 1965, a study by the US Senate Judiciary Committee of anti-Jewish policies of the Soviet government at that time entitled "The Soviet Empire, A Study of Discrimination and Abuse of Power" revealed that before WW II a whopping 41.1% of the members of the entire Supreme Soviet had been Jews despite being a mere 2% of the population.
"Whatever the racial antecedents of their top man, the first Soviet commissariats were largely staffed with Jews. The Jewish position in the Communist movement was well understood in Russia. The White Armies which opposed the Bolshevik government linked Jews and Bolsheviks as common enemies" (Univ. Jew Encyc., Vol. I, p. 336).
"In the Bolshevik era, 52 percent of the membership of the Soviet communist party was Jewish, though Jews comprised only 1.8 percent of the total population." (Stuart Kahan (grandson of Lazar Kaganvich), The Wolf of the Kremlin, p. 81)
Norman Cantor, professor of history at New York University, confirmed: "Half of the six members of the politburo that was the supreme government of Soviet Russia in 1920 were Jews. Jews were prominent in the leadership of the Communist party in Germany, Hungary, and Austria. In the 1920s close to half the members of the small and politically insignificant American Communist party were Jewish." ("The Sacred Chain - A History of the Jews," Norman F. Cantor, HarperCollins, 1995)
In another book, Cantor provides confirmation of Jewish prominence in other important areas of the communist government: " The founders of the Soviet secret police (later KGB), headquartered in Lubyanka prison in Moscow, were mostly Jews. Jews also took leadership roles, down into the early 1950s, in the Communist parties of Germany, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Rumania. In the struggle for succession to Lenin in the 1920s, leading to the defeat and exile of the Jewish Trotsky (Bronstein), most of the high-level Soviet Jews made the mistake of supporting Stalin, an Asiatic anti-Semite who in the purge trials in the mid-1930s eventually eliminated these Jewish "Old Bolsheviks." But even to some degree after the Great Purge, Jews were still prevalent in powerful Soviet government positions and many of Stalin's cohorts in the 1940s had Jewish wives.
"During the heyday of the Cold War, American Jewish publicists spent a lot of time denying that-as 1930s anti-Semites claimed-Jews played a disproportionately important role in Soviet and world Communism. The truth is until the early 1950s. Jews did play such a role, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. In time, Jews will learn to take pride in the record of the Jewish Communists in the Soviet Union and elsewhere. It was a species of striking back." ("The Jewish Experience", "Stalin's Jews", pp. 364, Norman F. Cantor, Castle Books, 1996.) See another article on this Web Site "Murderers who take pride in their crime".
"Even in absolute numbers, the Jews...made up the largest group in the leadership of the Stalinist Secret Police. The Russian myth of the "Jewish NKVD" thus had a factual basis. The Nazis, who knew precisely of these facts, used it for their propaganda purposes of the Jewish-Bolshevik terror regime that they felt obligated to destroy." ("Special Tasks" by Pavel and Anatoli Sudoplatov, 1995, Little, Brown and Co. N.K. Petrow and K.W. Skorkin (Title: "Who led the NKWD, 1934-1941?" Publisher: N.G. Ochotin, A.B. Roginskij, Verlag Swenja, Moscow, 1999)
Lets look at the situation from the beginning.
Karl Marx: "on both paternal and maternal sides Karl Marx was descended from rabbinical families" (Univ. Jew. Encyc., Vol.VII, p. 289).
The words of the leader of the Bolshevik revolution, W. U. I. Lenin:
" The clever Russian is almost always a Jew or has Jewish blood in him ." (Dmitri Volkogonov, Lenin: A New Biography, p. 112). ("Lenin's Lineage? 'Jewish,' Claims Moscow News," Forward [New York City] Feb. 28,1992)
Lenin, whose maternal grandfather, Israel Blank, was Jewish, said that Jews made the best revolutionaries. Lenin was both clever and a revolutionary. He was surely referring to himself.
Researcher Wayne McGuire of Harvard University writes: "Lenin was a Jew by the standards of Israel's Law of Return: he possessed a Jewish grandparent...It would seem that not only was Lenin a Jew, but that he was a Jewish racist and chauvinist, although he kept his ideas on this volatile subject far in the background, probably because they were in radical conflict with the supposed universalism of Marxism. ...Lenin was a Jewish racist who deliberately gave Jews especially, the most 'intellectually demanding tasks.' He admitted that 50% of the communist terrorist vanguard in the south and west of Russia was comprised of Jews."
But was Lenin the only one who was "clever and revolutionary" and was a Jew "or has Jewish blood in him."?
Nikolai Bukharin: Lenin's chief theorist.
David Ryazanov: adviser to Lenin.
Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) leader of the Russian Revolution, was an architect of the Red Army, and commissar of foreign affairs between 1917-1924.
Lev Rosenfeld (Kamenev): member of the Central Committee.
Maxim Litvinov (Wallach): foreign affairs commissar.
Moses Uritsky head of the Commissary for the Constituent Assembly.
Mikhail Gruzenberg (Borodin) commissar.
Yakov Sverdlov (Solomon) was both the Bolshevik party's executive secretary and - as chairman of the Central Executive Committee - head of the Soviet government. As the first president of the Soviet Union, Sverdlov ordered the massacre of the Czar's family-women and children-in the town named after Catherine the Great, Yekaterinburg, (renamed Sverdlovsk in 1924 in honor of the murderer).
Jacob Yurovsky: commander, Soviet Secret Police. Yurovsky led the death squad that carried out Sverdlov's order for the murder of the Czar's family, including the bayoneting to death of the Czar's daughters. The Ipatyev house, where, in the basement, the massacre had occurred, stood intact until 1977, when the local Communist party boss at that time, Boris Yeltsin, ordered it demolished, lest it become a shrine to anti-Jewish sentiment.
Grigori Zinoviev (Radomyslsky) headed the Communist International (Comintern), the central agency for spreading communist revolution in other countries. This top Communist Jewish official stated:
"Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands; let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritzky, Zinoviev and Volodarsky, let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeoisie – more blood! As much as possible!" (Krasnaya Gazeta, Sept. 1, 1918).
Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich: chief mass murderer for Stalin, butcher of the Ukraine, implementing the holocaust on Russia's and the Ukraine's rural population he planned, ordered and supervised the deaths of app. 7 millions of the Ukrainians and the wholesale destruction of Christian monuments and churches, including the great Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Standing amid the rubble of the cathedral, Kaganovich proclaimed, "Mother Russia is cast down. We have ripped away her skirts." (N.Y. Times, Sept. 26,1995).
When OGPU failed to meet weekly execution quotas, Stalin sent his henchman Lazar Kaganovich to destroy Ukrainian resistance. Kaganovich, the Soviet Eichmann(Jew), made quota, shooting 10,000 Ukrainians weekly. Eighty percent of all Ukrainian intellectuals were executed.
During the bitter winter of 1932-33, mass starvation created by Kaganovich and OGPU hit full force. Ukrainians ate their pets, boots and belts, plus bark and roots. Some parents even ate infant children.
The precise number of Ukrainians murdered by Stalin's custom-made famine and Cheka firing squads remains unknown to this day. The KGB's archives, and recent work by Russian historians, show that at least seven million died. Ukrainian historians put the figure at nine million, or higher. Twenty-five percent of Ukraine's population was exterminated. Millions of victims.
The predominance of Jews among Bolshevik leaders, and the frightful crimes and cruelty inflicted by Stalin's Cheka on Ukraine and the Baltic, led the victims of Red Terror to blame the Jewish people for both, communism and their suffering.
KOMZET: commission for the settlement of Jewish Communists on the land seized from murdered Christians in Ukraine; funded by Jewish-American financier Julius Rosenwald.
Genrikh Yagoda*: chief of Soviet Secret Police, mass murderer extraordinaire. (Jewish poet Romain Rolland, winner of the Nobel Prize, wrote a hymn of praise to Yagoda).
Sergei Eisenstein: director of communist propaganda films that depicted Christian peasants (kulaks) as hideous, money-grabbing parasites. The kulaks were subsequently massacred. (Cf. for example Eisenstein's "Bezhin Meadow").
Ilya Ehrenburg: Minister of Soviet Propaganda and disseminator of anti-German hate material dating from the 1930s. Ehrenburg instigated the Soviet Red Army rape and murder of German civilians. Referring to German women, Ehrenburg gloated to the advancing Red Army troops, "that blonde hag is in for a bad time."
In a leaflet addressed to Soviet troops, Ehrenburg wrote: "...the Germans are not human beings...nothing gives us so much joy as German corpses." (Anatol Goldberg, Ilya Ehrenburg, p. 197). Goldberg concedes that Ehrenburg, "...had always disliked the that there was a war on he turned his old prejudice into an asset." (Ibid., p. 193).
Mikhail Kaganovich: deputy commissar of heavy industry, supervisor of slave labour, brother of Lazar.
Rosa Kaganovich: Stalin's mistress; sister of Lazar.
Paulina Zhemchuzina: member of the Central Committee and wife of Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov.
Olga Bronstein: officer, Soviet Cheka Secret Police, sister of Trotsky, wife of Kamenev.
Matvei Berman and Naftaly Frenkel: founders of the Gulag death camp system.
Lev Inzhir: commissar for Soviet death camp transit and administration.
Boris Berman: executive officer of the Soviet Secret Police and brother of Matvei.
K.V. Pauker: chief of operations, Soviet NKVD Secret Police.
Firin, Rappoport, Kogan, Zhuk: commissars of death camps and slave labour supervised the mass deaths of the prisoners during the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal.
M.I. Gay: commander, Soviet Secret Police.
Slutsky and Shpiegelglas: commanders, Soviet Secret Police.
Theodore Dan, Julius Martov (Zederbaum), and M.I. Lieber (formerly of the Jewish Bund) led Menshevik’s fraction.
And so on and on. Many more, every one of them had a blood of millions of the people on their hands.
From Robert Wilton's, "The Last Days of the Romanovs" Published 1920:
According to data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik state, in 1918-19 there were 17 Russians, two Ukrainians, eleven Armenians, 35 Latvians, 15 Germans, one Hungarian, 10 Georgians, 3 Poles, 3 Finns, one Czech, one Karaim, and 457 Jews.
Out of 22 "Sovnarkom" members, Wilton summed up, there were 3 Russians, one Georgian, one Armenian, and 17 Jews.
The Extraordinary Commission of Moscow (Cheka), the Soviet secret police and predecessor of the GPU, the NKVD, and the KGB, was made up of the following:
Out of 36 Cheka's top officials, one was a Pole, one a German, one an Armenian, two were Russians, eight were Latvians, and 23 were Jews. "Accordingly," Wilton sums up, "there is no reason to be surprised at the preponderant role of Jews in the assassination of the Imperial family. It is rather the opposite that would have been surprising."
Such was the situation in Soviet Union. Millions of Russians paid in blood during the rule of those people and many more by long sentences in Gulag. Of course, a common defence here is that ultimately the same people were also persecuted, imprisoned and killed in some stage of their careers. Well, no pity here. Communism system was a cruel "mother". She had a bad habit of eating her own children, the most faithful servants. They saw the wind, and they reaped the storm. Who fights by the sword dies by the sword. I save my pity for the innocent victims, the common Poles, Russians, Ukrainians and Hungarians.
But after the WWII Poland and the Poles also experienced a very similar system. So, could the term Judeo-Communism (Zydokomuna) be justified in regard to the situation in Poland as well?
In 1945 the Red Army "freed" Poland from the previous German occupant, and enforced the new, Soviet occupation that lasted 45 years.
But it didn't stop after 1945. Moscow's policies designed to debilitate the Polish nation included, among others, the following instruction: "While rebuilding the [Polish] industry and building new industry, make sure that industrial waste is directed to rivers which will be used as reservoirs of drinking water." (Arnold Beichman, "Soviet Directives Sought to Keep Poles from Developing Identity," a syndicated column published, among others, in The Penticton Press, 24 February 1994; the full text of the Soviet directives can be found in SR, XIV/1, Jan 1994, 211-213).
"Only Soviet-trained intelligence agents were trusted by the Soviet government among Polish prewar Communists. Among those "the Jews ... were ... considered less susceptible to the lures of Polish nationalism, to which even impeccable Polish communists were not thought immune" ("Poland, Communism, Nationalism, Anti-Semitism" by Michael Checinski (New York: Karz-Cohl Publishing, 1982)
Also, Stalin expected a fierce resistance from the Polish population (in fact he was right, because what can be termed a civil war lasted in Poland till at least 1950), so by placing Jews in the leading position in what was seen by the local population as an occupational force, he could get an extra propaganda benefit. During an armed confrontation, the Polish anti – communist resistance fighters, who were shooting in the direction of the Red Star, had a good chance that the bullets would hit a Jew who was carrying it. From there was only one-step to accuse Poles on the international forum of anti – Semitism, murdering the "poor holocaust survivors" or the "poor Jewish refugees" returning home. That way the political conflict could be turned in to the ethnic conflict in the eyes of the world.
In the Polish collective memory of World War II, the Nazi occupation is organically tied to the Soviet occupation. Soviet hemocidal policies directed at Poland were no less devastating than those of the Nazis were. A recent study by French scientists has shown that 'Those very features of Nazism that we find most repellent have now been proven endemic to communism from its inception.' (NYT, 22 December 1997)
The Soviets brought with them new political elites. Let’s see who they were.
In Poland, after 1945, three names used to strike terror into people's hearts: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Jakub Berman, Stalin's right hand in Poland from 1944 to 1953. Adolf Hitler's crimes are well known, Stalin's crimes are beginning to be known, but Jakub Berman's crimes are totally unknown in the West. He was a chief murderer in Poland.
"State Security in the Soviet-occupied Poland between 1945-1955 murdered tens of thousands of political, military and intellectual leaders" (Teresa Toranska, "Them," Harper & Row 1987, 139).
"After 1945 came the Soviet occupation, the aforementioned Jakub Berman, the most dreaded man in Poland, on whose conscience lie the deaths of 30,000 Home Army soldiers murdered in prisons and torture chambers in Soviet-occupied Poland" (Teresa Toranska, Them, Harper & Row, 1987, 201-354).
Jakub Berman was strategically placed in the second most powerful position in the government. (in the theory second to Bierut in the hierarchy, but in reality more powerful, in his office had a direct telephone line to Stalin, cordial relationship between Stalin and Berman is described in Teresa Toranska’s book "Them".
Berman was a member of the Politburo, and State Security Services (U.B.) was under his direct control. He was perceived not only as communist but also as a Jew. In the interview he gave to Teresa Toranska he said: "I knew very well, that as a Jew I couldn’t or rather I shouldn’t take the highest position [in the government]. But I didn’t really care if I took a position in the first row. True power doesn’t flow from the personal exposure. I wanted to make my own mark on the new reality that was taking a shape then, but without personally exposing myself. It of course demanded a lot of cunning".
And he made his own mark indeed, by the blood of the Polish patriots that he and his cohorts murdered by the thousands. We do remember till now and hopefully we will never forget. Him and the others, and their descendants, who now, in today’s Poland take the highest positions of influence in the media, intellectual and political elites.
Hilary Minc: third most powerful man in the government, member of the Politburo, in charge of Treasury
Gen. Roman Romkowski (Natan Grunsapau-Kikiel): vice-minister of the State Security Ministry. As such, and as Berman’s confidant supervised departments of Training and Investigations.
Gen. Juliusz Hibner (Dawid Schwartz): Commander of the Internal Security. In 1951-56 Chief Commander of the Army.
Jozef Rozanski (Josek Goldberg): Director of Department of Investigations in State Security. Well known torturer. Charged with overusing his powers and the torture of the prisoners (!!!), sentenced in December 1955 to 5 years of imprisonment. (This gives a new meaning to the saying: Being kicked out from the KGB for cruelty)
Leon Andrzejewski (Lajb Wof Ajzen): Chief of Staff of Minister's Office
Luna Brystygier (Julia Brustiger): head of Political Department in the Bureau. Director of the V Department in the State Security. Known also as "Bloody Luna"
Anatol Fejgin: Director of the X Department in the State Security.
Czaplinski: Director of the III Department, in charge of the campaign against AK, nicknamed Akower, because he was famous from cruelty towards imprisoned soldiers of AK.
Duliasz: Director of VI Department.
Zabawski: Director of VIII Department, until year 1939 was resident-agent of NKVM for Poland.
Gorecki vel Goldberg: Director of IX Department
And the rest of Directors and vice-Directors of Bureau:
Col.col.Rubinstein,Sajewski, Krupski, Sinekiewicz (Levi), Gangel, Burgin, Tyborski a former policeman in Ghetto, Jozef Swiatlo (Izaak Flieschfarb)
Those are names of just highest brass of so called "Polish" Ministry of State Security.
According to Jewish researcher John Sack, "In 1945 many Poles felt (and not without reason) that Jews ran the Office of State Security...the chief of the Office was Jacob Berman, a Jew, and all or almost all the department heads were Jews." Sack reports that 75% of the officers of the Communist Secret Police in Silesia were Jews. He noted that many Jews in the Communist terror apparatus in Poland changed their names to Polish ones like General Romkowski, Colonel Rozanski, Capt. Studencki and Lt. Jurkowski. (cf. John Sack, The New Republic, Feb. 14, 1994, p. 6.
Now from John Sack "An Eye for an Eye" conference that took place on HYPERLINK "" Nizkor Project:
"Now, the Office of State Security was a Polish government organization. The lower ranks were Polish Catholics but most of the leaders were Polish Jews. The chief of the Office in Warsaw was a Jew, when I was in Poland he wasn't alive but I met some of his family. The department directors, all or almost all of them were Jews.
In the province where Lola was, Silesia, in Silesia the director of the Office of State Security was a Jew, I met him in Copenhagen, a little baldheaded man, the director of prisons was a Jew, I met his whole family in Tel Aviv, the secretary of state security was a Jew, I met him time and again at his home in New Jersey. And in Silesia in February 1945, three-fourths of the officers - not the GIs, not the guards, but the lieutenants, captains, officers-one-fourth of them were Catholics and three-fourths were Jews.
One woman I talk to. She wasn't even German, she was Polish. In 1945 she was 20 years old, tall, blonde, beautiful, medical student. The guards at Lola's prison pulled off her clothes and told her, "Let's do it!" They beat her and beat her night after night until she was black and blue. One morning, she came back to her cell and fell on the floor [look at her], sobbing. Her cellmate asked her, "What, what is that blue thing you're wearing? Oh, oh, it's your skin."
Alex/Sysop asks: You mentioned one man who wouldn't talk to you. Was it hard to get folks to open up about this story? Did many want to keep it "under the rug" as it were?
John Sack: Alex, I'm writing a book now about the Chinese Mafia. I promise it's much, much easier to get a Chinese gangster to talk to you, even to tell you about the people he murdered that the police don't know of, than to get the Jews who ran the concentration camps for Germans in 1945 to talk about that.
One man said he'd sue me. One man said he'd destroy me. One man said he'd kill me. I think he meant it.
Michael S. Curtis asks: I can understand the revenge factor. Can you offer a trail of how many Jewish folks ended up controlling concentration camps after the war and where they were? Or is the concern more with revenge carried out by small groups who captured ex-concentration camp SS in their snares?
John Sack: Michael, there's no way of knowing how many Jews there were. That's because almost all of them changed their names to Polish Catholic ones, even on their application forms for the Polish secret police. (...)The Jews ran and worked for the Office of State Security, the Polish political police. They wore uniforms and called themselves lieutenants, captains, even generals. They certainly weren't working in small groups. Now to your next question....
Michael S. Curtis: It would seem that the sacking of Poland would have upset a lot of non-Jewish Poles?
John Sack: It did. But that's another matter. A lot has been written about what the secret police did to the Poles. I'm writing about what the secret police ("almost entirely Jewish-led," the Columbia professor said) did to Germans, innocent Germans, even German babies."
In Poland, "... a disproportionate number of Communists were Jews. In 1930, at its peak, 35% of the members of the party were Jewish. In Communist youth organizations, Jewish membership was even higher, while Communists of Jewish origin occupied most of the seats on the central committee. Communism appealed to some Jews because it opposed anti-Semitism more vigorously than any other Polish party ... Jewish Communists reached their apogee in the years immediately after World War Two, when the party leadership was totally in the hands of the prewar Communist leadership that abhorred anti-Semitism." (Sheldon Kirshner, The Canadian Jewish News, Nov. 5, 1992, p. 16).
As Piotr S. Wandycz of Yale University observes, "The average Pole could not but notice in the Stalinist era that the two most powerful men in the country-Berman and Minc-were both Jewish as was the dreaded security official Rozanski." (N.Y. Review of Books, Aug. 18, 1983, p. 51).
As Simon Wisenthal said: "I am talking on this subject (Polish-Jews relation), I always say that I know what kind of role Jewish Communists played in Poland after the war. And just I, as a Jew do not want to shoulder responsibility for the Jewish Communists, I can not blame 36 million Poles for those thousands of blackmailers".
Excerpts from The Sunday Telegraph London 05/12/98
"...In his office on Nowowieska street, not far from where Mrs Brus-Wolinska used to work, Gen Michalowski produces a list of several dozen similar investigations; into the activities of judges and prosecutors responsible for the deaths or imprisonment of famous Home Army officers, obscure Home Army soldiers, even participants in anti-communist riots in the l970s.
Some of these investigations have resulted in prison sentences.
Some have been called off due to the ill health or deaths of the accused.
While his office cannot release all of the military prosecutor's evidence against Mrs Brus -- that must await the trial and extradition hearings -- Col Palus is happy to spell out some of the circumstances of Gen Fieldorf's arrest and execution.
He says that Mrs Brus is not being accused of breaking the law retrospectively: he claims she violated laws which applied at the time, illegally extending Gen Fieldorf's arrest without charging him or producing any evidence.
When I spoke to Mrs Brus, I asked her whether she got involved much in other cases.
"What, do you think I sat there and drank coffee?" she laughed.
"We were very busy in those days indeed".
"She was a very important military prosecutor," says Col Palus.
As for her declaration of innocence, "they all say that. All of them say they are innocent until they are confronted with their victims, and some of them keep saying it even then." In Poland, the accusations against Helena Danielak-Wolinska-Brus are not especially controversial.
It is also true, however, that many Poles deeply resent Jews who use their Jewishness as an excuse when they are accused of other crimes.
Maria Fieldorf Czarska, the General's daughter, says bitterly that she doubts Mrs Brus will ever come to trial: "She will say she is old, she will say she is ill, she will say we are anti-Semitic."
More than one person points out a curious irony: Senator Bartoszewski, whom Mrs Brus arrested, is best known for having led the Home Army division which was responsible for rescuing Jews. He is also an Auschwitz survivor, and now an honorary citizen of Israel. [Pity that he is not doing so well as the Polish citizen. Sometimes one can wonder if he is acting on the international arena in the best interest of Poland or Israel. That's why I call them, all this pseudo-Poles like Kwasniewski, Mazowiecki, Geremek, Kieres, Michnik, Kuron and many, many others, the "Second Targowica". K.J.]
This Polish view matters, because it is Polish justice, which is at stake. This isn't an Anglo-Saxon debate, any more than is the debate about the extradition of General Pinochet: the exploration of a totalitarian past isn't a British passion. One Polish government official formulates the problem like this: "Just because Jews were victims of crimes against humanity, does that mean they cannot be tried for crimes against humanity themselves?" That is not a British question, and few British people would ask it."
There are many more like Brus-Wolinska that probably never will be brought to justice. Many more murderers from the communist era are hiding in the USA, Western Europe or Israel. Like for example Shlomo Morel who escaped charges of genocide and is now a happy resident of Israel. Polish Government requested twice his extradition from Israel, but both times was refused. Like for example Stefan Michnik (Szechter) living in Sweden, the Stalinist era judge and prosecutor. We know where they are, but so what? There is no will in the camp of the "Second Targowica" to bring them to justice.


Alexander Solzhenitsyn is recognised as the "father of democracy" in Russia. In one of his books, the first volume of "Gulag Archipelago," he wrote about how the communists in Russia, who consisted of only the Jews and a tiny minority of Russian criminals, amoral opportunists, and welfare rabble were able to maintain their grip on all of  Russia by keeping the Russian majority, which hated them, too frightened to resist.

Solzhenitsyn writes of the period in 1934 and 1935, when the Jewish commissar Genrikh Yagoda headed the Soviet secret police, and Yagoda's black vans went out every night in St. Petersburg, known then as Leningrad, to round up "class enemies": former members of the aristocracy, former civil servants, former businessmen, former teachers and professors and professional people, any Russian who had graduated from a university. A quarter of the population of the city was arrested and liquidated by Yagoda during this two-year period.

And Solzhenitsyn laments that the citizens of St. Petersburg cowered behind their doors when the black vans pulled up at their apartment houses night after night to arrest their neighbours. If only the decent Russians had fought back, Solzhenitsyn says, if only they had ambushed some of these secret police thugs in the hallways of their apartments with knives and pickaxes and hammers, if only they had spiked the tires of the police vans while the thugs were in the apartments dragging out their victims, they could easily have overwhelmed Yagoda's forces and forced an end to the mass arrests. But they didn't fight back, and the arrests and liquidations continued. And so, Solzhenitsyn concludes, because of their
cowardice and their selfishness the Russians deserved what the communists did to them.
Krzysztof Janiewicz, , 0000-00-00

  Falsification of the Holocaust

Letter to the editor by Prof. Israel Shahak, published on 19 May 1989 in Kol Ha'ir, Jerusalem.
Available online at:

I disagree with the opinion of Haim Baram that the Israeli education system has managed to instill a 'Holocaust awareness' in its pupils (Kol Ha'Ir 12.5.89). It's not an awareness of the Holocaust but rather the myth of the Holocaust or even a falsification of the Holocaust (in the sense that 'a half-truth is worse than a lie') which has been instilled here.

As one who himself lived through the Holocaust, first in Warsaw then in Bergen-Belsen, I will give an immediate example of the total ignorance of daily life during the Holocaust. In the Warsaw ghetto, even during the period of the first massive extermination (June to October 1943), one saw almost no German soldiers. Nearly all the work of administration, and later the work of transporting hundreds of thousands of Jews to their deaths, was carried out by Jewish collaborators. Before the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (the planning of which only started after the extermination of the majority of Jews in Warsaw), the Jewish underground killed, with perfect justification, every Jewish collaborator they could find. If they had not done so the Uprising could never have started. The majority of the population of the Ghetto hated the collaborators far more than the German Nazis. Every Jewish child was taught, and this saved the lives of some them "if you enter a square from which there are three exits, one guarded by a German SS man, one by an Ukrainian and one by a Jewish policeman, then you should first try to pass the German, and then maybe the Ukrainian, but never the Jew".

One of my own strongest memories is that, when the Jewish underground killed a despicable collaborator close to my home at the end of February 1943, I danced and sang around the still bleeding corpse together with the other children. I still do not regret this, quite the contrary.

It is clear that such events were not exclusive to the Jews, the entire Nazi success in easy and continued rule over millions of people stemmed from the subtle and diabolical use of collaborators, who did most of the dirty work for them. But does anybody now know about this? This, and not what is 'instilled' was the reality. Of the Yad Vashem (official state Holocaust museum in Jerusalem - Ed.) theatre, I do not wish to speak at all. It, and its vile exploiting, such as honouring South Africa collaborators with the Nazis are truly beneath contempt.

Therefore, if we knew a little of the truth about the Holocaust, we would at least understand (with or without agreeing) why the Palestinians are now eliminating their collaborators. That is the only means they have if they wish to continue to struggle against our limb-breaking regime.

Kind regards,

[Israel Shahak]

Written by Alexander Kimel - Holocaust Survivor.

One of the most controversial and least talked aspect of the is the guilt of the Jewish collaborators, the Judenrat and Jewish Police. To make the life bearable and spread the evenly the sufferings, the Jews accepted the creation of the Jewish Councils (Judenrat) and the Jewish Police. A new social structure was created, a new Jewish aristocracy came to life. At the beginning the Judenrat served as a representative of the Jewish community, trying with bribes and submission to soften the Nazi blows. With the passage of time the Germans imposed new and more brutal demands on the Judenrat: deliverance of young people to labor camps, help in "resettlement". The privileges given to the Judenrat, the power, status, and most important the relative safety based on the exemption from "resettlement" made it impossible for the individual to back out. The slightest sign of insubordination by the Judenrat was punished by death. In many towns the Judenrat refused cooperation, was executed and another group took their place. It is the gradualism and terror that made collaborators out of decent people.

With the passing of time the Jewish Police became more corrupt, cynical and brutal.
"Jewish policemen also distinguished themselves with their fearful corruption and immorality. But they reached the height of viciousness during the resettlement. They said not a single word of protest against this revolting assignment to lead their own brothers to the slaughter. The police were psychologically prepared for the dirty work and executed it thoroughly. How could Jews have dragged women and children, the old and the sick, to the wagons, knowing they were all being driven to the slaughter? ...For the most part, the Jewish police showed an incomprehensible brutality. Where did Jews get such murderous violence? When in our history did we ever before raise so many hundreds of killers, capable of snatching children of the streets, throwing them on the wagons, dragging them to the Umschlagplatz? ...Merciless and violent, they beat those who tried to resist...The weren't content simply to overcome resistance, but with the utmost severity punished the "criminals" who refused to go to their death voluntarily".
The collaborators were not evil asocial people, who found pleasure in inflicting pain, nor were they sadistic fascist, they were ordinary people who by accident became part of the group, and were gradually given power and taught brutality.
"There were groups that cooperated with the Germans: the police, the Judenrat. I am not or the opinion that all those who took part in these groups were traitors and that all those who participated in these activities were concerned only about their own safety. And neither do I believe that those who cooperated with these institutions were motivated by malice. But from a strictly objective point of view, all these institutions were converted into instruments of evil, aiding the Germans in rounding up Jews for the concentration camps...for death. Leading all Judenrat, filling orders, defrauding, and accepting the decisions of the Germans. The Jewish police equally defrauded seizing Jews for the slave labor camps, forcing them into the dreaded trains of destruction, assisting in the wiping out of the Ghetto."
In Warsaw the President of the Judenrat Czerniakow, cooperated with the German authorities until he was ordered to compile daily lists of Jews destined for resettlement. Knowing with resettlement meant he refused and committed suicide.

"The first victim of the deportation decree was the President Adam Czerniakow, who committed suicide by poison in the Judenrat Building. He perpetuated his name by his death more than by his life. His end proves conclusively that he worked and strove for the good of people; that he wanted its welfare and continuity even though not everything done in his name was praiseworthy."
The Nazis regime appealed to the lowest instincts of men. First of all it divided the victims into two categories: the privileged and the powerless. It made oppressors out of the privileged, giving them power of life and death over the powerless. The privileged were the Kapos, camp functionaries, Judenrat, Jewish Police, etc. It delegated a lot of power to the privileged in exchange for blind obedience and cooperation in oppression. It took a lot of integrity not to be corroded with the power, under the life threatening conditions. In the long run all the privileged met their end.
, , 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaZionist - Nazi cooperation before WW II

Zionist Federation of Germany sent a memorandum of support to the Nazi Party on 21.06.1933. In it the Federation noted:
"...A rebirth of national life such as is occurring in German life ... must also take place in the Jewish national group.
"On the foundation of the new [Nazi] state which has established the principle of race, we wish so to fit our community into the total structure, so that for us, too, in the sphere assigned to us, fruitful activity for the Fatherland is possible...." Far from repudiating this policy, the World Zionist Organization Congress in 1933 defeated a resolution calling for action against Hitler by a vote of 240 to 43.
Mussolini set up squadrons of the Revisionist Zionist youth movement, Betar, in black shirts in emulation of his own Fascist bands.
When Menachem Begin became chief of Betar, he preferred the brown shirts of the Hitler gangs, a uniform Begin and Betar members wore to all meetings and rallies - at which they greeted each other, opened and closed meetings with the fascist salute.
Consequently, the Zionists brought Baron Von Mildenstein of the S.S. Security Service to Palestine for a six-month visit in support of Zionism. This visit led to a twelve-part report by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, in Der Angriff (The Assault) in 1934 praising Zionism. Goebbels ordered a medallion struck with the Swastika on one side, and on the other, the Zionist Star of David. In May 1935, Reinhardt Heydrich, the chief of the S.S. Security Service, wrote an article in which he separated Jews into "two categories." The Jews he favored were the Zionists: "Our good wishes together with our official good will go with them." In 1937, the Labor "socialist" Zionist militia, the Haganah (founded by Jabotinsky) sent an agent (Feivel Polkes) to Berlin offering to spy for the S.S. Security Service in exchange for the release of Jewish wealth for Zionist colonization. Adolf Eichmann was invited to Palestine as the guest of the Haganah. 
Polkes informed Eichmann:

"Jewish nationalist circles were very pleased with the radical German policy, since the strength of the Jewish population in Palestine would be so far increased thereby that in the foreseeable future the Jews could reckon upon numerical superiority over the Arabs."
The list of acts of Zionist collaboration with the Nazis goes on and on.
Chaim Weizmann, the Zionist leader who had arranged the Balfour Declaration and was to become the first president of Israel, made this Zionist policy very explicit:
"The hopes of Europe's six million Jews are cantered on emigration. I was asked: 'Can you bring six million Jews to Palestine?' I replied, 'No.' ... From the depths of the tragedy I want to save ... young people [for Palestine]. The old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They are dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world. ... Only the branch of the young shall survive. They have to accept it."[Chaim Weizmann reporting to the Zionist Congress in 1937 on his testimony before the Peel Commission in London, July 1937. Cited in Yahya, p. 55.]  Yitzhak Gruenbaum, the chairperson of the committee set up by the Zionists, nominally to investigate the condition of European Jews, said: 
"When they come to us with two plans - the rescue of the masses of Jews in Europe or the redemption of the land - I vote, without a second thought, for the redemption of the land. The more said about the slaughter of our people, the greater the minimization of our efforts to strengthen and promote the Hebraisation of the land. If there would be a possibility today of buying packages of food with the money of the Karen Hayesod [United Jewish Appeal] to send it through Lisbon, would we do such a thing? No. And once again no!" [Yitzhak Gruenbaum was chairperson of the Jewish Agency's Rescue Committee. Excerpted from a speech made in 1943. Ibid., p. 56.]  
Rabbi Wise, in 1938, in his capacity as leader of the American Jewish Congress, wrote a letter in which he opposed any change in U.S. immigration laws which would enable Jews to find refuge. He stated:
"It may interest you to know that some weeks ago the representatives of all the leading Jewish organizations met in conference. ... It was decided that no Jewish organization would, at this time, sponsor a bill which would in any way alter the immigration laws." 
, , 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaFrom Russia with "love" - From Moscow to comrade Bierut
Copy of a document found in Boleslaw Bierut's archives

  Bierut was president of Soviet-occupied Poland in 1947-52. (Arnold Beichman, "Soviet Directives Sought to Keep Poles from Developing Identity," a syndicated column published, among others, in The Penticton Press, 24 February 1994; the full text of the Soviet directives can be found in SR, XIV/1, Jan 1994, 211-213).

The words "Poland" and "Poles" are not mentioned in this text. Instead, the word "locals" [krajowcy] is used. Similarly, "Russia" and "USSR" have been replaced by "our country". The names of Polish organizations such as AK [Armia Krajowa] and BCH [Bataliony Chlopskie] are mentioned, making it clear that these instructions were to be implemented in Poland. It has been conjectured that this text was sent from Moscow to the KGB headquarters in Warsaw located in the Soviet Embassy on Belwederska Street.

Instruction No. NK/003/47
Top secret. Moscow, 2 June 1947
K. AA/OC113

1. No local informers may be received at our Embassy. Meetings with local informers are arranged by our special services and occur in public places. Our special services receive the information and pass it on to the Embassy.
2. It is particularly important that no contacts are maintained between our military personnel and the country's civilians. It is not permissible for Soviet officers to visit in the homes of the locals, or for our soldiers to maintain relations with local women, farmers or the local population in general.

3. Speed up the liquidation of the locals connected with the KPP [pre-World War II Communist Party of Poland], PPS [Polish Socialist Party], Walterowcy [communists from Poland who fought in the Spanish civil war], KZMP [Polish Communist Youth Organization in the 2nd Polish Republic], AK [The Home Army, or the Polish resistance movement], BCH [Peasants' Battalions], and other groups that were formed without our inspiration. The existence of armed opposition should be used as a pretext for the liquidation of these locals.

4. See to it that in all such actions [against the locals who must be liquidated] those [Polish] soldiers are used who had been living in our [Soviet] territory before they joined the Kosciuszko Army [Soviet-controlled Polish detachments formed on Soviet territory] See to it that they are fully destroyed in action.

5. Speed up the unification of all political parties into one organization and see to it that all key positions are occupied by people certified by our special services. [This unification took place in 1948] All youth organizations should likewise be united, and the people occupying positions from powiat leaders up must be certified by our special services. Liquidate all pre-war leaders of the scouting movement before said unification. 

6. See to it that delegates to the Party congresses do not retain their mandates during the tenure of those Party leaders whom they elected. Under no circumstances can such delegates call a general meeting between Party congresses. If such a meeting has to be convened, those who were active in proposing new conceptions and ideas must be eliminated beforehand. Every Party congress must be staffed by new delegates, and those must be certified by our special services.
7. [missing]

8. Keep an eye on those persons who seem to possess organizational ability and popularity among co-workers. Such people should be offered an opportunity to collaborate, and if they refuse, they should not be permitted to occupy any leadership positions.

9. Make sure that state employees are paid low wages. This refers particularly to those who work in health services, the judiciary, education and middle management. The exception is the police and workers in the mining industry.

10. All administrative organs and most industrial enterprises should be governed by people who actively cooperate with our special services. Those locals who work with them should not be aware of that special association.

11. See to it that the local press does not give any facts and figures concerning the quantity and nature of goods dispatched [from Poland] to our country. It is forbidden to call these dispatches trade. See to it that the press emphasizes the quantity of goods dispatched by us to the locals, and it should be emphasized that these dispatches are part of the trade between the two countries.

12. Influence the local authorities in such a way that all purchases of land, lots and real estate are arranged so that the new owners do not get titles but only permits for use. 
[This legal situation would be worth to take into the consideration regarding the issue of the ownership of the land in the West and North West parts of Poland. In the situation when Erika Steinbach and her "Bund der Vertriebenen" are threatening to take this case to the European Court (Tribunal), and statements that she made, like for example "After (Poland) joins the EU, dislodged Germans will have a right to return to their properties, what is more than the right of the free settlement on the Polish territory" during her meeting with Kohl on the 18.08.98.  and also as reported by The Sunday Telegraph, on the 24.01.1999: "Erika Steinbach, president of the Bund der Vertriebenen, said: 'Before countries such as Poland join the EU, they must make amends for the injustices inflicted on German expellees. They will have to apologise and concede them the right to return in dignity, otherwise relations between Germany and Poland will be forever poisoned.'" and “Poland is not matured enough to be a member of the EU because of her (Poland’s) position in regard to expelled Germans and the compensation”. This was quoted by the major German newspapers such as Der Tagespiegel, Neues Deutschland, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Now, it is very clear what it means for Poland and the Poles living and working the lands of the territories in question. In conjunction with the legal situation, of the unregulated land "ownership" in Poland, it is also perfectly clear, why Steinbach congratulated Kwasniewski for his veto of privatisation (in the Polish meaning uwlaszczenie). And he calls himself "president of all Poles". Indeed, he is a president of the new Targowica. My own K.J]

13. Arrange state policy regarding individual farmers in such a way that family farms are forced to produce net losses, and that their efficiency is the lowest possible. The next step is collectivization of agriculture. If there is opposition, increase the obligatory deliveries of food products to the state, and lower the farmers' access to machinery. If that does not work, make sure that local agriculture does not produce enough to feed the country and begin to rely on imports. 

14. See to it that all legal, economic and organizational documents (except for military documents) are written in such a way as to be imprecise.

15. See to it that the issues which need to be resolved are supervised by several committees, offices and institutions, none of which should have the mandate to solve the issue without consultation with the others. This does not apply to the mining industry.

16. Workers' councils in factories must not be allowed to have influence on the factory's policies. Their mandate is only to discuss alternative ways of fulfilling the orders.

17. The trade unions must not be permitted to oppose the factory administration's orders. They should be given other work, such as organizing vacation trips and excursions, taking care of food supplies, entertainment and education, distribution of goods in short supply, and supporting the decisions and opinions of political authorities.

18. See to it that only those employees and supervisors are promoted who discharge the duties assigned to them in an exemplary way, and do not show a tendency to analyze matters exceeding these duties.

19. See to it that those locals who occupy high party, government and economic posts work in conditions which compromise them in the eyes of their subordinates and which make it impossible for them to return to the environment from which they came.

20. The local officer cadre can be given elevated positions on condition that they are infiltrated by our special services.

21. The ammunition arsenals for every branch of the military should be supervised particularly carefully during maneuvers and exercises. See to it that it is checked frequently and unexpectedly.

22. Laboratories and research institutes should be supervised with particular care.

23. Inventors and patent seekers should be watched carefully. They should be encouraged and supported, and all discoveries should be registered and sent to the central authorities. Only those inventions should be utilized which are useful in the mining industry and in preliminary preparation of raw materials; also those mentioned in special instructions. Do not utilize those inventions which would increase work efficiency at the expense of mining, or at the expense of the production of raw materials; or whose implementation would necessitate the neglect of the assigned [political] tasks.

24. See to it that transportation is interrupted periodically (with the exception of transportation described in Instruction #NK 552-46).

25. Inspire the convening of councils devoted to local problems, collect suggestions and proposals made during such meetings, register those who made them, but conduct policy according to instructions which you received from the authorities.

26. Popularize interviews with workers about the production process. The interviews should contain criticism of the past or of the present disorders, but do not permit the reasons for these disorders to be eliminated.

27. The public statements of those locals who serve in administration may refer to national and historical events but they must not lead to uniting the national spirit.

28. Make doubly sure that in the cities that are being rebuilt, and in new cities, no water systems independent of the main water system are installed. Old water systems and street wells must be systematically liquidated.

29. While rebuilding the industry and building new industry make sure that industrial waste is directed to rivers which will be used as reservoirs of drinking water.

30. Apartments in new districts and in the cities that are being rebuilt must not contain closets in which food could be stored for long periods of time and in large quantities. These apartments must not be endowed with any additional areas in which livestock could be kept.

31. See to it that private firms and artisans receive only that machinery and raw materials which make it impossible to produce items of good quality and at a price that is lower from one paid for state-produced items.

32. The administrative bureaucracy at all levels must be developed to its maximum. Criticism of this bureaucracy is permitted but make sure that it is not diminished in size and do not allow it to work efficiently.

33. All quotas in the mining industry and in areas defined by special instruction must be fulfilled. Quotas for local consumption should not be fulfilled.

34. The [Catholic] Church must be put under special supervision. Educational activities must be organized in such a way as to instill general contempt for this institution. Pay particular attention and put under special control Church printing houses, libraries, archives, sermons, pastoral visits, catechesis and funeral ceremonies.

35. In elementary and trade schools, and particularly at universities, remove the teachers who are generally respected and who are regarded as authorities. Replace them with the teachers [appointed by us]. Strive to break off the perception of connection between various subjects of study. Reduce to a minimum the publication of source materials. Remove Latin, Greek, general philosophy, logic and genetics from middle schools. In history it must not be taught what a given ruler wanted to do or did for the country. Instead, show that kings were tyrants and that the people fought against tyranny. In trade schools specializations must be very narrow.

36. Encourage the celebration of anniversaries and occasions related to the locals' fight against the occupying powers under the partitions, except for the part of Poland which belonged to Russia. In particular, emphasize the struggle against the Germans and the struggle for socialism.

37. See to it that nothing is published about those locals who spent time in our country before the October Revolution and during World War II.

38. In case an organization is formed that would support friendship with our country but strive to control economic activity [in Poland], immediately undertake the necessary steps (independently of the government of the locals) and accuse that organization of nationalist and chauvinist tendencies. The recommended forms of activity are as follows: damage or deface our [Soviet] cemeteries and monuments [which were set up in Poland after World War II], publish flyers insulting our nation, our culture, the meaning of treaties [between Poland and the USSR]. Make use of the hatred toward us [which exists in Poland]. You can engage the locals to do this work.

39. See to it that bridges, roads and other means of transportation and communication are built and/or enlarged so that in case of a military intervention it would be possible to get to the center of opposition quickly and from all sides.

40. See to it that all political adversaries are arrested. Make sure the appropriate accusations are launched against people who enjoy authority among the locals. Liquidate those people by means of so-called situational occurrences, accidental accusations that need not be widely known. You can also arrest them for criminal misdeeds.

41. Do not permit rehabilitation of people who had been sentenced for political offences. If it is absolutely necessary to rehabilitate, make sure that it is presented as a judicial mistake and that no judges, witnesses, prosecutors or informers are accused of anything.

42. Those management officials who were appointed by the Party must not ever be tried, even if their activities caused losses or brought about dissatisfaction of their subordinates. In drastic situations they should be recalled, moved to other localities and given similar or higher appointments. In extreme situations give them non-administrative appointments and treat them as reserves for future use.

43. Publicize widely the trials against the top administrative officials (generals, members of the cabinet, directors of departments, educational leaders) accused of activities directed against the people, against socialism, against industrialization. This will mobilize the masses to be watchful.

44. Make sure that job rotation is maintained and that the people who came from the lowest strata and have the lowest qualification for the job are treated preferentially.

45. Make sure that recruitment to universities and institutions of higher learning is carried on among people from the lowest social strata, and especially among those who do not show interest in professional matters but only want to get a diploma.
, , 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaYaffa Eliach’s Big Book of Holocaust Revisionism
Review by John Radzilowski

Published in JOURNAL OF GENOCIDE RESEARCH, vol. 1, no. 2 (June 1999), City University of New York.

The release of Yaffa Eliach’s There Once Was a World: A 900-Year Chronicle of the Shtetl of Eishyshok (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1998) is the much-anticipated work by the writer whose sensational claims about the murder of her mother and brother caused an uproar in the U.S. and Poland. At over 800 pages and with a price tag of $50, the book is big in size and price, but small in serious historical content. Although the middle sections of the book, on everyday Jewish life in a Lithuanian shtetl, contain useful and important ethnographic information for understanding the history of east European Jewry, when Eliach veers off into general east European history, the history of Polish-Jewish relations, and the period 1939–45, the work becomes a disaster.

The worst part of the book is her effort to portray Poles as authors or part authors of the Holocaust (see pg. 613). In this, Eliach joins a growing group who use the tragedy of the Holocaust to promote political ends and even ethnic hatred. Eliach is a Holocaust Revisionist in the truest sense of the word, and her relentless publicity efforts that use anti-Polonism as a goad and a crowd-pleaser is common demagoguery. Worse yet, her new book and the TV special that will follow will destroy any semblance of good relations between Poles and Jews in America, frustrating efforts in both communities (Note 1).

Summing up Eliach’s feelings about various ethnic groups is easy and it shows how simplistic and partisan she is. All Jews are good, especially those from Eishyshok who are all intelligent, handsome/beautiful, brave, generous, and their children are all above average. On the few occasions they do anything wrong, it is usually by mistake caused by the stress of living among all those Polish murderers. Lithuanians were good, until they came under the influence of Christian Poles, whereupon they became anti-Semites (pgs. 23–26). With a couple exceptions all Poles are bad. They are all anti-Semites, and most are drunks, fanatics, degenerates, betrayers, murderers, and more or less subhuman. The author contrives to say something bad about Poles on almost every page. Eliach’s language is fascinating. Poles alleged to have done something bad, are referred to as Poles or members of the Armia Krajowa (AK, or Home Army). When Poles give assistance to Jews, they are often referred to as “locals” or “local peasants.” Germans, who killed most of the town’s Jewish population with the help of Lithuanian and Belarusin auxiliaries, appear infrequently. Jews killed by the Germans are often referred to as having “died in the September 1941 massacre” with no reference to who perpetrated the massacre.

This book is rife with error. For example, Józef Pilsudski is referred to as “the president of the Polish Republic” (pg. 561), a position he never held. Even more bizarre, Eliach writes that “At the end of October 1939, Poland ceded Vilna and the surrounding region to Lithuania” (pg. 566). A photo showing a parade is captioned “Polish Independence Day, May 3” (pg. 56). The author is even confused about important dates, such as when World War II started (pg. 678), when the AK was formed, or when the Warsaw Uprising began (pg. 613).

More serious still -- and indicative of Eliach’s effort to rewrite Holocaust history with Poles as villains -- is her assertion that during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising “no AK members fought alongside the Jews; whereas during the Polish Uprising of August 2 [sic] - October 2, 1944, over a thousand Jews converged on Warsaw, individually and in small groups, to help their compatriots. Some had been inmates of the Gesia Street concentration camp” (pg. 613). This is a strange falsehood, contrary to the evidence of both Polish and Jewish scholars and ignorant of the fact that fifty-five Polish AK soldiers died in the Ghetto fighting and others were decorated by the Israeli government for having fought in the Ghetto Uprising (Note 2). Furthermore, the author’s mention of the Jews from the Gesia Street camp in this context without mentioning that these inmates were freed as a result of a special AK operation demonstrates either bad faith or incompetence (Note 3).

Not content with using terms established by scholars, Eliach invents her own. For example, the Teutonic Knights are referred to almost exclusively as “Crusaders,” while the Polish Home Army is labelled with a curious and prejudicial Soviet-style term: “White Poles.” It should be no surprise that Polish words, terms, names, and book titles are usually misspelled or rendered in incomprehensible forms. (Like alleged Poles with names such as “Yaschka,” or “Sharavei,” or even “Kadishon.”)

The book’s minor errors are too many to address in a single review, but they set the stage for worse problems. Eliach is infamous for giving multiple and conflicting accounts of events she claims to have witnessed to her many admirers in the American media. Here again her stories conflict. For example, in Marian Marzynski’s peculiar film Shtetl, Eliach is interviewed and tells the following story:

Marian Marzynski: We are at the home of Yaffa Eliach in Brooklyn. . . .

Yaffa Eliach: Let’s say a family . . . for instance, the family of Rogowski escaped [the ghetto], five sons and a sister. And they came to a [Polish] farmer that was very friendly with them and they asked him for honey because honey you could keep for a long time. He gave them. The minute they walked out from the house, he took a gun and shot and killed. He killed four. One escaped. One, Binyamin Rogowski. So from the entire Rogowski family, one son survived. (Note 4)

Yet in her book, on page 612, we read:

[M]any Eishyshkians knew the story of the Rogowskis’ sons. . . . The three Rogowski brothers, Leibke, Hillel, and Niomke [Binyamin], and their sister Hayya, had escaped Ghetto Radun on May 9, 1942, and had gone to live in the forest. One night the three and a friend of theirs went to the Shiemaszka [sic] family, Christian friends who had been entrusted with a large portion of the Rogowski’s quite considerable stock of valuables. . . . Thus it was only to be expected that Mr. Shiemaszka would welcome them with a big smile and a handshake. However, he was also carrying a machine gun. . . . Moments later another of the Shiemaszkas joined them, also armed with an automatic weapon. He told his father to invite everybody in so they could eat and refresh themselves. In the midst of a dinnertable conversation, at very close range, one of the Shiemaszkas opened fire on the Rogowskis. Niomke started to run. “No, no,” the Shiemaszka screamed as he gave chase. “It was a mistake; please come back.” . . . Wounded in the hand and foot, Niomke made it to the house of another farmer, where he was later joined by his older brother Leibke and their friend, both of them unharmed. (Note 5)

Which version are we to believe? It is hard to image how a credible scholar could promulgate two versions of the same event so radically at odds, especially one who claims her every statement is true and fully verified and who has proclaimed her mission to be to teach the anti-Semitic Polish people their own history (Note 6). Sadly, this is not an isolated case. In virtually every interview given to the popular media, Eliach unveils new and unverified stories of Polish atrocities or even her own biography. Old stories are often reworked, with new details added or taken out. (Note 7)

Eliach has been repeatedly challenged to prove her claims about alleged Polish atrocities. This book is supposed to silence such challenges. In public remarks addressed to her critics she has said that every statement in the book is correct and has been fully authenticated and verified. (Note 8)

Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Few of the most controversial points of the book are backed up in the text. The endnotes are rife with problems. In one spot, on the Katyn massacre, Eliach even cites “index” instead of page number, as if she could not be bothered to write down the page numbers or even look at the books she cites (pg. 745n4). Worse, Eliach sometimes cites reputable sources, such as Israel Gutman’s Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, to back up her wild claims and then criticizes those sources for failing to provide the interpretation she would like and for which she cited them in the first place (pg. 613, 745n5).

The Poles, according to Eliach, collaborated with the Nazis in just about everything. There is no mention of Poles ever having fought against the Germans. Rather, Jews are shown as bravely fighting for Poland in the Polish Army, only to be hamstrung and undermined by their Jew-hating fellow soldiers. The Poles always run away or collaborate. The Jews stay and fight (see pgs. 565–66, 613).

The two periods of Soviet terror are glossed over in a few pages, with only brief mention of local Jews (among them her own father) who collaborated with the Soviet security forces who persecuted their neighbors. There is only one passing mention of the murder and deportation to Siberia of tens of thousands of ethnic Poles from the region around Eishyshok (pg. 598), which is also the only mention of non-Jewish victimization in the entire book (save those allegedly killed by the AK for helping Jews). When the Germans arrive in Eyszyszki the Poles are there to cheer for them, according to Eliach, a fantastical reverse of the reception accorded to Soviet troops entering eastern Poland in 1939 by the non-Polish population (Note 9). Poles are consistently described as cheering the murder of Jews and even Poles who rescue Jews are portrayed as making statements supportive of genocide.

The gist of Eliach’s story is that the AK was an anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi organization whose goal was hunt down and kill Jews and righteous gentiles, and very secondarily communists. In one of the most calumnious statements yet penned about the Poles in World War II, Eliach writes of the AK “Anti-Semitism took precedence over all other goals” and “Despite the loyalty of many Jews to Poland they -- not the Germans and not the Russians -- bore the brunt of AK attacks” (pg. 613). For the former statement, the author’s endnote cites Israel Gutman’s work as the source, but then promptly criticizes Gutman for not sharing her bizarre view of the AK. For the latter statement, not even Eliach can invent a credible source. It is frequently unclear how the author knows that a particular person is an AK member or that a particular massacre in which there were no survivors was committed by the AK, but evidence is not something Eliach is much concerned over.

Virtually every unexplained death or even disappearance of a Jew is automatically attributed to the AK (see pg. 403) (Note 10). According to the author, Jews who stepped on landmines were also killed by the AK, whose members were apparently clever enough to know exactly where Jews were going to walk (pg. 642). Even Jews who died in 1939, before the AK was formed, were, writes Eliach, “killed . . . by the Armia Krajowa” (pg. 402). Clearly, Eliach is not competent to discuss the history of the AK or east European history in general. In her heavily padded bibliography, Eliach lists only one secondary work on the AK (which is never cited in the footnotes). She also lists an AK regional archive as one of her sources of primary documents, but cites not a single document from this collection in her notes (pg. 753). She is apparently unaware of large bodies of relevant primary and secondary source material, including published AK documents relevant to the wartime history of Ejszyszki (Note 11). This incompetence extends to other areas of wartime Polish history. For example, Eliach believes that the Polish communist army was formed in the USSR solely at the initiative of Wanda Wasilewska and that Stalin supported the underground Polish communist People's Army, “because he knew the Russians would need the backing of the Polish political left when they entered Poland” (pgs. 679, 747n26). It is hard to see how someone who claims expertise in east European history can make such remarks.

The culmination of the story is Eliach’s claim that her mother and baby brother were killed as the result of a deliberate “pogrom” perpetrated by Poles. Eliach has eagerly courted publicity with this story and her various and conflicting accounts have appeared throughout the U.S. media. Her claims have been effectively dissected by more than one critic. It is not the purpose of this review to rehash arguments better made elsewhere, but as this new book is said to provide “irrefutable” evidence for her claims, it is worthwhile to examine exactly what “new evidence” Eliach has come up with.

Eliach now claims the AK entered into an official agreement with German authorities in the Wilno area in late 1943. The terms of the alleged agreement were that the Poles would receive arms and supplies in return for hunting down and killing Jews and communists. Eliach cites a document from the German federal archives to support this claim (pg. 746n1). Although one cannot comment on material one has not seen, it is curious that she does not quote from this document verbatim.

The history of eastern Poland during this era is extremely complex, making simplistic judgements easy and easy to accept by those unfamiliar with the literature. Eliach’s refusal to discuss this context leads her to dangerous distortions. The Soviet role in the mass murder of Poles and their attempts to wipe out or take control of Polish partisan units meant that Poles in the Wilno-Eishyshok region faced two enemies. At times they cooperated with Soviet units, such as when Polish AK forces spearheaded the joint Polish-Soviet liberation of Wilno (during the same period Eliach claims Poles where fighting on the German side) (Note 12). Although there is no evidence that the Poles ever cooperated with German forces, the fact that there were contacts has long been known. Whereas the Germans sought to turn the Poles toward fighting exclusively against Soviet partisans, the Poles sought to gain intelligence on German morale and preparedness and perhaps to acquire some badly needed weapons. At times the Poles were able to acquire arms and the two sides observed an occasional ceasefire. Yet, no evidence has yet emerged to suggest that Jews were ever the suggested target of such talks or that the AK ever carried out any actions at the Germans’ behest or conducted any systematic attacks on Jews. To the contrary, during the period under discussion the AK region leader Aleksander Krzyzanowski (“Wilk”) issued explict orders that no ethnic group, including Jews, should be mistreated (Note 13). It should be noted that these talks were with the regular German military (Abwehr), not the Gestapo, and that Krzyzanowski rejected the idea of a formal agreement (Note 14). AK commanders who tried to enter into unauthorized agreements with the occupiers were disciplined by Polish underground authorities and all reputable specialists agree that the AK never collaborated with the Nazis. (Note 15)

Perhaps Eliach’s most infamous document is one that she claims “proves” that the AK deliberately planned to exterminate Jews on its own initiative after the German withdrawal. Eliach does not actually possess this document. Nor has she ever seen it. However, her father told her about it. During a 1996 lecture at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, when challenged by members of U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council to provide documentation of her claims, she mentioned this document and joked “they didn’t have Xerox machines back then.” Indicative of the author’s inability to provide straightforward explanations is the origin of this mystery document. In 1996, Eliach claimed it was shown to her father by the Soviet secret police (which in itself raises many questions). She more or less repeats this version again in an endnote (pg. 745n12). Yet, she contradicts herself in the text, noting that her father himself discovered the incriminating document while collaborating with the NKVD on a raid against the AK (pg. 671). The fact that no serious scholar would dare cite a non-existent or lost document as the sole basis for such a controversial claim, let alone provide two conflicting accounts of its provenance in the same book, only shows the lengths to which Yaffa Eliach will go to make a case that is not scholarly but ideological.

There is yet another set of documents that Eliach claims prove her case and which she cites many times to prove her assertion that the attack that killed her mother and brother was an anti-Jewish pogrom: trial documents of AK members taken prisoner by the NKVD. Reliance on the good name of Soviet military justice is a cruel joke at best. Leaving aside the countless and well documented instances of torture, coercion, trickery, and intimidation inherent in these trials, and the fact that the basic rights of defendants were non-existent, these were political show trials of members of an organization the Soviet security forces were murdering or deporting to Siberian gulags by the tens of thousands. Membership in the AK or any other related Polish organization was a crime in Soviet eyes. Thus, to cite such documents in this case without any corroboration begs the question.

Nevertheless, let us assume for for the sake of argument that such documents accurately reflect reality. The passages Eliach cites in the text contradict nothing of what serious Polish and Polish-American scholars and commentators having been saying all along. That is, that Eliach’s mother and brother were killed during an attack by the AK, but that this attack was not a pogrom, but a military operation against a house that was giving shelter to Soviet officers involved in the persecution and murder of Poles (pg. 680). As to Eliach’s oft-repeated claim that the Poles marched into town shouting slogans calling for a Poland free of Jews, she can apparently find no documentary evidence. (See, for example, the fudging on page 673 with regards to this slogan which is carefully sandwiched between two statements for which she claims she does have documentary evidence.) In sum Eliach has been able to find only a single citeable document, the testimony of one Michal Iwaszko to the NKVD, to show that the Jews were the target of a “Polish pogrom” (pgs. 673, 747n21) during which her mother and brother were killed. Not having seen this document, the reviewer cannot comment on its nature, however it is clear that Eliach has failed to examine a whole range of other relevant source material: Polish, Jewish, and Soviet. In short, the author has utterly failed to present hard evidence to back up her revisionist claims and seems only remotely conversant with the norms of scholarly research and communication.

Eliach’s book raises many questions few of which are answered. The role of her father, for example, seems to be a key to the story and to her own attitudes. At the end, he emerges as a bitter and deeply cynical man (pg. 697). His collaboration with the NKVD is an important detail whose full impact on the course of events the author does not consider. Indeed, the failure to consider the murderous role the Soviets played in wartime eastern Europe is a serious problem throughout much of the English-language literature. Furthermore, as painful as it may be, the role of Jews in collaborating with the Soviet and Germans must not be ignored any more than the collaboration of Poles or any other group. Such considerations are lost on Eliach.

Perhaps the most troubling question concerns the whole field of Holocaust studies. That is, how could such an error-prone book be released by a major publisher and nominated for a book award when responsible organizations and individuals had challenged the author publicly and contacted the publisher with their concerns at least two years ago? Clearly, the concerns and questions raised by Poles (as well as many non-Poles) are being systematically and deliberately ignored and this is severely impoverishing the scholarship. The production of books like There Once Was a World and the current effort to pretend it is some sort unquestionable gospel of truth, will, in the end, only play into the hands of Holocaust deniers. (Note 16)

The tendency to play fast and loose with the facts regarding Polish-Jewish relations and the Holocaust is not confined to Yaffa Eliach (Note 17). Yet, this is an author who has consistently courted publicity and made extremist statements to the media, a fact that cannot be ignored in such an error-laden book. The author has sought controversy as the means to advance an agenda that has nothing to do with scholarship. Her incredible claim that everything in the book is correct, accurate, and fully documented is sheer hubris. The fact that she is writing on the most difficult of subjects -- the Holocaust -- raises troubling questions about her motives.

There is no question that eastern Poland (i.e., the lands seized by the USSR in 1939) were among the most ethnically complex territories on earth. Due to the terrorism and the cynical manipulation of two totalitarian regimes, these lands were turned into a hell on earth between 1939 and 1945, a hell that, thank God, has rarely been equaled before or since. Of the unfortunate inhabitants, of whom all were victimized, some more than others, no ethnic community emerged with clean hands or a clean conscience. Not the Poles, not the Lithuanians, Belarusins, or Ukrainians, and not the Jews (Note 18). Although there are still many questions unanswered about this time and place, what we do know should lead us to reject simplistic morality tales that neatly divide historical actors into the good and the bad along ethnic lines in order to advance questionable ideological goals. Ethnic relations are complex and more so in the time of the Shoah and even more so in eastern Poland during the war. Until we begin to accept and understand the complex reality of these events, until writers like Eliach forsake the sickening “war of the victims,” the angry ghosts of the dead, crying out in a host of languages, will continue to haunt us.



1. On recent efforts at Polish-Jewish dialogue, see the recent (1998) special Polish-English issue of the Catholic intellectual journal Wiez, “Under One Heaven: Poles and Jews.” Also Sarmatian Review 18, no. 2 (April 1998) and 19, no. 1 (January 1999). (Back to text)

2. See Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews (New York: Harper, 1961), 324; Franciszek J. Proch, Poland’s Way of the Cross, 1939–1945 (New York: Polish Association of Former Political Prisoners of Nazi and Soviet Concentration Camps, n.d. [1987]), 113; Stefan Korbonski, The Polish Underground State: A Guide to the Underground, 1939–1945 (New York: Hippocrene, 1981), 130–33; Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, The Blood Shed Unites Us (Warsaw: Interpress, 1970), 134. (Back to text)

3. Korbonski, The Polish Underground State, 133.(Back to text)

4. Taken from the transcript of the film found on the PBS website: in January 1999. The transcript is also at Marzynski’s film aired on PBS’ Frontline, April 17, 1996. The film’s many embarrassing problems are discussed in The Story of Two Shtetls: Bransk and Ejszyszki (Toronto and Chicago: Polish Educational Foundation in North America, 1998), vol. 1. (Back to text)

5. Eliach, of course, makes it clear that the shooting was not an accident caused by an inexperienced farm boy carrying a gun he didn’t know how to use. For Eliach, the only reason Poles do anything is out of hatred of Jews. See also p.644. (Back to text)

6. During one public lecture this reviewer attended, Eliach stated “there is a problem with Polish culture.” It is hard to image an objective scholar making such prejudicial statements. (Back to text)

7. A few of these versions, many of which conflict with the testimony of her own brother, are discussed in Mark Paul, “Anti-Semitic Pogrom in Ejszyszki? An Overview of Polish-Jewish Wartime Relations in Northeastern Poland,” in vol. 2 of The Story of Two Shtetls: Bransk and Ejszyszki, 20–34. Cf. pages 664–73 of There Once was a World. For a similar problem in the history of the Bielski partisans and other postwar accounts, see Paul, “Anti-Semitic Pogrom in Ejszyszki?” 34–38. (Back to text)

8. Yaffa Eliach, Public lecture, Jewish Community Center, St. Louis Park, Minn., 15 November 1998. Videotape in the author’s possession. (Back to text)

9. Jan T. Gross, Revolution from Abroad: The Soviet Conquest of Poland’s Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988), 28–35. (Back to text)

10. Alternative explanations for these deaths are never considered. For the suggestion that Belarusin bands may have attacked Jews in the area, see Joseph R. Fiszman, “The Quest for Status: Polish Jewish Refugees in Shanghai, 1941–1949,” Polish Review 43, no. 4 (1998): 442. (Back to text)

11. See, for example, Armia Krajowa w Dokumentach, 1939–1945 (Wroclaw: Ossolineum, 1990), 3:473–74. This volume and its companions contains much important information on Polish-Soviet conflict and role played by Jews in that conflict. (Back to text)

12. Korbonski, The Polish Underground State, 157. (Back to text)

13. See Krzysztof Tarka, Komendant Wilk z Dziejów Wilenskiej Armii Krajowej (Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza Volumen, 1990), 66–70. The text of the order, dated April 12, 1944, is found in Roman Korab-Zebryk, Biala Ksiega w Obronie Armii Krajowej na Wilenszczyznie (Lublin: Wydawnictwo Lubelskie, 1991), 26–27. Although Eliach accuses the AK’s Wilno-area commander of being a prime instigator of crimes against Jews, she is apparently unaware of these books or the order in question. (Back to text)

14. See Tadeusz Piotrowski, Poland’s Holocaust (Chapel Hill, N.C.: McFarland, 1998), 88–90. (Back to text)

15. Ibid., 88; Joseph Rothschild, Return to Diversity: A Political History of East Central Europe since World War II, 2d ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), 57. The fact that one has to even answer such scurrilous charges is reminscent of the situation one faces in dealing with Holocaust deniers who loudly and repeatedly proclaim their position whatever the weight of evidence against it may be. (Back to text)

16. For pro-Eliach cheerleading, see Stephen J. Dubner, “Thousands of Ordinary Lives,” New York Times Book Review, Nov. 15, 1998. See also, the articles of Richard Z. Chesnoff in U.S. News & World Report and Newsday. (Back to text)

17. For a discussion of the research problems posed by the Polish-Jewish conflict, see John Radzilowski, “Bondage to the Holocaust,” Periphery: Journal of Polish Affairs 4, no. 1–2 (1999). (Back to text)

18. Piotrowski’s Poland’s Holocaust discusses wartime collaboration of all these ethnic groups in some detail, with separate chapters on Jews, Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, and Belarusins.
John Radzilowski, , 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaBid to ban LOT's planes from JFK
Polish American Congress

The threat of two N.Y. State legislators to push for a denial of landing rights at Kennedy International Airport for LOT Polish Airlines at Kennedy International Airport drew a sharp rebuke from the N.Y. Polish American Congress.

Michael Preisler, co-chair of the organization's Holocaust Documentation Committee and an Auschwitz survivor, urged the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey not to "succumb to political pressure that is so illogical and so unjust." The Port Authority is the agency which operates JFK.

In a press conference held in front of LOT's N.Y. City office, Assemblymen Dov Hikind and Jeffrey Klein asked the Authority to revoke the lease that allows LOT to use JFK. The two Democrats used the occasion to publicize and support a class action lawsuit in a Brooklyn court on behalf of Jewish claims to property in Poland confiscated by Nazis and Communists a half-century ago.

What upset Preisler so much was the way the legislators tried to accuse Poland as a country which violates human rights and their denigration of Polish people as anti-Semites who deserve to have the Port Authority punish them. After a spokesman for the agency was quoted as saying he wanted to speak to the politicians to "learn more," Preisler told him he "would like to alert you that the misrepresentations they made to the press about Poland suggest they may be just as dishonest in any discussions with you."

Sensing this Port Authority official was poorly informed about Poland, Preisler listed some basic facts. "For fifty years--from the time Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union invaded and plundered Poland in 1939 until Communism collapsed in 1989--Poland ceased to exist as a free country. It was physically destroyed and suffered more than any other victim of these two tyrannical forces. Six million Polish citizens--three million Polish Jews and three million Polish Christians--were killed during the Holocaust years. Poland's economy the Communists left in shambles is painfully attempting to emerge from all the devastation it endured. As a nation, Poland is a true Holocaust survivor."

Poland has already begun returning communal Jewish property and is in the process of drafting whatever private property legislation could be possible under current economic difficulties. When the president of Poland vetoed a proposed restitution bill, in March, it was because he wanted something more generous for Jews. The two Assemblymen, on the other hand, paid no need to the reason for his veto and characterized the absence of an immediate resolution as "more evidence of Polish anti-Semitism."

"The fact Polish Christians like me shared the Holocaust tragedy with the Jews of Poland clearly is of no significance to them. On the contrary, they even told the press that the members of a Nazi German death squad were more compassionate than the residents of a Polish village who are now being accused of a 1941 atrocity about which the evidence is still inconclusive," said an angry Preisler. It was in 1941 that the Gestapo arrested him and sent him to Auschwitz. For Preisler, Hiking's and Klein's agenda is clear. "It is to demonize Poland and damage its favorable image as the first to fight Hitler and the moral force which precipitated the eventual downfall of Communism. That they are taking the lead in conducting a 'Hate Poland' campaign has become obvious."

Preisler expressed concern the "Hate Poland" campaign looks like it is slowly turning into a "Hurt Poland" campaign. He recalled how a local TV Rabbi who called Pope John Paul II "a dumb Polack" and "a stinking old cocker" recently urged Jewish employers not to hire anyone Polish and called for an anti-Polish boycott by Jewish doctors, dentists, lawyers and CPA's.

A copy of the Polish American Congress statement was given to the governors of New York and New Jersey who have jurisdiction over the Port Authority.
, Polish American Congress, 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaHow the Holocaust Industry Stole the Swiss Monies
by Prof. Norman Finkelstein

Postscript to Foreign Translations

In chapter three of this book I documented the Holocaust industry's "double shakedown" of European countries as well as Jewish survivors of the Nazi genocide.  Recent developments confirm this analysis.  Indeed, for confirmation of my argument, one need merely place documents readily available in the public domain under critical and close scrutiny.

In late August 2000 the World Jewish Congress (WJC) announced that it stood to amass fully $9 billion in Holocaust compensation monies. (1)  They were extracted in the name of "needy Holocaust victims" but the WJC now maintained that the monies belonged to the "Jewish people as a whole" (WJC executive director, Elan Steinberg).  Conveniently, the WJC is the self-anointed representative of the "Jewish people as a whole."  Meanwhile, a black-tie Holocaust reparations banquet sponsored by WJC president Edgar Bronfman at New York's Pierre Hotel celebrated the creation of a "Foundation of the Jewish People" to subsidize Jewish organizations and "Holocaust education."  (One Jewish critic of the "Holocaust-themed dinner" conjured this scenario: "Mass murder.  Horrible plunder.  Slave Labor.  Let's eat.")  The Foundation's endowment would come from "residual" Holocaust compensation monies amounting to "probably billions of dollars" (Steinberg).  How the WJC already knew that "probably billions" would be left over when none of the compensation monies had yet been distributed to Holocaust victims was anyone's guess.  Indeed, it was not yet even known how many would qualify.  Or, did the Holocaust industry extract compensation monies in the name of "needy Holocaust victims" knowing all along that "probably billions" would be left over?   The Holocaust industry bitterly complained that the German and Swiss settlements allotted only meager sums for survivors.  It is unclear why the "probably billions" couldn't be used to supplement these allocations.

Predictably, Holocaust survivors reacted with rage.  (None was present at the Foundation's creation.) "Who authorized these organizations to decide," a survivor newsletter angrily editorialized, "that the `leftovers' (in the billions), obtained in the name of Shoah victims, should be used for their pet projects instead of helping ALL holocaust survivors with their mounting health-care expenses?" Confronted with this barrage of negative publicity, the WJC did an abrupt about-face.  The $9 billion figure was "a bit misleading," Steinberg subsequently protested.  He also claimed that the Foundation had "no cash and no plan for allocating funds," and the purpose of the Holocaust banquet was not to celebrate the Foundation's endowment from Holocaust compensation monies but rather to raise funds for it.  Elderly Jewish survivors, not consulted in advance of, let alone invited to, the "star-studded gala" at the Pierre Hotel, picketed outside.

Among those honored inside the Pierre was President Clinton, who movingly recalled that the United States stood in the forefront of "facing up to an ugly past":  "I have been to Native American reservations and acknowledged that the treaties we signed were neither fair nor honorably kept in many cases.  I went to Africa...and acknowledged the responsibility of the United States in buying people into slavery.  This is a hard business, struggling to find our core of humanity."  Notably absent in all these instances of  "hard business" were reparations in hard currency. (2)

On 11 September 2000 the "Special Master's Proposed Plan of Allocation and Distribution of Settlement Proceeds" from the Swiss banks litigation was finally released (hereafter: Gribetz Plan). (3)  Publication of the Plan -  more than two years in the making - was timed not for the "needy Holocaust victims dying everyday" but  the Holocaust gala that same night.  Burt Neuborne, lead counsel for the Holocaust industry in the Swiss banks affair and "the most vocal supporter of the distribution plan" (New York Times), praised the document as "meticulously researched ... painstaking and sensitive." (4)  Indeed, it seemed to belie pervasive fears that the monies would be misappropriated by Jewish organizations.  The Forward typically reported that "the distribution plan...proposes that more than 90% of the Swiss monies be paid directly to survivors and their heirs." Protesting that "the World Jewish Congress has never asked for a penny, will never take a penny and does not accept restitution funds," Elan Steinberg piously acclaimed the Gribetz Plan as an "extraordinarily intelligent and compassionate document." (5)  Intelligent it surely was, but hardly compassionate.  For  hidden in the details of the Gribetz Plan is the devilish reality that probably but a small fraction of the Swiss monies will be paid directly to Holocaust survivors and their heirs.  Before considering this, however, it bears notice that the Plan conclusively, if unwittingly, demonstrates that the Holocaust industry blackmailed Switzerland. (6)

Readers will recall that in May 1996 the Swiss banks formally consented to a comprehensive, external audit - "the most extensive audit in history" (Judge Korman) -  in order to settle all outstanding claims by Holocaust survivors and their heirs. (7)  Before the audit committee (chaired by Paul Volcker), even had an opportunity to meet, however, the Holocaust industry pressed for a  financial settlement.   Two pretexts were adduced to preempt the Volcker Committee: 1.  the Committee couldn't be trusted, 2. needy Holocaust victims couldn't wait for the Committee's findings.  The Gribetz Plan demolishes both pretexts.

In June 1997, Burt Neuborne submitted a "Memorandum of Law" justifying preemption of the Volcker Committee.   Against all evidence and with remarkable effrontery, Neuborne dismissed the Committee as a Swiss initiative  to deflect criticism into a "private mediation effort that is sponsored, paid for and designed by the defendants." (8)   It bears notice that Neuborne even held against the Swiss bankers that they footed the $500 million bill for the unprecedented audit imposed on them.   In August 1998 the Holocaust industry successfully forced a non-recoupable $1.25 billion settlement on the Swiss before the Volcker Committee completed its work. (9)  Although the pretext for this settlement was that the Volcker Committee couldn't be trusted, the Gribetz Plan heaps praise on the Committee and emphasizes that the Committee's findings and mechanism for processing claims ("Claims Resolution Tribunal" -  "CRT") were and continue to be of "vital significance" in distributing the Swiss monies. (10)  The Holocaust industry's enthusiastic reliance on the Committee for distributing the Swiss monies confutes its main pretext for preempting the Committee with a non-recoupable settlement.

In their settlement with the Holocaust industry, the Swiss were compelled not only to pay for  Holocaust-era dormant Jewish accounts, but also to "disgorge the profits" they "knowingly" reaped from the Jewish assets looted, and Jewish slave labor exploited, by the Nazis. (11)  The Gribetz Plan reveals the flimsiness of these charges as well.  It admits that "very few if any" direct links -  let alone direct profitable links or knowingly profitable links - could be established between the Swiss, on the one hand, and looted Jewish assets and Jewish slave labor, on the other.  Indeed, the Plan makes clear that the entire indictment in these classes was built on what was "likely" or "presumed" or "potentially" to be the case. (12)  Finally, Switzerland was compelled to provide  restitution to Jews fleeing Nazism who were denied refuge.  The Gribetz Plan explicitly concedes - if only in a footnote -  the "questionable legal validity" of this claim. (13)  Despite all these admissions, however, the Plan still approvingly quotes that "in a perfectly just world, plaintiffs should have received a far greater sum" than the $1.25 billion extracted from the Swiss. (14)

Apart from the Volcker Committee's alleged partisanship, the Holocaust industry gestured to the mortality of Holocaust survivors to force a non-recoupable settlement on the Swiss.  Time was supposedly of the essence because "needy Holocaust victims" had only a short time left to live.  With the money in hand, however, the Holocaust industry has suddenly discovered that "needy Holocaust victims" aren't dying so rapidly.  Citing a study commissioned by the Jewish Claims Conference, the Gribetz plan reports that "the population of Nazi victims is declining more slowly than previously believed."  Indeed, the Plan purports that "a fairly substantial number of Jewish Nazi victims may live for at least another 20 years and that 30-35 years from now" - that is, some ninety years after the end of World War II - "tens of thousands of Jewish Nazi victims are likely to be alive." (15)   Given the Holocaust industry's track record, it should surprise no one if this revelation is eventually adduced to press yet new compensation demands on Europe.  In the meantime it is already being used to slow the allocation of compensation monies.  Thus the Gribetz Plan recommends that the monies be allocated in small increments over time because "building expectations among needy survivors, only to remove the funding and thus the assistance, would be a great disservice." (16)

During the Swiss banks affair, the Holocaust industry maintained that the average age of a survivor was 73 in Israel and 80 in the rest of the world.  Life expectancy in the three countries where most Holocaust survivors currently reside ranges from 60 (former Soviet Union) to 77 (the United States and Israel). (17)  One might be excused for wondering how it is possible for "tens of thousands" of Holocaust survivors to be alive 35 years from now.  A partial answer is that the Holocaust industry has yet again revised the definition of a Holocaust survivor.  "One of the reasons for this relatively slower decline in the size of the population," the above-mentioned Claims Conference study reports, "is the finding that, using the broad definition, there are many more relatively younger Nazi victims than previously believed." (emphasis added) (18)   Indeed, in a Weimar-like inflation, the Gribetz Plan puts the number of living Holocaust survivors at nearly a million - a four-fold increase from the already extraordinary figure of 250,000 Holocaust survivors reported during the Swiss shakedown. (19)

To manage this actuarial and demographic feat, the Gribetz Plan now deems every Russian Jew who survived World War II to be a Holocaust survivor. (20)  Thus, Russian Jews who fled in advance of the Nazis or served in the Red Army now qualify as Holocaust survivors because they faced torture and death if captured. (21)   Even accepting for argument's sake this truly novel definition of Holocaust survivor, it is unclear why Soviet functionaries who fled in advance of the Nazis or non-Jewish conscripts in the Red Army don't also qualify as Holocaust survivors.  They too faced torture and death if captured.  Indeed, the Plan reports that a Jewish-American serviceman captured by the Nazis was interned in a concentration camp. (22)  Shouldn't every Jewish-American G.I. from World War II count as a Holocaust survivor?   Possibilities abound.  Defending the Gribetz Plan mortality projections for Holocaust survivors, a senior historian for the Holocaust wing of the British Imperial War Museum explained that in a "still broader sense...second and even third generation can be considered" Holocaust victims because "they may suffer from psychiatric disturbances." (23)  It's only a matter of time before the Holocaust industry restores Wilkomirski to grace as a Holocaust survivor since - to quote Yad Vashem Director Israel Gutman - his "pain is authentic."

For the Holocaust industry, this redefinition and upward revision of the figure for Holocaust survivors serves multiple purposes.  Not only does it justify the shakedown of European countries, but it justifies the shakedown of actual Holocaust victims as well.  For years these Holocaust victims have begged the Claims Conference to allocate compensation monies for a health insurance program.  Noting this "thoughtful" proposal in a footnote, the Gribetz Plan laments that the Swiss settlement "would be insufficient" to provide medical insurance for "well over 800,000" Holocaust survivors. (24)

Apart from a trivial sum, the Gribetz Plan earmarks the Swiss monies only for Jewish victims of the Nazi holocaust.  The settlement technically covered every "Victim or Target of Nazi Persecution."  In fact, this seemingly inclusive, "politically correct" designation is a linguistic subterfuge to exclude most non-Jewish victims.  It arbitrarily defines "Victim or Target of Nazi Persecution" to include only Jews, Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals and the disabled or handicapped.   For reasons never explained, other political (e.g., Communists and Socialists) and ethnic (e.g., Poles and Belorussians) persecutees are left out.  These are numerically the larger victim groups; except for Jews, the groups designated "Victim or Target of Nazi Persecution" in the Gribetz Plan are numerically much less significant.  The practical upshot is that almost all the compensation monies will go to Jews.  Thus, the Plan covers 170,000 former Jewish slave-laborers; of fully 1,000,000 non-Jewish former slave laborers, however, only 30,000 of these are deemed to qualify as a "victim or target of Nazi persecution." Likewise, the Plan allocates $90 million for Jewish victims of Nazi plunder but only $10 million for non-Jewish victims.  This division is partly justified on the ground that prior compensation agreements used such a ratio.  Yet the Plan suggests that non-Jewish victims received a disproportionately smaller share of compensation monies in the past.  Shouldn't a just allocation plan redress, not perpetuate, past inequities? (25)

The Gribetz Plan sets aside fully $800 million of the $1.25 billion Swiss settlement to cover valid claims on Holocaust-era dormant accounts.  The Plan's text, annexes and charts run to many hundreds of pages with well over a thousand footnotes.  The singular oddity of the Plan is that it makes no attempt to credibly justify this - the crucial - allocation.   It merely states that, "Based upon his analysis of the Volcker Report and the Final Approval Order, and upon consultation with representatives of the Volcker Committee, the Special Master estimates that the value of all bank accounts that will be repaid is within the range of $800 million." (26)  In fact, this estimate appears wildly inflated.  The actual sum paid out on dormant accounts will probably not come to more than a tiny fraction of the $800 million. (27)  The "residual" monies - that is, what remains of the $800 million after all legitimate claims have been processed - are supposed to be distributed either directly to Holocaust survivors or to Jewish organizations engaged in Holocaust-related activities. (28)  In fact, the residual monies will almost certainly go to Jewish organizations, not only because the Holocaust industry will have the final say, but because they won't be distributed until many years from now, when few actual Holocaust survivors will be alive. (29)

Besides the $800 million for Holocaust-era accounts, the Gribetz Plan allocates some $400 million mainly for the "looted assets," "slave labor," and "refugees" classes.  The Plan enters the crucial caveat, however, that none of these monies will be released until "all appeals in this litigation have been exhausted."  Conceding that the "proposed payments may not commence for some time," the Plan cites a crucial precedent in which the appeals process lasted three and a half years. (30)  For elderly Holocaust survivors this is a no-win and for the Holocaust industry a no-lose situation.  Many Holocaust survivors, appalled by the Gribetz Plan, will undoubtedly want to appeal, but doing so means that few will be around to benefit even if an appeal is sustained.   The  Holocaust industry, already the main beneficiary of the Gribetz Plan, can only gain from an appeals process in which more monies will by default flow into its coffers as survivors die out.   

Once the appeals process is completed, the Gribetz Plan provides for these allocations of the $400 million:
1.  In the "looted assets" class, $90 million is earmarked not for direct payments to Holocaust survivors but for Jewish organizations servicing Holocaust communities "broadly defined."  The largest allocation will go to the Claims Conference, which the Gribetz Plan repeatedly acclaims for its "unmatched expertise in serving the needs of Nazi victims. (31)  The Plan sets aside $10 million for a "Victim List Foundation, the objective of which is to compile and make widely accessible, for research and remembrance, the names of all Victims or Targets of Nazi Persecution."  It recommends that the Foundation start from the "irreplaceable data contained in the Initial Questionnaires" for Holocaust victims.  A typical response in this "irreplaceable data" is that fully one of every six Jewish victims (71,000/430,000) claimed title to a Swiss bank account before World War II.  Did one in six also own a Mercedes and Swiss chalet? (32)
2.  In the "slave labor" class, each of 170,000 Jewish former slave laborers supposedly still alive will receive a token payment in two installments: $500 after the appeals process is completed, and "up to" an additional $500 after all claims on dormant accounts are processed. (33)   In fact, the 170,000 figure is grossly inflated, and it is unlikely that many of the Jewish former slave laborers really still alive will yet be around to collect the first, let alone the second, token payment.  Applications will be processed by the Claims Conference, which - as the main beneficiary of residual compensation monies - will profit from every rejection.
3.  In the "refugee" class, legitimate claimants will receive payments ranging from $250-$2500 in the same two installments as the "slave labor" class. (34)  Based on the "irreplaceable data contained in the Initial Questionnaire," some 17,000 Jews have claimed membership in this class.  It is likely that only a small fraction of these 17,000 will demonstrate a valid claim (the Conference processes applications), and that even fewer will still be around to collect the payments.                    

A close analysis of the Gribetz Plan thus confirms the main arguments in chapter 3 of this book.  It demonstrates that the pretexts invoked by the Holocaust industry to force a non-recoupable settlement on the Swiss banks were false, and that few actual survivors of the Nazi holocaust will directly - or, for that matter, indirectly - benefit from the Swiss monies. A comparable analysis of other Holocaust industry settlements would presumably yield comparable results.   Indeed, buried in the details of the Gribetz Plan is a nest egg for the Holocaust industry.  Most of the Swiss monies probably won't be distributed until after all but a handful of survivors are dead.  With the survivors gone, the monies will pour into the coffers of Jewish organizations.  Small wonder that the Holocaust industry was unanimous in its praise of the Gribetz Plan.

                                                                                      Norman G. Finkelstein
                                                                                      June 2001

1.    For this and the next paragraph, see Joan Gralla, "Holocaust Foundation Set for Restitution Funds," in Reuters (22 August 2000), Michael J. Jordan, "Spending Restitution Money Pits Survivors Against Groups," in Jewish Telegraphic Agency (29 August 2000),  NAHOS (The Newsletter of the National Association of Jewish Child Holocaust Survivors) (1 September 2000, 6 October 2000, and 6 November 2000), Marilyn Henry, "Proposed `Foundation for Jewish People' Has No Cash," in Jerusalem Post (8 September 2000), Joan Gralla, "Battle Brews Over Holocaust Compensation," in Reuters (11 September 2000), Shlomo Shamir, "Government to Set Up New Fund for Holocaust Payments," in Haaretz (12 September 2000), Yair Sheleg, "Burg Honored at Controversial NY Dinner," in Haaretz (12 September 2000), E.J. Kessler, "Hillary the Holocaust Heroine?" in New York Post (12 September 2000), Melissa Radler, "Survivors Get Most of Cash in Shoah Fund," in Forward (17 September 2000), "The WJC Defends Event Panned by Commentary," in Jewish Post (20 September 2000).

2.    "Remarks by The President During Bronfman Gala," Office of The Press Secretary, The White House .  Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, US Department of State (

3.    The plan was formulated by Judah Gribetz, past president of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, and currently member of the board of New York's Museum of Jewish Heritage - A Living Memorial to the Holocaust.  He was appointed  "Special Master" by Judge Edward Korman of New York's Eastern District Court, who presided over the class-action litigation in the Swiss case.  The full plan is posted on  On 22 November 2000 Judge Korman issued a "memorandum and order" that "adopt[s] the Proposed Plan in its entirety." (In re Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation (United States District Court for Eastern District of New York: 22 November 2000), p. 7))

4.    Alan Feuer, "Bitter Fight Is Reignited On Splitting Of Reparations" (New York Times, 21 November 2000).  "Statement of Burt Neuborne" appended to Gribetz Plan.  Judge Korman's "memorandum and order" (see note 3 above) points up the crucial role of Neuborne in deflecting criticism of the Plan (pp. 4, 6).  As lead counsel in the Swiss litigation, Neuborne was credited with contriving the "legal theories" used by the Holocaust industry.

5.    Radler, "Survivors Get Most of Cash in Shoah Fund."

6.    Significantly, Raul Hilberg, the world's leading authority on the Nazi holocaust, has explicitly charged that the World Jewish Congress blackmailed the Swiss: "It was the first time in history that Jews made use of a weapon that can only be described as blackmail."  In a declaration supporting the motion to approve the Swiss settlement, Burt Neuborne, clearly worried by the blackmail allegation ("certain persons may be tempted to mischaracterize legitimate settlement payments as a form of blackmail"), called on Judge Korman to repudiate it, which the Judge dutifully did. ("Holocaust Expert Says Swiss Banks Are Paying Too Much," in Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 28 January 1999; Declaration of Burt Neuborne, Esq. (5 November 1999), para. 8; Edward R.Korman,In re Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation (United States District Court for Eastern District of New York: 26 July 2000), pp. 23-4)

7.    In re Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation, p. 19 (Korman).

8.    Burt Neuborne, "Memorandum of Law Submitted by Plaintiffs in Response to Expert Submissions Filed By Legal Academics Retained by Defendants" (United States District Court for  Eastern District of New York: 16 June 1997), p. 68 (cf. pp. 62-4).  Hereafter: Neuborne Memorandum.

9.    For non-recoverability of the final settlement, see Gribetz Plan, p. 12n18: "It should be noted that no part of the $1.25 billion settlement amount will revert to the defendant banks or to any other Swiss entities."

10.    Gribetz Plan, pp. 11 ("vital significance"), 13-14, 93, 101-4.

11.    Neuborne Memorandum, pp. 3, 6,-7, 11-12, 28-31, 34-5, 43, 47-8.  The memorandum concedes that the Swiss banks would be legally liable only if they "knowingly" profited from the ill-gotten gains of the Nazis: "If one assumes lack of notice on the part of defendant banks, defendants' actions would not give rise to a claim for equitable disgorgement of unjust profits" (p. 34).

12.    Gribetz Plan, pp. 23, 29, 113-14, 118n345, 128-9n371, 145-8, Annex G ("The Looted Assets Class"), pp. G-3, G-43, G-57, Annex H ("Slave Labor Class I"), pp. H-52, H-57-8.

13.    Gribetz Plan, Annex J ("The Refugee Class"), p. J-26n85.  Buried in a footnote we also learn that, according to a leading authority, Seymour J. Rubin, "Switzerland did admit many more refugees, in proportion to its population than any other nation.  This is in contrast to a United States that not only denied entry to the desperate St. Louis refugees, but systematically failed to fill even the limited immigration quota that was available" (p. J-5).  Noting that refugees barred from entering Switzerland during World War II would now receive compensation, Burt Neuborne, in a letter to the Nation magazine, regretted : "I only wish that a similar sanction could be imposed on the United States for its identical refusal to accept desperate refugees from Nazi persecution" (5 October 2000).  Apart from hypocrisy and cowardice, what prevented the Holocaust industry's lead counsel from pressing this claim?

14.    Gribetz Plan, p. 89.  The quote is cited from Judge Korman's Court order granting final approval to the Settlement Agreement.

15.    Gribetz Plan, Annex C ("Demographics of `Victim or Target' Groups"), p. C-13.

16.    Gribetz Plan, pp. 135-6.

17.    Gribetz Plan, Annex C , p. C-12, Annex F ("Social Safety Nets"), p. F-15.

18.    Ukeles Associates Inc., Paper #3 (revised), Projection of the Population of Victims of Nazi Persecution, 2000-2040 (31 May 2000).

19.    Gribetz Plan, p, 9, Annex C, p. C-8, Annex E ("Holocaust Compensation"), pp. E-89 and E-90n282.   The 250,000 figure was used to distribute the monies from the "Special Fund for Needy Victims of the Holocaust" established by the Swiss in February 1997.

20.    Gribetz Plan, Annex C, p. C-7, Table 3.  The Plan concedes in a footnote that "in the former Soviet Union, there are relatively few survivors of the concentration camps, ghettos, or work camps" (Annex E, p. E-56n150).

21.    Gribetz Plan, pp. 122-3, 125, Annex E, p. E-138, Annex F, p. F-4n13

22.    Gribetz Plan, Annex E, p. E-56.

23.    Steve Paulsson, "Re: Survivor Article," posted on http://H-Holocaust@N-Net.MSU.EDU (28 September 2000).

24.    Gribetz Plan, p. 135.  It bears notice that the figure for Holocaust survivors in the original sense also undergoes a radical revision upward in the Gribetz Plan.  The plan states that in the neighborhood of 170,000 former Jewish slave-laborers currently receive pensions from Germany.  (Gribetz Plan, Annex H ("Slave Labor Class I"), pp. H-5-6)  It is estimated that only one in four former Jewish slave-laborers received a German pension.  This would put the total figure for former Jewish slave-laborers still alive today at nearly 700,000, and the total for Jewish slave laborers alive at war's end at 2,800,000.  The standard scholarly figure for Jewish slave-laborers alive at war's end is about 100,000, with perhaps several tens of thousands still alive.

25.    Gribetz Plan, pp. 7, 25-7, 83-4, 118-19, 138-9, 149, 154, and "Summary of Major Holocaust Compensation Programs."  Apart from precedent, the Plan tautologically justifies this distribution "by current demographics, as Jewish victims now constitute the overwhelming proportion of surviving `Victims or Targets of Nazi Persecution' as defined under the Settlement Agreement" (p. 119).  Jews only constitute the "overwhelming proportion" because of how the category "Victims or Targets..." was defined.  For Gypsy reservations to the Plan, see Romani Comments and Objections to the Special Master's Proposed Plan of Allocation and Distribution. (Ramsey Clark et al., In re Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation (United States District Court for Eastern District of New York: November 2000))

26.    Gribetz Plan, p. 15.  The same statement is repeated verbatim on pp. 98-9.

27.    The Volcker Committee recommended publication of the names of some 25,000 accounts having the highest probability of a relationship to victims of Nazi persecution.  The total "fair current value" of 10,000 of these accounts for which some information is available runs to $150-$230 million.  Projecting these estimates on the 25,000 accounts yields $375-$575 million.  To judge by the Claims Resolution Tribunal's prior processing experience, valid claims will be filed against only one-half the 25,000 accounts and one-half the monies in these accounts for a total value of $188-$288 million.   In addition, however, the 25,000 list overwhelmingly comprises not dormant but closed accounts bearing names that match a Holocaust victim.  The Volcker Committee concluded that there is "no evidence of...concerted efforts to divert the funds of victims of Nazi persecution to improper purposes."  Accordingly, the safe assumption is that almost all the closed accounts on the 25,000 list were properly closed by the actual account-holders, rightful heirs, or those with a legitimate and credible power of attorney, and that the CRT will validate only a few claims against these closed accounts.   The total value of validated claims against  the 25,000 accounts will thus likely fall well below even the $188-$288 million estimate that assumed all the accounts were dormant and the claims on half legitimate.  (Gribetz Plan, pp. 94n298, 96-7, 105-6n326; Independent Committee of Eminent Persons, Report on Dormant Accounts of Victims of Nazi Persecution in Swiss Banks [Bern: 1999]), p. 13, para. 41(a))

28.    Gribetz Plan, 12, 19-20.  The Plan states on p. 12 that the "remainder of the Settlement Fund is to be distributed among the other...settlement classes"- i.e., "looted assets," "refugees," and "slave laborers." As shown below, the monies allocated for the "looted assets" class will be paid not to Holocaust survivors directly but rather to Jewish organizations involved in Holocaust work   The Plan further states on pp.19-20 that "it also may be possible to allocate a portion of the remaining Settlement Fund to some of the proposed cultural, memorial or educational projects that have been submitted to the Special Master."

29.    The Plan specifies that distribution of residuals from the $800 million cannot begin until all claims on the 25,000 accounts have been processed.   It took the CRT fully three years to process 10,000 claims on a prior, separate list of 5,600 Swiss accounts.  The Plan reports that many more than 80,000 claims will likely be filed against the list of  25,000.  In addition, the Plan provides that all claims must be checked not only against the published list of 25,000 accounts but against millions of other Swiss accounts bearing no apparent relationship to Holocaust victims.  Thus even if the CRT process is streamlined, it will surely take many years to complete. (Gribetz Plan, pp. 91, 94n299, 105-6n126) Apart from Holocaust victims holding dormant accounts, the Plan makes only vague and narrow  provision for heirs.  (pp. 18-19, and Annex D ("Heirs"))  

30.    Gribetz Plan, pp. 16-17.

31.    Gribetz Plan, pp. 25-6, 120-1, 119-38.  

32.    Gribetz Plan, pp. 18, 27, 116, Annex C, p. C-10, Exhibit 3 to Annex C, p. 1.  (The "Initial Questionnaires" were distributed to "Victims and Targets of Nazi Persecution" after Judge Korman approved the Swiss settlement.)  Dismissing the extravagant claims of the Holocaust industry against the Swiss banks, Raul Hilberg, who fled Austria as a child with his parents, recalled in a recent interview: "In the 1930s, Jews were poor.  My family belonged to the middle class, but we did not have a bank account in Austria, let alone in Switzerland."  (Berliner Zeitung, 4 September 2000)

33.    Gribetz Plan, pp. 29-31, 154-6.

34.    Gribetz Plan, pp. 35-9, 172-5.
Prof. Norman Finkelstein, THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY , 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaVampire Killers
Israel Shamir on The Holocaust Industry

[Note: Israel Shamir is an Israeli writer and journalist]


By Israel Shamir

Folk stories about vampires provide readers with various remedies to the calamity of a ghoulish attack. A fistful of graveyard dirt is favoured, garlic is beneficial, and the cross is most efficient. But these remedies don't always work. In Roman Polansky's hilarious horror comedy, The Fearless Vampire Killers, the hero tries to scare off a Jewish vampire by a sign of the cross. The Jew smiles at him  with a kind understanding smile, straight from Fiddler on the Roof, and bares his fangs. The cross does not ward him off. Polansky's work comes to mind as I follow the new wave of Holocaust controversies. The 'revisionist historians', who are considered by their
adversaries to be 'Holocaust deniers', are currently meeting in Beirut to compare their notes on Nazi genocide. The American Jewish establishment, including the Zionist Organization of America and the Anti-Defamation League, has demanded a ban on the conference. The ZOA is not against revisionism as such. This organization
pioneered the art of denying history and published, at the expense of American taxpayer, a booklet called 'Deir Yassin: History of a Lie'.

Deir Yassin was a peaceful village the Jewish terrorist groups Etzel and Lehi attacked on the 9th of April 1948, and massacred its men, women and children. I do not want to repeat the gory tale of sliced off ears, gutted bellies, raped women, torched men, bodies dumped in stone quarries or the triumphal parade of the murderers. Existentially, all massacres are similar, from Babi Yar to Chain Gang to Deir Yassin.

ZOA revisionists have utilized all the methods of their adversaries, the 'deniers': they discount the eye-witness accounts of the survivors, the Red Cross, the British police, Jewish scouts andother Jewish observers, who were present at the scene of massacre. They discount even Ben Gurion's apology, since after all, the commanders of these gangs became in their turn prime ministers of the Jewish state. For ZOA, only the testimony of the murderers has any validity. That is, if the murderers are Jews.

If the Jews are the victims, these same American Zionist organizations spare no effort in challenging revisionism. This morally dubious position was no doubt of great comfort to those who gathered in Beirut. By their flawed logic, if the Israelis are
telling a tall tale about what happened in 1948, perhaps the Jewish memories of the Holocaust are also flawed. It is misplaced energy. Sure, they scored a few hits, and the tales of soap manufactured from human fat or Wiesel's fiery furnaces were laid to rest. But these Revisionists also question the actual number of Jewish victims. If only a thousand Jews or Gypsies were murdered by the Nazis, it was a thousand too many. It is hardly an important issue, as the very definition of victim is based on interpretation.

A good example of "victim definition" was provided in last weekend's Haaretz. When the Gulf war ended in 1991, there was one reported Israeli victim of the war. Today, there are officially one hundred Israelis who are recognized as victims of the Gulf war, and their dependents receive a pension at Iraqi expense. Some of the victims died of stress, some could not remove their gas masks and suffocated. The Haaretz article asserted that many more claims were declined by the Israeli authorities. That is why Michael Elkins, the ex-BBC Jerusalem correspondent and an Israeli citizen is correct in arguing that the number of victims, whether there were six or three million dead is not an issue.

The 'revisionists' risked their lives and fortunes trying to undermine what they call 'the Myth of the Holocaust'. One can understand their interest. Nowadays, one may openly doubt the Immaculate Conception or (maybe) challenge the founding myths of Israel. Yet the cult of the Holocaust retains a unique, court-enforced prohibition against any investigation that might cast a doubt on its sacred
Dogmas have a way of attracting critical minds. Still, behind this red muleta, the charging bull's horns meet thin air. The arguments on gas chambers and soap
production could be very interesting, but they are quite irrelevant.Where then is the matador?

A courageous step was taken by Dr Norman Finkelstein in his best-selling expose "The Holocaust Industry". There is, however, an important distinction between Dr Finkelstein and the 'revisionist historians' gathered in Beirut. Dr Finkelstein, a son of holocaust survivors, stayed away from the possibly illegal statistical controversy and
concentrated on the ideological construct of the Holocaust cult.

A fat lot of good it did him. A Jewish organization called 'Lawyers without Borders' has already sued him in France. These lawyers were at perfect peace, when the Israeli legal machine pronounced a six months probationary sentence on a Jewish murderer of a Gentile child. They did not move a finger when a 15-year-old girl Suad was placed in solitary confinement, refused legal aid and subjected to mental torture. They are visibly absent from Israeli military courts where a single Jewish officer can mete out long imprisonment sentence to a Gentile civilian based on undisclosed evidence. Apparently, these lawyers are aware of certain borders.

Finkelstein set out to explore the secret of our discrete Jewish charm, a charm that opens American hearts and the coffers of Swiss bankers. His conclusion is that we do it by appealing to European and American guilt feelings. "The Holocaust[1] has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through its deployment, one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, has cast itself as a victim state, and the most successful ethnic group in the US has acquired victim status". Finkelstein carries out a brilliant analysis of the Holocaust cult, and comes to a startling discovery: it is but a shabby construct of a few clichés stitched together by the sorrowful voice of Elie Wiesel in a limo.

Finkelstein is not aware of the magnitude of his discovery, as he still believes that the Holocaust cult is a great concept, second only to the invention of the wheel. It solved the eternal problem of the rich and influential, warding off the envy and hate of the poor and exploited. It allowed Mark Rich and other swindlers to cheat and steal, it allowed the Israeli army to murder children and starve women with impunity. His opinion is shared by many Israelis. Ari Shavit, a well-known Haaretz writer, expressed it best in 1996, when the Israeli Army killed over a hundred civilian refugees in Kana, Lebanon: "We may murder with impunity, because the Holocaust museum is on our side". Boaz Evron, Tom Segev and other Israeli writers have articulated the same notion.

One can sum up the thesis of Dr Finkelstein as follows. The Jews succeeded to square the circle, and solved the problem that befuddled aristocracy and the run of the mill millionaires. Namely, they disarmed their opponents by appealing to their compassion and guilt feeling.

I admire Dr Finkelstein for his continued belief in the good heart of his fellow Man. I trust he also believes in fairies. In my own estimate, compassion and guilt feelings can maybe get you a free bowl of soup. Not uncounted billions of dollars. Dr Finkelstein is not blind. He noticed that the Gypsies, another victim of the Nazis, received next to nothing from a 'compassionate' Germany. The capacity of Americans to feel collective guilt towards their Vietnamese victims (5 million killed, one million widows, Coventry-style destruction laced with Agent Orange) was recently expressed by Defence Secretary William Cohen: 'There is no place for apology (let alone compensation). A war is a war'. Despite having all the facts at his disposal, Dr Finkelstein grasps his cross and tries to frighten the vampire away.

What is the source of power that fuels the Holocaust Industry? This is no idle or theoretical question. The making of yet another Palestinian tragedy is now in high gear, with the slow strangulation of its cities. Every day, a tree is uprooted, a house is
demolished, a child is murdered. In Jerusalem, the Jews celebrated Purim by  a pogrom of Gentiles, and it made page six in the local papers. In Hebron, the Kahane boys celebrated Purim at the tomb of the mass murderer Goldstein. 
This is no time to pussyfoot.

In The Sirens, Bloom expresses the feelings of his creator James Joyce towards the bloody concept of Irish liberation by farting at the epitaph of an Irish freedom fighter. My grandparents, my aunts and uncles died in the WWII. But I swear by their memory, if I thought that guilt feelings over the Holocaust cult caused the death of a single Palestinian child, I would turn the Holocaust memorial  into a public urinaire.

The shabbiness of the Holocaust cult and the ease of its victories in sucking billions is solid proof of the real power behind this industry. This power is obscure, unseen, ineffable, but quite real.It is not a power derived from the Holocaust, but rather, the Holocaust cult is a display of raw muscle by those who wield real power. That is why all efforts of the revisionists are doomed. The people, who promote the cult, could promote anything, as they dominate all public discourse. The Holocaust cult is just a small manifestation of their abilities. This power would just smile in the face of Dr Finkelstein's revelations.

[1] Dr Finkelstein distinguishes between Ťholocaust", the historical event, and The Holocaust, the ideological construct. I took the liberty to rename it "the Holocaust cult" in the interests of lucidity.
Israel Shamir, Vampire Killers, 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaWe, the Pigs
by Krystian Brodacki

Tons of paper have been covered with print in Gazeta Wyborcza (28th April 2001) by Lawrence Wescher, the journalist from The New Yorker, in order to prove that the author of comics-book "Maus" Art Spegelman is an artist full of the best intentions.
Spiegelman, the son of Jewish emigrants from Poland, who had been lucky to survive Auschwitz and who then managed to rebuild their live in USA, has been growing up overshadowed by Holocaust. He couldn't stand that atmosphere of his home, so he left it when he was 18 and went for flower-power life. However the day has come when the memory came back to him and beset him so strongly that he had to react it somehow — that's how he got to the idea of "Maus": the comics dealing with Holocaust, in which the people would be pictured as the animals. Comics made a big success, it has been translated into twenty languages and became a bestseller, also in Germany where it purportedly has been recommended to be read in schools. And only Poland was waiting to be attached to this chain of success. And here it comes: some years have passed and comics "Maus" is being published also in this country. But here a case arises...
While the Jews are pictured by Spiegelman as mice, the Germans as cats and the Americans as dogs, Polish people are pig-faces!
They could feel somehow offended so there is a need to show that the author had nothing wrong on his mind when creating in his comics Polish pigs... And the Spiegelman justification goes like this: "The main feature of pigs is that they don't actually belong to a metaphorical alimentary chain prevailing in the story. The mice are eaten by cats, but the pigs - they are not. From the mice point of view the pigs are rather of no danger to them". Furthermore he says: "in American comics tradition the pigs don't evoke any negative connotations". And finally: "Hitlerite used to tell of Jewish as the "bugs", which they were going to exterminate" while the Poles were called pigs by them. But "that was not me who established that metaphor (...) I only wanted to try it, to treat it seriously, to confuse it and deconstruct". What is the reason to feel offended then?
Mister Spiegelman would rather expect that "some Pole be angry with me for showing Jewish as mice".
Mister Weschler and Mister Spiegelman, why do you treat your Polish readers as if they were fools?
The pigs are of the reputation of rather intelligent creatures after all! Why should we feel offended for mice? In American tradition, as well as in Polish one, they don't evoke any disgust; the term "bugs" is reserved for insects such as louses, bed-bugs, fleas and cockroaches. Though mice had eaten our king Popiel still it is only a legend of ours. Though in our kid song "princess was eaten by mice" (alimentary chain!), but this princess was made of marzipan. And in some poem (also for kids) we can read: "little mouse emerged from its burrow, its eyes shining like the beads". It's cute, isn't it? Cats are mice murderers. That's true.
But I can guarantee that, dear Sirs: in Polish tradition (and in American one as well) cats are likable creatures: they have nice furs, they purr and they evoke respect for they are independent, wise animals, they do go their own ways — not like dogs which are enslaved by their faithfulness. You surely know illustrator Jim Davis, who made cat, called Garfield, a hero of his comics — this cat is intelligent, smart, taking the things a little bit ironically. Garfield is so fine! We often call our kids "kitties" and our beloved girl is also a "pussy-cat". Therefore there is no wonder that Germans liked "Maus" so much, Mister Spiegelman! The fact that they could also find the polnische Schweine in your story was surely one more pleasant thing for them and no one of them felt offended for that, that’s for sure.
But why do you lie saying that in America the pigs are of no negative connotations?
Is the word "pigs" written by members of Manson Family on the wall of Romanski's house a proof for that? As far as Poland is concerned we do know and like little pig from "Winnie the Pooh" and we like a TV "pig of high class", but still - right or wrong - the whole connotation about the pig is decidedly bad. During the German occupation we used to say "Only pigs go to the movie". During the time of communist regime in Poland there was such a joke: De Gaulle, Khrushchev and Kennedy made a bet, who from them would stay longer in pigsty. And Khrushchev won: he was staying up there so long that finally the pig couldn't stand him any more and rushed from pigsty...
If I said, that as to us you behaved like a swine producing comics "Maus" (in German language it is called "Schweirerei"), would you take it as a compliment? Or what if I told you that you made a pig out of you by doing what you’d done? Or if I transformed your name into "Pigelman"?
It is sad and it's a shame that somebody in Poland was ready to publish - for his own profit only - a book which is popularizing stereotype of Poles as pigs and of Poland as pigsty worldwide. Mister Spiegelman hit the nail on the head: he couldn't offer better gift for the haters of Poles from American Diaspora. And he made good money out of Holocaust by the way...
Krystian Brodacki
Translated by (stu-born)
Krystian Brodacki, , 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaWhy blame us?
The story of a ship

  Below is a story of one ship that sailed from port to port, and no government wanted to accept 937 Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. Pretty gruesome story,  if one takes into consideration the circumstances that surround this voyage of the doomed.
Yet for people like Israel Singer, Gross, Shamir and company it seems to be of no relevance. Like it never happened. Why Shamir doesn't talk about Cubans or Americans sucking their anti-Semitism with the milk of their mothers?
Why Singer doesn't threaten them with the economic sanctions and public attacks and humiliation in the international forum, the same as he threatened Poland?
Why Gross doesn't write the book about it? At least such book would be factual, not a deceitful fabrication. Maybe Cuba or the USA could spare some money as a compensation for W.J.C.?

Why did they singled out Poland and the Poles as the object of their relentless propaganda of hate?
Here is the story:
On May 13, 1939 the SS St. Louis set sail from Hamburg for Havana. On board were 937 Jewish refugees fleeing persecution from Nazi Germany after the horror of Kristallnacht, the pogrom of shop-burning and mass arrests the previous November. Each passenger carried a valid visa for temporary entry into Cuba. It was one of the last ships to leave Nazi Germany before Europe was engulfed in war.

As the boat approached Havana, the Cuban government declared the visas invalid and refused entry to the passengers. Subsequent negotiations with the Cuban government to permit the landing ended in failure. Similar attempts to seek entry to the United States also brought no respite. The United States, as the St. Louis steamed along its southern coast, refused to let the ship dock, in keeping with its straitjacket of a refugee policy, which would only tighten as the war progressed. After waiting 12 days in the port of Havana and off the Miami coast, the boat was forced to return to Europe.

Four weeks to the day after the St. Louis had set sail from Hamburg, the Belgian King and Prime Minister agreed that 200 passengers could land in Belgium. Within a further three days on June 13 the British, French and Dutch governments each agreed to grant temporary asylum for the refugees until homes in other countries could be found. The ship docked in Antwerp and the passengers were dispersed to their various destinations.

Following the German invasion of Europe, many of the former St. Louis passengers found themselves under Nazi rule and did not survive the Holocaust. Most of the survivors were to be found amongst the contingent who were granted refuge in Great Britain.
, , 0000-00-00

nasza witryna"Jews in Poland"
by Prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

Pro-German Zionists formed the Zionist Association for Germany in 1897 and elected as its president Max I. Bodenheimer (1865-1940), who served until 1910. In 1902 Bodenheimer wrote a memorandum to the German Foreign Ministry in which he claimed that Yiddish, spoken by millions of East European Jews, who lived in the provinces annexed from Poland by Russia and Austria, was "a popular German dialect," and that these Jews were well disposed to Germany by linguistic affinity. Bodenheimer stated that Zionism was currently controlled by pro-German leaders, and that Germany's support for Zionist goals would be a boon to German ambitions in the Near East and would earn the gratitude of the entire Jewish people. "The influence of Jewry in foreign lands would accrue to the benefit of Germany..."

On Aug. 11, 1914, Bodenheimer submitted another memorandum to the German Foreign Ministry on the "concurrence of German and Jewish interests in the World War." On Aug. 17, 1914, the German Committee for Freeing of Russian Jews was founded by German Zionists including Max Bodenheimer, Franz Oppenheimer (1864-1943), Adolf Friedmann (1871-1933) and Russian Zionist Leo Motzkin (1867-1933). The German Foreign Ministry supported the founding of the new committee.

In Sept. 1914 the German Committee for Freeing of Russian Jews sent voluminous documentation about the Eastern Jews to the German Foreign Ministry and proposed establishment of a "buffer state" within the Jewish Pale of Settlement, composed of the former Polish provinces annexed by Russia. The new committee warned against the resurrection of a Polish national state and the danger of the Polish irredentist movement in the territories annexed from Poland by Germany and Austria. Thus, the Poles were the group to benefit the least from the establishment of the proposed new German protectorate.

The new buffer state was to have been dominated by some six million Jewish inhabitants, while other nationalities would counterbalance each other. The Jews would be most important because of their distribution, control of trade, and high literacy. Hatred of Russia and fear of other national groups in the buffer state would make them dependent on German protection and support. The new buffer state was to be a monarchy under a Hohenzollern prince from Berlin. Lublin was to be its capital because it was the seat of the autonomous Jewish national parliament, the Congressus Judaicus, before the partitions of Poland.

The population of some 30 million of the proposed buffer state or "Lublin Monarchy," was to be composed of autonomous groups of 6 million Jews, 8 million Poles, 11 million Ukrainians and Byelorussians, 31/2 million Lithuanians and Latvians, and under 1/2 million Baltic Germans. The official language, culture, and the officers' corps of the new monarchy was to be German.

Major Bogdan Hutten-Czapski, a "Polish-German" from Posen (Poznan) who was serving in the German General Staff, was assigned to evaluate the proposal for the new buffer state as a part of his task to encourage revolutionary and nationalist movements among the diverse ethnic groups which inhabited the former Polish provinces annexed by Russia in 1772-1795. On Hutten-Czapski's recommendation the proposal was rejected as utterly unrealistic. Eventually, the World Zionist Organization separated itself from the proposal. Jewish philosopher and defender of the Eastern Jews, Martin Buber (1878-1965), at first supported the proposal for the Lublin state. Later he withdrew his support from the idea of a "Jewish state with cannons, flags, and military decorations." One of Buber's associates, Julius Berger, wrote that the whole proposal of the Jewish buffer state verged on criminal irresponsibility and that it was the product of an irresponsible political dilettantism, which resulted in an increase of negative attitudes of Poles towards the Jews. Berger felt that antagonizing the Poles was dangerous in view of the fact that nobody could predict who would control the politics of Poland after the war.

Bodenheimer and Oppenheimer were given a promise from Paul von Hindenburg (1847-1934) and E.F.W. Ludendorf (1865-1937) that German Jews would be used as trustees of the German military and civilian authorities in the occupied territories populated by Eastern Jews. The name of the Committee for Freeing of Russian Jews was changed to the Committee for Eastern Affairs. Even in this new form, the committee did not succeed in representing all German and Austrian Jews. However, after 1916, the committee acted as an anti-Polish pressure group in Berlin and kept on stressing the common interests of Jews and Germans in Poland. Oppenheimer, embittered by disagreements with other Zionists, told his audience, "We are Germans to the last drop of blood."

Martin Buber wrote in Der Jude (a monthly magazine) in the fall of 1917 that the Germans were losing importance for the Eastern Jews and that many Poles, who might be left in control, saw Jews as "parasites and uninvited guests, who sooner or later must leave Poland."

The idea of a Jewish Lublin state was used in German propaganda in the most sinister way during World War II. For example, of the 70,000 Jews delivered by the Vichy French to the Germans, many bought first class railroad tickets to travel from France to the "Jewish Lublin State" for re-settlement there. All of these people were murdered in Treblinka and in the vicinity of Lublin, where the Germans organized an extermination camp in Majdanek; there alone, in 1941-1944, some 200,000 Jews and 160,000 other Europeans, mainly Poles, were murdered. Max Bodenheimer died in 1940 in Palestine, a refugee from Germany.

The Lublin Monarchy - 1914
Prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, , 0000-00-00

nasza witrynaJudeo - Polonia

  Judeo – Polonia and Lublinland
The subject of Judeo - Polonia is not widely known in the Polish society, and probably totally unknown in other countries.
In Poland under the communist rule any knowledge on the subject of Judeo - Polonia was suppressed by the censorship and never mentioned, and during Stalinist oppression probably any mentioning of it was punishable by at least prison sentence.
Nevertheless, that something is not widely spoken about, or is not a part of the school curriculum, doesn't mean that it didn't exist.
Lets look at the following historical facts:
In October 1918, Zionist Proclamation of Copenhagen stated its demands:
1. Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
2. Full emancipation of the Jews in all countries.
3. Cultural, social, and political autonomy of the Jews in all countries of Jewish Diaspora.
On the 11th of November 1918, Independent Poland was resurrected. The Poles, between 1918 and 1922 fought six concurrent wars on the borders of Poland. Poland's borders were then defined. And Poles paid dearly for it. With their own blood.
On the 12th of November 1918, Zionists demanded a separate Jewish constitution, a Jewish national government including a secretary of state, and a formal Jewish state in Poland.
And this was supposed to be called Judeo - Polonia. Not many Poles are aware that in the first 20 years of the XX century Poland had not only to deal with the partitioning powers and Bolsheviks, but also there was an internal enemy, an enemy who with all its powers opposed establishing of the independent Polish State.
During the last years of WWI Polish, Ukrainian and Lithuanian Jews strongly opposed the rebirth of independent Poland, and instead demanded establishment of the independent Jewish State in the region of Lublin, with the city of Lublin becoming it's capital on the grounds that it was a place of residence of the Jewish Waad (parliament), during the First Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita Szlachecka).
Such a monster established on the Polish land was an idea of the Russian Jew from Odessa, publicist and Zionist leader, Wlodzimierz Zabotynski (Vladimir Jabotinski, Zeev Yabotinsky, Jabotynsky), who was the first to use the term Judeo - Polonia.
On the German side, in 1914 the German Committee for Freedom of the Russian Jews (Deutschen Komittee zur Befreiung der russischen Juden) also proposed the project of Judeo - Polonia. (Piotr Wrobel Wiez VII-VIII 1986). The Committee was warning Germany against re-establishing of the Polish Independent State, but suggested creation of the so-called "buffer state" on the Polish lands under the Russian occupation. Ethnic composition of such a creation was supposed to be: 6mln. Jews, 1.8mln. Germans, 8mln. Poles, 5-6mln. Ukrainians, 4mln. Belorussians and 3.5mln. of Latvians and Lithuanians.
The King of this State supposed to be someone from the House of Hohenzollern, German language would be an official language (Yiddish is just a "bastardization" of the German language), German officers corps (with the Polish recruits as a "cannon fodder" of course) and the German culture. And of course, the capital of this State would be Lublin.
Poland was very lucky indeed that Germany lost WWI and this German - Jewish plans didn't eventuate. If the Germans won, such plans would be equal to the total annihilation of any thought about Polish independence. The Poles in the Prussian and Austrian partition would be totally isolated and subjected to the germanisation, and Judeo - Polonia would be ruled by the German Jews, the Poles and other nationalities such as Ukrainians and Belo Russians probably reduced to the status of slave labour. Governor Beseler was already assembling "Polnische Wermacht" staffed by the German officers with the Polish recruits, and who was to be this new Judeo - Polonia King from the House of Hohenzollern? We don't know. But the plans were there, in the stage of implementation, and were only stopped by the defeat of Germany.
Now, I think that I can be excused for drawing a parallel between the situation as described above and the situation now, in regard to the Jedwabne and an outburst of the anti – Polish propaganda. Both such outburst of propaganda were caused by the non - compliance on the Polish side with the Jewish demands. Creation of Judeo – Polonia then, and issue of the Jewish compensations now.
This century's first most blatant program of Jewish anti-Polonism took place after WWI when the Jews were furious over Poland's resurrection as an independent state. The Jews hoped that the territory of partitioned Poland would eventually be declared their homeland (Judeo-Polonia). When this did not happen they launched an international smear campaign accusing Poland of monstrous anti - Semitic atrocities. These nearly forgotten slanders are now being revived in the connection with the compensation campaign, ie. Jedwabne.
In Versailles, since the January of 1919, Polish - Zionist delegation under the leadership of Sokolow was trying to negotiate with the Polish delegation creation of the Jewish Parliament (sejm), Jewish Government that would represent the Polish Jews in the foreign relations and special ministry in the Polish Government. Shortly, they wanted a State within a State. But of course, the Polish delegation lead then by Ignacy Paderewski didn't agree to such unreasonable demands. (Where are the Poles of such calibre today? Instead of Paderewski, Dmowski or Pilsudski, today we have Kwasniewski, Geremek, Buzek and Bartoszewski)
Then the groundless Jewish accusations and propaganda started.
During these times newly independent Poland was in nearly constant state of war with the Bolsheviks, who were supported by the large (or at least the loudest and most noticeable) part of the Jewish population. So, in the war zone it was rather easy to manufacture proof of the alleged atrocities committed against the Jewish population.
The "New York Herald" published pictures from Kiszyn in Bessarabia under the title "Polish pogroms", American newspapers ran cartoons portraying Poland as bandit holding a knife above the Jewess holding a dead child, "The New York Times" wrote about pogroms in Lvov, Przemysl and Homel. In Filladelfia Jews organized an anti - Polish circus, complete with the coffins and skulls. Under such propaganda the American Congress (senator Colder) passed the resolution condemning Poland for the alleged persecution of it’s Jewish population.
As put by Arthur Koestler, hardly an anti-Semite, in his "Thieves in the Night": "The Jews are the most admirable salesmen in the world, regardless of whether they sell carpets, Marxism, or their pogroms".
Under the pressure of the Jewish groups, who had a great influence on President Wilson, and even greater on Lloyd George (who never had a very friendly predisposition towards Poland in the first place, and during the Polish - Bolshevik war displayed more of the pro - Soviet, than pro-Polish attitude, see "White Eagle, Red Star" N. Davies), in the July of 1919, the Anglo-American Investigating Mission was sent to Poland, to examine the Jewish charges of over 100 pogroms in the course of which between 2500 and 3000 Jews supposedly lost their lives.
An American Jew, Henry Morgenthau, and a British Jew, Sir Stuart M. Samuel headed this Commission. Those could hardly be accused of a bias against the Jewish charges. Yet, after two months of investigation, 13 of July to 13 of September 1919, Commission arrived to the conclusion known as the Morhenthau Report, which could be summarised as follows:
"The word pogrom conveys massacres or excesses against a portion of the population which are either organized or countenanced by the authorities ... Since the Polish authorities could not be held responsible for the excesses committed, these lose the character of pogroms."
As to the "excesses committed", the Commission has determined that the real reason for the Jewish charges was to be found in the fact that " had seemed certain to them that one of the two, the German or the Russian Empire, must win, and that the Jews, who had their money staked on both, were safe, but the despised Poland came in first, and the Jews could hardly believe in its resurrection..."
"At the Armistice, there were therefore Jewish demonstrations against the 'Polish goose', as they termed the newly arisen Polish White Eagle ... "
"They had no more loyalty to Germany or Russia than to Poland. The East Jews are Jews and only Jews..."
And for this reason, they demanded that "Until we can have Palestine as a national home, we want to be organized as a nation in Poland..."
"They want Home Rule, a political and cultural independence in Poland, and a national home in Palestine."
Taking this attitude of the Jews, who have become Polish citizens against their will, into consideration, the Commission came to the conclusion that the "excesses committed" were of a political rather than anti - Semitic character. To boot, far from over 100, there had been only two of them in the territory recognized by the Allies as Poland proper, the so-called Congress Poland: in Kielce, 11 November 1918, and in Czestochowa, 27 May 1919, in the course of which nine Jews lost their lives.
And both were spontaneous outbreaks of violence, occasioned by the Jewish attitude toward the reborn Polish State and "certain malicious German and Russian influence, anxious to prevent foreign financial aid to Poland and using criticism of the Polish State as a weapon to forestall the assistance of the allied and associated powers."
And the report of the Commission continues:
"Some representatives of the Jewish national movement, who have been conspicuously active, refuse to subordinate the Jewish question to the general needs of the Polish State (...)
The voluntary separation of the Jews from Polish interests has thus led to identification of the Jews with anti-Polish elements (...)
The numerical inferiority of the Jews in what is undeniably Poland has at the same time proved no check to their political assertiveness."
Their "political assertiveness" led, among others, to the "outbreak in Kielce on the day of the armistice, November 11, 1918, which the Poles began celebrating with euphoria the moment that the Austrian garrison departed from the city. The Jews, by contrast, called a meeting in support of their own nationalist aim. Contending that they were no Poles of Mosaic confession, but Jews, they demanded a national autonomy.
"The Jewish meeting, which was easily rumoured to be in opposition to Polish national independence, was thus broken up with fatal results to four people and injuries to others before the Polish authorities came into existence to organize a service of security."
In Czestochowa, by contrast, riots broke out after a Jew had shot a Polish officer in the head. But after five Jewish deaths, the Polish military authorities had contained them.
Reported also was a "mob violence" in Kolbuszowa on 27 May, 1919, "which resulted in death on both sides. Embittered by their supposed exploitation by the Jews, the peasants from the surrounding area staged a riot that was soon enough contained by the Polish Army. But not before eight Jews, three peasants, and two Polish soldiers lost their lives ... hardly a pogrom in the proper sense of the word."
The remaining Jewish charges of pogroms were dismissed by the Commission as inapplicable to the conditions existing in a war zone.
"In the course of the Defense of Lwow, Polish soldiers were indeed fired upon by the Jewish militia."
In the course of three days of street fighting in Wilno, thirty-three Polish soldiers lost their lives to the bullets of the Jewish garrison guard. And in Lida, Pinsk, and Minsk the cause of Polish retaliation was found to be "active sympathy with the Bolsheviks by Jews sniping at the [Polish soldiers] during the street fighting". The Commission's conclusion thus was that while the reaction of Polish soldiers might have been excessive, "a military court would have acquitted them as being fully within their rights."
Such was the case history of over 100 pogroms, in the course of which 2,500 to 3,000 Jews supposedly lost their lives – just because they were Jews.
Dismissing the nine Jewish lives lost in Kielce and Czestochowa as a result of neither a pogrom nor the supposed Polish anti-Semitism, the Anglo-American Commission dismissed also the Jewish casualties incurred in the course of military operations in the defence of Lwow and the war with the Soviet Russia. According to the American version, the latter amounted to 234, according to the British estimate, to app. 300.
By adding an innocuous little zero to those numbers, the Jews created a wave of pogroms, meant to shock the world's public opinion to the detriment of the good name of the reborn Polish State and thus placed themselves clearly on the side of its enemies.
Approximately 600 000 Jewish refugees from the Soviet Union settled illegally in Poland, and after 1926, on the Pilsudski's intervention were granted the Polish citizenship. It would appear that we never learn in this regard.
But this was not an end to the idea of Judeo - Polonia. It got revived again during WWII.  And don't forget that the Zionist Federation of Germany sent a memorandum of support to the Nazi Party on June 21, 1933. In it the Federation noted:
"...A rebirth of national life such as is occurring in German life ... must also take place in the Jewish national group.
"On the foundation of the new [Nazi] state which has established the principle of race, we wish so to fit our community into the total structure, so that for us, too, in the sphere assigned to us, fruitful activity for the Fatherland is possible...."[81] Far from repudiating this policy, the World Zionist Organization Congress in 1933 defeated a resolution calling for action against Hitler by a vote of 240 to 43.
Mussolini set up squadrons of the Revisionist Zionist youth movement, Betar, in black shirts in emulation of his own Fascist bands.
When Menachem Begin became chief of Betar, he preferred the brown shirts of the Hitler gangs, a uniform Begin and Betar members wore to all meetings and rallies - at which they greeted each other, opened and closed meetings with the fascist salute.
Here comes the Zionist, Wlodzimierz Zabotynski again
In his book published in London in 1940, (V.Jabotinsky „The Jewish War Front" George Allen & Unwin Ltd.) he wrote:
"It is apparently the intention of the Nazi government to carve out a district around the city of Lublin (...) and to use it for the compulsory settlement of Jews. There is some method in this choice: the Lublin province had the highest percentage of Jews among all provinces of Poland - 42.9% in the towns, 6% in villages, 13% in all. A beginning has already been made in respect of the transportation of Jews to this district. (...)
It is not yet known whether the reservation is intended for all the Jews under the Control of Germany or only for certain sections or categories. (...)
It is quite possible that the Lublin reservation scheme may be abandoned, or that it may develop into something big, or may stop in the middle of this development. What the maximum of this development (if attainable) would be may be gauged from the following computation recently made by the "Manchester Guardian": The Nazis', that newspaper says, ' have not indeed revealed how big the reserve is going to be. If one generously assumes that it covers the whole of the Lublin voivodship it will have an area of 13,000 (?) square miles. Its present population is 2,464,600, of whom 259,500 are Jews. The Jews will stay, but the other inhabitants will have to leave for the Remainder State, for Germany, or for Russia. (...) In their place, it is planned to send (...) Jews. (...) In all, this province (...) would have to support over 3,000,000 people’.
One thing is clear: in making any forecasts of the future of Poland's Jewish problem, the contingency must be very seriously taken into account that there may be found to exist, at the moment of restoration, an area of some importance to which hundreds of thousands of Jews have been transported from other parts of Poland. (...)
What to do with these Jews ? Logically, the reincorporation of the Lublin district into a democratic Poland where all enjoy equal rights can only mean that those hundreds of thousands of Jews would be free to disperse from the congested area and return to their former towns. (...) The correct application of this logical course would, however; threaten at once to upset the balance of economic interests." (Page 80—83).
"In this war the Jewish people should count as one of the Allied nations". (p. 14). "This is the Jews' war as much as Britain's, France and Poland's". (p. 239). "The Jewish war demands are: (...) The Jewish State as a war aim of the Allies". (p. 237). "Our claim is for the full status of an Allied nation". (p. 226)."
But there is one more question left: where the great hero of the Zionist movement envisioned such Jewish State to be created? Lets look once more in his book:
"The essential and vital interest of the Jewish masses in the Zone of Distress(...) demand the recognition of two principles: (...) The second principle is this: The territorial concentration of Jewish emigrants, and above all, no encouragement of their further dispersion as minorities among other peoples. (...) Any sane observer (...) will realize that the only sound policy is to look for some way of allowing these emigrants to create a homeland of their own. Theoretically speaking, there might be one homeland for all, or several homelands. (...) A homeland for the Jews means a land where they would dwell only among Jews, or would at least constitute a majority. (...) Perhaps this does not necessarily imply full political independence; but it certainly implies a very considerable degree of internal sovereignty; above all, it implies the reservation for this purpose of a sufficiently extensive area (or, in theory, several extensive areas) ". (p. 126—127)"
Did Zabotynski envisioned the Lublinland, after the Germany is defeated, as one of the several homelands or several extensive areas?
The German – Jewish plans of establishing the independent Jewish State on the Polish lands are today seldom mentioned in the history of the WWI and WWII. How many Poles do realise how great was this danger that we avoided only by the miracle?
But many Jews can't forget that their plans of creating Judeo - Polonia so miserably failed. And they can't forget our resistance that stoped their dreams.
Could this be one of the reasons that they attack us with their groundless accusations of cooperation with the Nazi Germany?
And maybe another reason for such attacks is an attempt to cover up their own cooperation with the Germans and the Soviets against Poland?
Maybe the reason for the current attack is contained in the words of the Israeli author Moshe Leshem:
"Israelis and American Jews fully agree that the memory of the Holocaust is an indispensable weapon-one that must be used relentlessly against their common enemy...Jewish organizations and individuals thus labor continuously to remind the world of it. In America, the perpetuation of the Holocaust memory is now a $100-million-a-year enterprise, part of which is government-funded." ( Balaam's Curse, p. 228)
Or maybe in the words of Israel Singer, General Secretary of the World Jewish Congress who stated that:
"More than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We are never going to allow this. (...) They're gonna hear from us until Poland freezes over again. If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be "publicly attacked and humiliated" in the international forum."
Krzysztof Janiewicz, , 0000-00-00

1 comment:

  1. The archived old and new versions:
